
Hahaha you made me actually laugh out loud @atmosblack I think the commitment issues are very vocal here, I mean I'm not trying to hide them at all ;) I guess I'm committed to being uncommitted? Does that count? ;)

As someone being over-commited and feeling responsible for the whole of humanity in a boddhisattva way, I realized, that I was already committed into following you before I wrote the comment above. This also speaks for itself. 😀
I guess, I'm just curious to find out, how life on the other side of the rainbow looks like and so far I like it and I can't look away - I don't want to come up with the analogy of being unable to look away from a traffic accident - damn, I did it... ok, before I say things even worse, I applaud you and cheer you on! Go girl! Yeah! 😀

Haha well despite my rebellion against people who wanna tell me what to do with my life, in a way I do relate to you. I find the whole responsibility for humanity kind of buried deep inside thus my passion to try to inspire change and make the world a happier place ;)

You are really funny! That's twice now I've actually laughed at my screen like a lunatic! Most people just type 'lol' and move on. Not this girl when you're around apparently! I don't know that I feel great about laughing at the analogy... I'm hoping the laughter was a response to how you went about it. Let's go with that :)

Hmmmm.... I like that you're captivated by my freeness and reckless writing here but let's hope this is a little less horrific, more fun than your morbid example <3

I've got cool drones videos and stuff to show you what I do when I'm not doing that regular thing my dad wants me to do so bad =D I'm looking forward to having you cross that rainbow @atmosblack this is gunna be fun!

Well, thank you, it's my pleasure to make you laugh. I'm totally looking forward to the bird-view of your life beyond any borders!

Actually, if you would ask my parents, they would also tell you, that I'm so totally not doing what they tell me to do. Some weeks ago, my mother called me and told me, that she has now discovered her power of creating her life through asking the universe for what she wants. That's quite an esoteric thought for my mother, if you'd know her. Who knew...

So she recommended me, to try this "cosmic ordering", which of course is nothing new for me, but doesn't work - at least for me.
I told her, that obviously I'm some kind of cosmic abnormally in the universe, because the Law of Attraction doesn't work for me this way in my life.
She was quite for a moment - also something ver unusual for her - and then stuttered: "Yes... now as you say it... I really seem to make the law of attraction work, with you being the only exception! You are never doing, what I say!"
"Well..." I said, "there you have it! This universal law fails here in an epic way! Think about that...Good talk!"

I guess, she will never again talk about this with me again. Lesson learned...
So you see, dear @heart-to-heart, we may not be that different at all and maybe soon I'll see, that your end of the rainbow is my end of the rainbow. Much Love! ❤️

You're going to get it so stay tuned ;) 💖

OK, so first of all silly, this is what I told my dad... the belief that it doesn't work for you is exactly why it isn't working for you! You have to put it out there and let it go without attachment ;) I am willing to bet there is some thoughts holding you back however your mom's reaction is more funny so let's go with that! 💖

I love the rebel in you! I have it too, I'm happy to find where our ends meet 💖

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