How to really Use your Spare time.
A key to proper utilization of our time might well be acquiring a better conception of the nature of time.
People tend to believe that they would do a whole lot more if they 'only has the time'
It often takes special moments of insight to comprehend the implications of things we fleetingly focus on, without integrating the ideas with our lives as we live them from day to day. I figure that the ideas on this subject are seldom fully appreciated and deserve some serious consideration.
The truth is everyone lives exactly 24 hours a day or 168 hours each week. Everyone has the same amount of time.
Yet there are those who do a great deal with their time, generating vast amounts of income and or exerting great influence on the entire population of our planet or their country or a cross section of people, while there are those of us who do amost nothing but what is required to suvive from day to day.
While there are many factors which influence one's capacity for impact on the world around us, an understanding of the value of time and an appropriate application of such insight to chosing how we use our time is extremely important to the progress, hapiness and eficacy of every individual in their quest to obtain their objectives.
Having touched on the subject of objectives, it may be said that time can hardly be used effectively without objectives.
So the first thing to consider is the value of time and many a great thinker has determined that there is truly nothing more valuable in our possession than the time we have left, since without it, nothing else is of any value at all.
For those who believe that life does not end at death this may be even more pertinent since this life is the time for us to prepare for that time, while for those poor souls who believe no such thing, well then this is all you have.
If you consider a highly efficient multitasker, like a juggler, the precise timing involved is clearly a skill which has taken a great deal of time and effort to attain that level of perfection.
If time is our most important possession then we aught to devote such time and effort to learning how best to utilize it and to modifying our behavior so as to effectively slice out time into highly rewarding portions which provide happiness to us through those we serve.
All progress is built on effort and alll effort requires time. Our best efforts provide our greatest potential rewards and cannot be achieved without effective time management.
The upshot of this thinking is an obligation to ourselves, to make this aspect of our lives a really strong character trait, so that we may spread the most joy and advantage in all places we find occasion to tarry.
Here is a link I dug up to provide some impetus to my rambling as the person presenting these similar ideas has earned her place on the TED stage, which should make her worth hearing.
Images from Pixabay
How people spend their free time can actually have a big impact on their success. Since, everyone works differently, and it total depends on your likes dislikes, your working style, your lifestyle, and what's on your to-do list.
That is so true. Time may be the most valuable thing we have!
love this post!
Hilarious LOL
where is the philosophy?
Truthfully, time is the only resource we can never get back. And as you point out, it’s the great equalizer- no matter how rich or poor you are, you live for exactly 24 hours/day except the day you’re born and the day you die.
It makes me wonder how much of our time is worth investing into getting better, learning skills, etc vs enjoying what we already have. It’d be such a waste to spend our whole lives working and earning if it only means we can die rich.
True happiness lies not in time wasting, not in selfishly enjoying what we have without paying our due for this wonderful life to the legacy of foundational development which facilitated our existence, not in material riches, not in physical attributes like beauty, but in the rewards which come from improving the lives of others.
Without purpose we fade and fast.
Purpose is not found in self to the exclusion of others but through serving others. Our partners, children, community, the planet and for those who believe, above all, our God and His plan for our future.
Almost without exception, those who are about to leave this world, having the chance to reflect, regret the time they did not spend with those they live, opportunities they did not facilitate and joy they did not spread.
So true!
Strangely enough, with all my years in this world, I have never woken up in the morning with a desire to go stand in a queue?
Setting goals is definitely the key to better time utilisation.
I've really took my time and read into this post @graviton. Amazing to see how you can spend your free time and develop it into something well worth doing by setting goals and achieving it!!
I’ve been trying to get myself together with setting goals and managing my time properly for years and over that amount of time I’ve gotten slightly better but I love how this post just touches on the positive side A little bit more motivation
What we spend our time on is what we value, I think some people lose sight of that and think they have to spend their time doing something, or deserve to spend their time relaxing after work, but everything we do leads to something so if we aren't putting forth effort we will probably end up stuck where we are, which could be good or bad, usually I like change though.
Sometimes we don't get to use our time on what we want, most of us work most of the day and have other responsibilities to boot, doesn't mean we can' spend some extra time to get where we want to be.
Many many valueable truths ang thoughts you manages to provide. Yes, time is one of the most expensive gifts we own, and it is truely the gold we can make money with or we can dump it to the trash and lose time for nothing.
Interesting perspective to see things and i appreciate clever minds on the community.
Keep on steeming.