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RE: Behind the Grey Cloud

in #life6 years ago

I guess I've never thought of death being gray. I've kind of looked at it as black and white, but from the perspective of inevitability. It's coming no matter what, and that makes it among the truest of the truths.

Maybe that's why so many of us still, with all our technology, knowledge, enlightenment, ever evolving social structures and societal dynamics, still give up what we can't control, like death, to some higher power. We feel like temporal beginnings, with a beginning and an end, but we can't seem to get our head wrapped around the thought that when we die, that's it.

Why can't there be more? So, we start looking for the possibilities of something beyond this life, somewhere a part of us can continue on, and along with it, the associations we've made. Be it true or not, there is comfort in believing that death isn't the big bad absolute it purports to be.

Does that make losing someone any easier? No. We love them and want that association to last, at least until we go. But that's not possible. Humans are generational beings and they have expiration dates that don't often coincide with the generations that follow them. Perhaps if someone dies of unnatural causes, but then it's not a happy time, either.

Tragedy can befall anyone. Some people seem to get more than their fair share. If we could redistribute the tragedy to allow for those of us who aren't so touched by it to bear at least part of the burdens of others, I'm sure we would all have greater love and understanding of one another. I think we would see each other for who we are: if not true brothers and sisters, at least members of the same race—the human race.

Your friend sounds like a truly good person, who deserves much more than life has been dealing him. Maybe someday, he will be rewarded for his kindness and generosity. Maybe the recompense will be far beyond the joy or prosperity that can ever be enjoyed in life. It's probably a little consolation, now, but it's still consolation.

Thanks, @paulag, for stepping out of your comfort zone to share this with the rest of us. :)

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