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RE: #Ulog Reflections | How to Destress quickly the Mav Way
Dude! You're already life hacking! Or maybe you needed to do this to keep your cool? Okay, well, these are all good tips, some of which, like the deep breathing, are ones I've advised family members to do. I have been known in the past to get quite upset, but I think I've mellowed for quite some time now, to where it's more of a slower burn that can be controlled as opposed to something quite explosive. When I do get mad, though, it happens quickly and then I'm over it, either wishing I hadn't got upset at all or wishing I could stay mad longer. Kind of dumb, but that's how it works out sometimes. :)
Hahha my temper is still legendary and often gets me in trouble but I learned to temper it in a way that it is not self destructive and can hurt people. I kinda like my freedom and jail time is not an option I want to try hahahaha.
Deep breathing does wonders especially if I can't get up or have access to my chocolates.
I like the chocolates as it also doubles as bribes to people or when I see them nearing to explode I offer them a chocolate. This is true for down of the people. I work with since sometimes they are in position that they have to talk to a very irate employee.
Oh, I'd say the chocolates are a great idea, for you and for anyone else.
Yeah, I've gotten angry several times in my life but nothing that resulted in jail time, thankfully. The few times I've actually struck a wall or some hard surface did not end well for me (nothing broken, thankfully), but it still hurt. It's just not smart, and in most circumstances, the wall isn't the problem, anyway. So, taking it out on inanimate object is rather pointless and it only serves to emphasize how dumb I was for striking the wall, desk, door, whatever, in the first place.