Could Christiano Ronaldo be the Next Celebrity Scandal Waiting in the Wings?

in #life6 years ago

Another day, another story about a male celeb attempting to be taken down by a so-called "victim". It's a rife pandemic right now and one that I find very disturbing, to say the least. Though not so much the fact that these men may be guilty or not, but by how the doctrine of justice is conducted. And here's a clue. The media have play a huge role to play in all this...


Barely a few days since the divisive resolution of the Kavanaugh senate hearing and now we have international soccer superstar Ronaldo stepping up to the chopping block. A certain Kathryn Mayorga has openly accused him of rape almost a decade ago back in 2009. And yet again, we have the next case of an unsubstantiated accusation of somebody against another. This morning, I watched an open discussion regarding this high profile news story and could do nothing else but shake my head in disbelief. A woman interviewee, who'd been a rape victim herself, was calling for his expulsion from the footballing world as well a recommendation of slapping on a hefty jail sentence. Remember, all this hatred and animosity stemming from what is as of now, only an allegation. The presenters were left stunned as she continued her self-asserted campaign of dissent against him. This is getting to be a pretty worrying societal trend.

Don't get me wrong. Of course we want the real crime perpetrators to be locked up and judged accordingly, but this "trial by media" culture is destroying many innocent lives in the process. It seems the absolute destruction of a life due to unfounded allegations, is the norm for celebs nowadays. I mean, if you are famous and the mere mention of your name is associated with a sex accuser, chances are your brand is tarnished forever. Surely there has to be some sort of due process to proceedings before the named and shamed are brought before the baying public. I mean, what's with certain groups of people making up their minds in regards to guilt before a fair court hearing is even on the table? It's scary and something that needs to be addressed fast before we're completely out of control.

I was also shocked by the abhorrent backlash Kavanaugh received by extremist left wingers in the reaction to his candidacy for the Supreme Court. I mean, Ford's shaky, almost child-like testimonial, had all the hallmarks of being political pawnsmanship in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. And all this over an event that took place 35 years ago in a place she can't remember surrounded by people she can't recall. Something just didn't sit right with the entire fiasco, to me anyways. But still, to lead the left to acts of violence and threats simply because they didn't get their way, serves at a stark reminder at the state of decay within our society. But a lot of the hysterical rallying of these volatile groups stems from the media. Like Saturday Night Live's disgusting sketch based on the Kavanaugh trial, that mocked a possibly innocent man when being brought to the brink of despair. Or the witches on The View already condemning him as a rapist on their little talk show. There are a ton of examples out there on many stations on television, all inciting this crazed rhetoric of vigilantism amongst "triggered" leftists. And it seems to be working like a charm so far. It's a horrifying spectacle to behold and makes you wonder to what ends this is all headed?

Again, these are my personal opinions and I'm just stating it how I see it. Do you guys think this culture of "guilt before proven innocence" will get any worse or is there still some semblance of hope for proper structured means of official justice? I guess only time will tell, but for now, it ain't looking pretty in the slightest.


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


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