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RE: Being Happy Is A Choice... So Why Choose To Be Unhappy?

in #life7 years ago

I DISAGREE Completely.
It's ONLY a choice if you already well off. All you basic Needs are met (you'll need enough money) and family/friends have no Health issues.

After and ONLY after that. You can choose to be happy or not.


I grew up dirt poor in roach infested dumps. My parents moved me 16 times from K-12. It was my choice to either use those things as excuses to fail or to overcome them. I overcame them and was successful. Success is not easy for me either. I have to work harder than lots of people. The key to my success though is that I do not give up.

It doesn't matter what hand you've been dealt in life. If you are tenacious enough and willing to work hard enough, you will succeed. There is no good excuse.

It was my choice to either use those things as excuses to fail or to overcome them. It doesn't matter what hand you've been dealt in life. If you are tenacious enough and willing to work hard enough, you will succeed. There is no good excuse.

this is a really good message. Thank you.

Even if you work hard and are successful doesn't mean you will be happy... maybe being too focused on success can have the opposite effect.

Well, we should always be improving ourselves, but by work I mean working on something you are passionate about.

I have done IT work for 20 years and hate it. It still didn't make me unhappy with life though.

The best solution is making your work something you love to do with or without pay. A good example is a friend of mine who snowboards. He found a way to live off doing what he loves to do.

Yeah and income isn't always a measure of happiness or success either. You see people living in the worst conditions and they still manage to be very happy people. I think surroundings are a big part of it.

I have been homeless and living outside before and the memories were some of the best and worst of my life. I am now a mother and home owner and am having the best and worst memories as well. But it is true that when being homeless those happy times were when my basic needs were met...

Money can buy happiness, too.
And, there is people with millions that cant buy himself happiness.

I agree. Happiness is a choice once your basic needs have been met. The question is how much money do you need to be happy? There are some people who party until they run out of money

And there are billionaires who are happy to just play bridge and happy to give all away when they die

Money is not every thing. It can fulfill our needs not bring happiness. Many rich people are stressed. and poor are happy because they had not much targets. They are contented . It is up to a person how he feels happiness in less resources. It is whole success of life.

No I disagree, even the rich sometimes have periods of sadness. Being unhappy doesn't change the situation and remember happiness has an atmosphere for positivity and productivity.

Why would an emotion ever be a choice? You cant choose to love, or hate, or feel hungry or thirsty or jeolous. Why do you believe you could choose happiness?

Happiness chooses you. And you can be happy even though your basic needs arent fulfilled.

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