The food of my youth.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When I grew up we had a small problem in the family.

My sister would only eat one thing. Spinach mash with meatballs.

My brother and I ended up eating this at least 3 times a week. (And my sister 7 times as far as I can remember.)

You would think I can no longer see mash but it's the opposite.

It's the one thing I sometimes crave. Even more than Steak.

Tonight was such a night of cravings.

My favourite mash is endive mash.

The Dutch cuisine is non existence and maybe not even pretty to look at. But it's the food of my youth and I love it.

So for this one time I'll show you my favourite mash.

I hope that's ok.

Here we go.


The main ingredients are pretty simple. Potatoes, Endive, Ground beef and bacon.


Prepare the potatoes. Boil with Salt for 20 minutes. But Mark? Where is the pressure cooker? When I grew up we didn't have such device so I'm keeping it authentic :)


I love mash with meatballs. I added salt, pepper and mustard to the meat.




Start frying the bacon until golden brown.



Prepare the endive while the rest is cooking. Quarter and slice in thin pieces. Put it in a big bowl of water because there is loads of earth and salt in them. I use a salad spinner to dry the endive. After put it in a pan and shrink it. Keep some of it on the side(add it raw to the mash, it gives a nice texture).







Warm up some milk with butter in a pan. Adding cold milk will cool of the dish to much.


Bringing it all together. Mash the potatoes with a masher.


Add the rest of the ingredients one by one.





End result (with and without gravy). Admittedly it's not the most sofisticated food on the planet but I love it.



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I don't know about others but for me it looks very delicious :) The meat is gorgeous! As i understand it is Dutch national food? I wish i could save this post to bookmarks somehow.

Mash or Stampot as we call it is pretty national I guess.

Yea when i was in netherlands i tried some dishes with mash potatoes, can't remember now which :) but generally i think it is very popular in Europe. What i liked in your recipe - are other ingredients, i will certainly will try it in the near time at home :)

The food of my youth was a delightful mix of hearty and comforting dishes, from homemade stews to freshly baked bread. Each meal celebrated flavors that brought my family together, creating lasting memories. I remember the rich aroma of those meals filling the house, making every day special. Looking back, I realize how those simple recipes shaped my love for food and cooking. How To Make Moonshine Without A Still can be a fun addition to exploring traditional recipes. How To Make Moonshine Without A Still is a great way to experiment with old-fashioned methods in modern times.

Looks great. I spent a little time in Wassaanar (spelling) visiting family a few years back. We loved shopping at the local Albert Hynes (spelling) and preparing local meals. There is no doubt that the foods that the average person in your country eats is far more healthy than that of Newfoundland, where I live. Now I did eat a lot of Strupwaffels (spelling) :)
Thanks for sharing

Man, that's so cool! The whole world seems to be on Steemit! Fantastic. I guess in general we eat pretty healthy. (ps. Wassenaar, Albert Heijn, Stroopwafels)

Haha thank you for the correct spelling. I have trouble spelling in English and it's my native language ;) While in The Netherlands I also had raw herring and LOVED IT!!! I came back to Newfoundland where we have a herring industry and could only get pickled herring, very disappointing.
Did not get to Rotterdam while visiting, but would love to in the future :)

I love your recipe. But today your story with your sister move me a lot. I have a brother too. And miss him too much. From kid to teenage we grow up together. We used to live our life together. We fought like ever other brother and sister. he was older than me. when we grow older our room was got separated when he finishes his degree he went out for a job then i realise the golden days are over we have to live our life separetly. And from that day I miss my brother verymuch. Even though we meet one in a while but i want those days back. today your story remindes me that day. I will try your recipe for sure. long live your and brother and long live you.

Wow, I've never heard of this before but it looks and sounds really good. I wasn't familiar at all with the term "endive", so I had to look it up, lol.

This is a dish that would be great for a cool fall weekend day. I can see fixing a pot and then eating on it all day. We had a tradition in our house growing up where my grandmother would fix chili, goulash, spaghetti etc, something that could be fixed in a large quantity, mostly on Saturdays where we'd all being watching the football games and would just go back for more throughout the day.

This looks great and I'm going to give this a try for this weekend. Thanks for posting this man. You and Bianca have a great night brother!

Sounds like a great tradition to me!

WoW! The food looks super delicious... Thanks for sharing @exyle ....

I stopped eating pork for various reasons a long time ago. But love endive (hard to get here) and will try your dutch mash as soon as I get a hold of it - or I'll try your sister's fav with Spinach :)

If you do, let me know :)

Yummy food. Great you had eat a very good food in youth. Thanks, Bianca looks great, wish you both healthy and happy time friends,happy steeming.

@exyle it's truly these all are delicious foods! And thanks for sharing with us these yummy ingredients! I feel you need to shared with us all your recipe lol!

Big thumbs up!

I ate a lot of unhealthy food in my youth but what you used to eat ( and are eating now) seems pretty ok. Mash and meatballs is a pretty common dish I think :)

Cool, everything is so delicious and looks beautiful. I would also be happy to eat. Thank you @exyle

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