Feeling Unappreciated for Your Post on Steemit & DTube? Try this out for size!

I remember one college student in one of my personal development classes come up to me and say, "Sir...I feel like I just need some encouragement...I've been so discouraged lately." My response was, "How about you try to encourage someone?" And he said "No sir...I AM feeling discouraged." And I said, "Encouraged people encourage others. The exact same way that angry people anger others. Try it for a day or two and let me know what happens. The next class, he came up to me full of endless energy, "Sir! I tried it! It worked! I feel so alive again!"
I know that this platform can be unforgiving at times. I know it may seem like nobody cares about you or notices you or appreciates you. Do they even know you exist? They do. But forget what they know for a second. Why don't you go out of your way to notice them? Try that on for size :) let me know the results in the comments below!
DTube Meet-Up! Niagara Falls Sheraton Hotel Lobby - April 11 @2pm
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*** If you want to get through the video in record time, set your playback speed to 1.25x, 1.5x or even 2x. ***
Hey guys, I hope you’re doing well! Welcome to DLife Lesson here on steemit & @dtube! My goal is to add some thought-provoking value to your life. I hope this video inspires you to become a better version of yourself.
Here are the links I used in this video:
(To see links for photos, just right click on the photo & click go to image in new tab or copy image address)
Hey guys and gals, I’ve been a student of life and love to learn new things. I've studied film, acting (film and theatre), Natural Medicines, Psychology, Business and Photography. I’ve read over 2,000 different books and consume at least 50 new books a year. I also owned and operated a Consultancy Firm for about 3 years and was a professor for Personal Development for one of the leading schools in the field called John Robert Powers. Aside from working with over 3 fortune 500 companies, I’ve also owned and operated over 4 businesses. Along with that, I've travelled all over Europe, South America and Asia doing non-profit work for Orphanages and shelters. I also speak from time to time to Youth Groups and Churches. I hope that some of these personal life lessons add value to your life.
I believe that success is not our final destination. I don’t believe in failure, I believe in learning from mistakes. I believe that it’s okay to be obsessed. It’s evidence of passion in your life.
If any of this information has helped you, please subscribe and follow for more videos to come. Let me know your thoughts on the subject and how you view life. Getting to know your point of view expands my own.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is for informational and entertainment purposes only. If you have a serious medical illness, consult with your physician and seek proper medical advice.
Remember that in life, opportunities come to those who are on the look out for them.
All the best to you and your endeavours!
▶️ DTube
great post follow me and and my posts thanks
Curation, is what I stared with it helps but sometimes even that is overwhelming.
Today I am completely discouraged!
I realize i don’t want the attention but I want to participate. I want to create and to be reviewed but being a perfectionist I will never be happy with what I have created no matter what I am told.
Does that mean I am giving up? NO, my negativity is my drive in a way but it can be a challenge not being overcome by it. If anyone watches my content I want them to get a “real” sense from what I produce and well positivity isn’t my best quality.
How do I support others with negativity? Criticism, I see flaws, I see areas of improvement, I can often add a dark light to any situation. Trick is wording things in a constructive manner.
So today I am down on myself, even though I spent yesterday meeting a few new people, gained a follower who produces great content herself, even encouraged her to start daily posting on dtube, set up a discord server, transferred my mining rewards into Steem, finished my first week on dtube daily posting, created my first montage, purchased the software to make everything streamlined, I am still frustrated with myself!
Is it the lack of attention? Yes and no, sometimes we need to take a step back and realize that the emotions arn’t particularily relavant to the intrinsic investment, yes I would like to have a video in the hot or trending list it would be cool just to say that I did it yet I struggle with being in the spotlight. I put myself here maybe because I wanted to step outside my comfort zone, man am I uncomfortable!
Energy is energy no matter the form use it constructively, take a step back, don’t make emotional decisions!
I started here as a curator, no intention of trying to contribute, but then I did it, now the ball is rolling I have only the choice to jump off or keep running and stay on top, today I stumble but have not fallen!
@dlife you encouraged me to try, supported my efforts, and in return you have gained my full support! It all started with answering my comment, that was it, you answered me, look at the direction you have encouraged me to take!? You are boss at this encouraging thing and I try follow your example. I know you’ll say I have good things to say but you may not know that’s only after careful deliberation of what not to say.
Taking your lumps and #steemon, nothing in life that’s worth fighting for comes without the fight! Today I fight my inner demon, negativity!
Perfect timing for this, perfect opportunity for me to collect my thoughts on the subject as I write about them, thank you.
To the top where you belong, son! I've been super busy this weekend, so haven't been on discord. Still have a lot of work today and then you know I have that TV pilot tomorrow, but I just want to tell you that I BELIEVE IN YOU. Many of us here do. Keep on going bro. You're my hero for stepping out of your comfort zone! Just keep at it. The capital will build. The following will build. We're in this together, champ.
Thanks boss! I think the discord is fairly well setup now, I have given you full permission so customize as you see fit.
I will always keep moving, just at times a new direction is necessary!
We can all do it; I'm just a minnow now but like all fish, in order to grow, perseverance is the key! Never give up, follow your unique path! How exactly does curation work anyway?
well its very complicated but simply put you vote early for content that gets big upvotes and you take a share for curating good content, 20-30 min mark for max rewards but its the votes that come after you that matter I believe.
As long as you keep making the uncomfortable your domain, you'll not fail in the long run. To succeed is to fail over and over.
I would suggest not trying to make something popular - instead, make what you deeply care about. People will come to you for being you - it's the hardest thing to do as a human today, and greatly respected.
took some of that for my post, I tried something new and entered for a contest.
I don't want to be popular but it is something id like to say "I did it", and so can you type thing. If I can make it into trending or hot anyone can, and I wish to encourage others.
You're going to get there bro!
I'm going to check it out :)
That's true.
Hehehe, ok!
hi Sir.. This is very helpful for me as I am very new to steemit. It prepares me for the tough road ahead.. essentially HODL on! believe in ourselves and ask ourselves why we are here in the first place! xD I hope that this community is a warm and friendly one! =)
Wow that's perfect :) you're going to do just fine my friend!
Hello dlife! haha yes we all need a helping hand sometimes, I learn that if we can make this a "pay-if-forward" system, people will help you in times of need, when you help them. Its ideal, but people like this are hard to come by. I just watched black panther today, and i love the quote : " in times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the fools build walls" kinda explains my point! Also! have a good day and stay safe my friend!
This is awesome thank you :) ... always reach to be the best
You're very welcome! Yes! Rise to the top, my brotha! Share the glory!
What a video ma man! fantastic message I completely agree :)
Sup my Italian brotha? How was your meet-up??? I bet it was awesome!
We'll talk soon
It was great, posted a video earlier. Fantastic experience, met great people :) btw the link you gave me is expired :)
Did you get the new link bro?
where did u send it?
I think in one of your comments but here it is again, Champ.
Internet, communities and positive energy are rarely seen at the same time, but all this platform is new and I believe in it!
Yes it's extremely rare. This is the place to be! It'll be up to us to keep it positive!
wow! 2000 different books seems a lot. I don't think that I can read even half of it.
Yes you can! For me it's been close to 15 years doing that. So that's an average of 133.33 books per year. That's a little less than 3 books a week. Anything is possible! Or you can try audiobooks also! You'll get through it much faster!
Claro que puedes con eso y más... sin arrogancia mi promedio es sobre 150 al año y me hace muy feliz
I hope, there will be more videos on DTube.
There will be! There will be A LOT more :)
You should make some!
Sir. Your video is the first video I watched after registration on Steem. Really positive and fantastic! Keep good working :)
Wow that is sooooo cool! I'm so glad :) I hope we see more of each other on here! If you need any info on anything, please let me know :) happy to help!