Don't Give Up Now Because The Moment Is Right Now.....

in #life7 years ago

When I first bought into STEEM 6 months ago, I saw the price as a bargain. Given the possibilities of this blockchain and the applications that were being developed at the time, I was sure that I was not buying in blindly. You would think then that today, because the price is much lower I’m wondering if I made a mistake back then.

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The short answer is no, not at all. Of course I’m not trying to say that the current price of STEEM is something I should be cheering about, but when it comes to the blockchain itself, nothing has changed, it has only improved.

We are weeks away from an update, a necessary one for the expected SMT release and one that is sure to help with bringing more people to participate of STEEM. I remember having to wait for more than a week for this account to get approved, and we can’t say that makes a lot of sense when you are walking about mass adoption.

You want to know what I’m thinking? I’m considering that I’m being given a second chance here, a golden opportunity to load up on some tokens and wait for it to rally up. It seems to me very unlikely that this will not happen, and looking at the condition of the whole cryptomarkets in general, I can’t really any coin to be doing well.

What I’m trying to say is that I’m going to focus on the upside of things and not on the things I have no control over. The way payouts are working right now, people who are staying active on STEEM are getting a lot more tokens for their work. I have also noticed less people posting, more people stopping because they think the price is not worth it for them. To me those people are just hurting their own interests by making those choices.

I fully intend to stay active, to continue posting and interacting with everyone that visits this blog. I make it a point to reply to good comments, and I’ve even sent a few donations to different people who I knew could use a helping hand. I don’t see one valid reason why anyone should be slowing down right now, but I do see hundreds of reasons why everyone should be working a little harder.

I’m also going to be buying some more tokens in the upcoming days. As a friend of mine says: STEEM is on sale, so why not buy it at a discount? When the market turns around I’m sure I will be very glad I did.

Steem on my friends



Yeah, I think it's a great attitude. None of us truly know how the dust will settle with blockchain technology, so there's always risk as an investor in this space. I invest in STEEM knowing I could go down with the ship if it sinks - and that'd be OK! At least I will have lost money supporting something I truly believe in.

You're absolutely right that we make the most STEEM during the bear market, so it's time to work harder, not less! With the new hard fork on the way and SMTs coming next year, I remain bullish. I'm ready to wait as long as needed for that future to manifest!

This is our opportunity to be shareholders of possibly the next Facebook, just over two years in.

Facebook launched in 2004, but it took them another 8 years before you could buy shares after their 2012 IPO, valuing it at $100Bn+

This is what you call HODLing

Facebook reportedly turned down a $75 million offer from Viacom in 2006.[4] That same year, Yahoo! attempted to buy the company for $1 billion but Zuckerberg refused.[5] Also that year, BusinessWeek reported a $2 billion valuation for the company.[6]

So you have invested into a social media network, built on its own blockchain, just two years after launch.

It's not a bad bet

Realmente man, imagino ser um momento muito bom de comprar de steem. Para quem pretende comprar né. Para quem já possui uma boa quantidade de steem power, eu sugeriria que mantenha os sps no site, pois, parece que estamos vivendo um momento de baixa terrível.

Espero que esse ciclo esteja acabando logo e que até o final do ano tenhamos um bom retorno com o dinheiro investido aqui no steemit.

Obrigado pela postagem encorajadora e boa noite!!!!

Downvoted for chronic self-voting. 88% of your upvotes went to yourself over the last 30 days. Be kind and support others.

@julisavio, realmente el steemit tiene una enorme capacidad de crecimiento, pero para ello, la gente necesita aprender el verdadero espíritu de comunidad y positividad. Esto hará que el steemit crezca independiente el mercado y es importante tener esto en mente. Ahora. ¿Por qué dar un consejo? No vote en su propio comentario, eso no es muy bien visto y pasa un mensaje que somos mejores que los demás. Quita tu propio voto yo de dar un voto de generosidad. Éxito Gracias


@chbartist is buying yet more votes from @smartmarket. The screenshot captures the last 11 hours. Remember this post is 3 days old. This is blatant abuse and it appears that nobody gives a fuck.

Do you care that this guy is draining the rewards pool? Do you care that this guy is putting off potential investors?

This nasty fucker wanted me to pay him 10K Steem just to prove his identity

Okay @mightyblueberry , since you like children's games I'll propose you an adult and then we'll see who's who.

I've tasted for steacleaner in the beginning, @therealwolf and many other people on the platform who I am, but with you I want to do differently since you're so good at insisting on this stupid question.

So adult business is like this and let's see if you can afford to pay your disrespect.

My proposal is:

If I prove to you that I am who you think I am not you will have to pay me 10k steems ok? and if I'm not I'll pay for you. Also if I am not who you say I am not you will have to apologize to me publicly in a post and will have to promote it in all the bots ok?

This is adult stuff. So how's Bro? Do you agree? Let's see how much you are able to pay for your disrespect with people ....

Here is the link. It is buried deep because of the downvotes.

Hey @patrice, how long is this bullshit going to continue? There are other people on this platform that want to earn rewards for their content. I am aware that @steamcleaners have verified @chbartist to be Christopher Bonella. I strongly believe you have been duped. If that is the case, do you have any idea how much damage you could be doing to the reputation of Steem?

For what it's worth. I contacted Christopher Bonella via his Facebook page, and he confirmed that the Steemit profile is his.

I guess that settles that.

Thanks for getting a response. This is just the weirdest thing I have ever seen. He puts himself at the top of the trending page. He obviously spends a great deal of time on this platform. He does not share his music. He does not promote his Steem account on any of his other social media. He clearly has access to his Facebook account as he responded to you. Even the photograph introducing himself was photoshopped, I guess he was just refining it rather than altering it. It is all crazy. It should have been so easy for him to just post a 1 minutes video introducing himself. Anyway, I am glad this is all sorted.

It definitely is very weird. But seems to be legit, so there's not much that can be done about this at this point. Sadly.

I guess the best thing to do is just to ignore this guy.

I came after him really aggressively because I was confident that he was not who claimed to be. A message from his Facebook account is pretty strong compelling evidence.

I apologised to him in his most recent post. He accepted my apology. I think it is best to move on.

There is a learning curve everyone should experience. The fact that someone can just push themselves to trending right from the start is detrimental to both them and the platform. Something is going to have to change, otherwise this platform is going to look ridiculous.

is steemit/steem and crypto dying?

La moneda steem tiene su base en esta red social, aqui existen ballenas y mafias que se adueñan de categorias, forman grupos y denuncian contenidos que no violan ningun reglamento, no le dan update a nadie que no sea de su grupo.... y peor fungen como jueces de la pagina... esto hace que la red social pierda usuarios y debilita aun mas el steem como moneda

I a man ecstatic about the current steem prices. I really hope it stays here for another 2 weeks if possible so I can get more at the current price. Another thing is my steempower is growing much faster due to the current payout set up.

I am just another plankton (hopefully soon to increase to the next tier) in the Steemit community, but I also do not see the point in giving up on it. I may not be as active as I should be, but I do see a huge potential and don't plan on straying from a worthwhile opportunity 🙂

Hello @bekahluu . First, do not worry about your stemit status. You should be concerned about being a good person and never feel smaller than someone because of a status. I'll give you a vow to understand that. What matters is the generosity and the positive spirit and this makes us have a group of good people and that's what I want in my blog. I really hope to help people and build a group of honest, positive people who vote each other to build the true spirit of community. I wish you the best!

I feel the same as you do @bekahluu

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @chbartist. I confess that although my rewards have not been what I expected, I have not been discouraged at all. I love belonging to the Steemit community. Besides making poetry and philosophizing is part of passion and I enjoy it, beyond monetary gain. It is a reality that at first the invitation I received to join this community, was based on finding a viable solution to the poor economy that lives in the country, and as a way to solve the difficulties we are experiencing. But I keep publishing from my heart, regardless of the results. Because I live to make poetry and micro stories. That is to say, that there is no reason to feel discouraged at the moment to keep working. Thanks for your very motivating publication.

Thank you @romelcordova. All the best!

Now is certainly the time to buy.

I'm very close to pulling the trigger on making a purchase.

Hi @chbartist well said that this is not the time to give up instead it's the time to get more active. Post more and comment more on the posts to earn more curation as well. Since steem price is down so we will get more reward and once market is up then our account value will increase significantly. I completely agree with your thought in this post. Even I am thinking to buy some coins at huge discounted price.

Posted using Partiko Android

@alokkumar121. Steem Up 10% after this post! Follow me in trail! Regards

Definitely price of steem will go up. It is the best time to buy it when it's price is very low.
I bought steem when it's price was quite high but even then the value of my account is more than the invested money. It is still profitable for me when the price of steem is at the lowest in recent times.
So, I will suggest people to buy more when price is low.

@chbartist, GIVE UP is not option on steemit, steemit is the game of patince. I read lot's of post of your's and other successful steemain's they all struggle in starting and now they are now trending list stars, giving up is like saying no to future growth of your on steemit.All those who give up today because of starting failure they are really gona regret this.

Exactly @flywithnihal. How can you see steem up 10% after this post! All the best!

I’ll get more and more steem and just keep and hold it for more some years. Thank you for sharing your a inspiring posting.

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