Liberty Advocate Framed by FBI? - The Schaeffer Cox Story
Today I bring you the story of Shaeffer Cox, a brave youg man
who stands for your rights.
First, let's start with the speech he gave that made this
corrupt government so upset with him.
This whole thing is very upsetting, and just validates my
decision 22 years agp to leave the country.
Liberty Advocate Framed by FBI? - The Schaeffer Cox Story
Schaeffer Cox Court Case Uncut Part 1
Schaeffer Cox Court Case Uncut Part 2
The latest on Schaeffer Cox's Appeal
Schaeffer Cox inspiring letter to humanity from prison
Schaeffer Cox writes about Hillary Clinton and thought crimes
Schaeffer Cox call recorded and posted first time in six years.
[Visit Schaeffer's webs at.] (