Expansive conceptions.
The Right sometimes passes laws, library codes, etc., which restrict showing "pornographic" material to children, such as primers on anal sex. LGBTQ+ people get pissed off, saying this is meant to exclude them. The Right then responds, "Wait, why would this bother you? I thought you said you weren't trying to show kids pornography?" Here, LGBTQ+ people might respond that they suspect that the Right will use an extremely expansive conception of "pornography" as a pretext for excluding legitimate LGBTQ+ materials that are fine for children.
Fair enough, right?
Parallel situation:
The Left does the same thing with "racism". They will pass various kinds of restrictions on "racist" speech. The Right complains. The Left responds, "Why would this bother you? I thought you said you weren't saying racist things anyway." But then the Right knows the Left will use an extremely expansive conception of "racist" as a pretext for excluding legitimate speech that they want to ban for ideological reasons.