Rittenhouse verdict will be not guilty, i'm calling it.
It's impossible to not notice that, pretty much on and off for the last year, social media was flooded with people calling for Rittenhouse's blood, called him a racist murderer over and over again, and finally, leading up to the trial, people became irate that the judge ruled that the prosecution couldn't use the word "victim" during the trial - and I haven't heard a peep from any of those people since the trial started.
Of course, most people aren't glued to the screen watching the trial. I'm certainly not; but, I'm tuning in regularly. Also, I'm sure that most people who have been calling for blood for the last year aren't interested in hearing the testimony because they've already made up their minds. I have a feeling that some people are at least keeping track of the of highlights and realizing the testimony from the prosecution's witnesses have all made Rittenhouse's case stronger and don't want to start making acknowledgements that they may have been wrong.
Well, brace yourselfs. When the witnesses for the prosecution are sounding like witnesses for the defense to the point that one of the prosecutors facepalmed, it doesn't look promising for the people calling for Rittenhouse's head on a platter. When he is found not guilty, I'm fully prepared to see the onslaught of outrage from people who refuse to see the truth. If you engage in that onslaught, don't expect any respect or sympathy from those of us who have been telling you so for a year.