[수상작 공지] <아티스팀 콘테스트> Red

in #kr6 years ago (edited)


크리에이터들을 위한 공간을 만드는 Artisteem입니다.
컨테스트 RED에 참여해주신 모든 스티미언분들께 감사 드립니다.
우수한 작품으로 멋진 도전을 이뤄내신 Artisteem Contest RED 시상자를 발표하겠습니다!

3위는 @meen님의 Gun @ Girl 입니다
@meen님의 작품 더 보러 가기

2위는 @eunheeha님의 불타오르네 입니다
소스를 사용하였지만 그냥 가져온게 아니고 출처도 밝히고
가공도 해서 전혀 다른 멋진 작품을 만드신게 인상깊었습니다
@eunheeha님의 작품 더 보러 가기

1위는 @allsale님의 artisteem - red입니다
설명이 필요없는 가장 예술성이 있는 작품으로 1위를 수상하셨습니다!
@allsale님의 작품 더 보러 가기

아쉽게도 이번 컨테스트에서는 특별상에 아무 작품이 선정되지 못했음을 알려드립니다

수상팁을 알려드리자면 본인이 직접 만들면 보팅을 받거나 수상이 될 확률이 올라갑니다
인터넷에 있는 소스를 가져와 충분한 가공과 함께 출처도 남겨주시면 좋을것 같습니다

다음번 컨테스트를 기대해 주세요!


It's Artisteem creating space for creators.
Thank you all for taking part in the contest RED.
We'll announce the Artisteem Contest Award for your outstanding work that has created a great challenge!

3rd: @meen's Gun @ Girl
to see more of @meen's work

2nd: @eunheeha's 불타오르네
@eunheeha used the image source from internet but @eunheeha didn't just bring it, left the information where it is from.
And we were so impressed that @eunheeha made a wonderful work that was completely different from the image source.
to see more of @eunheeha's work

1st: @allsale's artisteem - red
@allsale has won first prize for the most artistic work that doesn't need any explanations!
to see more of @allsale's work

Unfortunately, we inform you that nothing has been selected for special award at this time.

And we'll tell you what, if you do it by yourself, you'll be more likely to get a voting or awards.
It would be nice if you leave the source information about the image you used.

Please look forward to the next contest!
Thank you.


thank you @artisteem for giving us the opportunity to participate in #artisteem, you are very great, thousands of people participate in your #artisteem giving upvote manually ... and no one uses sp delegates. you are amazing @artisteem.

Hello, yusran-steem
We appreciate your compliment in spite of our lack.

수상자님들 모두 축하드립니다~
훌륭한 작품들입니다~^^

wow!! thank you @artisteem for selecting me. It's been my honor to has my name on the list :)


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