Sak Yant in Thailand: A Sacred Ceremony

in #k10yoga6 years ago

A Sak Yant Experience in Thailand

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Who's heard of sak yant? Traditional Sak Yant are yantra tattoos, hand-etched onto the skin using ancient geometric designs mixed with Buddhist prayers. They are believed to give the wearer magic powers associated with healing, luck, strength, and protection against evil.

We did some research and found Ajarn Neng and knew his reputation for not just the sacred art, but for cleanliness and a holistic approach. He has also given sak yant to Brooke Shields, Ryan Phillipe and Steven Segal. We figured he must be legit, and he was all of that and much more!


He listened to me tell how I am a yoga teacher and sometimes struggle with courage to stand in my truth that what I'm doing is needed. He suggested, and I agreed, to go with a single line yantra for protection inside and out, courage, positive thinking and moving past limited beliefs. We placed it along the spine for strength and so I know what always has my back.

You can't just pop into any old tattoo parlor and get a Sak Yant, well maybe you can in Bangkok, but its done by machine or by someone who has studied the art, but it isn't the same as stepping into a temple, giving and offering and discussing what would be the best sak yant for you. After about an hour 'grab' ride (uber) we made it to the other side of the city where Ajarn Neng lives and practices.

Who is Ajarn Neng? He is one of Bangkok’s most well-known and respected preservers of the culture that is the ancient Sak Yant (Bamboo tattoo). "The practice of Sak Yant has existed for thousands of years, to the very beginnings of Theravada Buddhism in both India and Nepal, where sacred hymns, verses and mantras were married with geometrical patterns and animist imagery to pay homage to the spirits and summon up their mystical power."

Ajarn Neng is not a monk but a master and learned scholar in the sacred skins of Sak Yant. He started as an apprentice for 6 years and became a master (Ajarn) for more than 13 years. To learn Sak Yant is to step back in time and become learned in one of the world’s most ancient and sacred traditions. Not only is there the intricate art work of the tattoos, which consists of almost 1000 different graphic images, as well as the difficult and precise process of application with a long and very pointy stick, Khem Sak, there’s also the entire Pali and Khmer script to master as well as a raft of secret spells, chants and mantras via a series of cloistered initiation rites and sacred ceremonies

Ajarn Neng believes it’s important to honor the traditions of Sak Yant, he also takes a slightly more holistic approach, believing that the Yant are there to remind the wearer to live the life of a dutiful Buddhist, committed to doing good, to generate positive karma and ultimately, to get a better deal in your next life.

Upon arrival we were warmly greeted by Ajarn Neng himself along with some of his assistants. We filled out a waiver form and began our prayer at the outdoor alter. It was a sat sang style with our translator there to lead. The vibe was already relaxing and my nerves began to subside. There was something special that both Brandon and I noticed being around Ajarn Neng.

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We stepped into his home studio which he has adorned with many a buddha at the alter. His space was set up nicely and I was happy to see he changed out the needles each time and used new ink. Some people go to a temple outside of town and the same needle is used and the same vat of ink. There were pets running all over the place, cats and dogs, plus some bunnies and a bird!

With my translator I explained that I didn't know what I wanted or where I wanted it. I answered some questions and he thumbed through a number of books before choosing the one I got. He explained to me its powers to stand in my truth, for protection inside and out, the 4 elements, and a meditating buddha symbol for happiness. We agreed to have it going down my spine so I would always remember who and what has my back.

@brandonfrye went first and as I watched him I became more and more brave and excited about this amazing experience. I looked around and told myself what was happening, where I was and the unique opportunity I was having in such a sacred space.

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With Brandons 5 pillars complete, I was up! I had to change shirts to wear a smock over my front with an open back. He drew a line down my spine to outline where he would proceed with the tattoo. Just the feeling of the pen offered a sensation that made me think, "this is not going to be comfortable." I gave my offering, Ajarn Neng chanted and I turned with my back to him, feet flat on the floor and basically rolled into a ball. There were two assistants on either side that pulled the skin tight. I like to believe they were offering reiki love as I had moments of pain. I'm not going to lie, it was s bit painful. I found myself pinching my leg to move the sensation of pain. Finally, I just sat in the moment, I could feel each poke move around my spine. The deep yoga breaths only expanded my torso to where he had to momentarily stop. We finally found a rhythm and within 10 minutes it was over. I'm not sure where I really went during the experience, but it almost brought me to tears, not from the pain but from the realization of the moment.

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With the hard part over with, I took a meditative shape, the same as the buddha depicted now on my back with the mudra of happiness and Ajarn Neng placed a wet towel over the fresh ink, chanted, blew on it, and then closed out the ceremony with a splash of water and a gold leaf seal for good luck. I was wrapped up in seran wrap and that was it!

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We took a picture with Ajarn Neng, bowed and said our kopenkahs "thank yous" and we were out the door. He followed us out to smoke a cigarette and we chatted with the next and last visitor of the day. Our grab pulled up, we bowed again and were on the road back into the city.

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Ajarn Neng tattoos with hand poked fervent and highly focus. He will make sure the experience will not only to remember but to hold the key of life changing for your fortune.

Thank you Ajarn Neng for the experience, the blessing and for having us in your home studio!

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Source: Ajarn Nengs Website


Beautiful! The painful process forces you into a meditative state to make it through . Love it.

that is for sure! I had to laugh to myself through the whole process all of the different ways I tried to move around the pain. It really does help to just sink into it and relax. I noticed I was tight in my shoulders, my back my glutes... to just soften, and breathe is the key! Through not around!

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