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RE: Don't Vote! Anarchy is Freedom - Jeff Berwick on Rogue News

in #investment6 years ago (edited)

And Votes should continue to be secret!

I agree 100%!

With blockchain you could anonymousally verify a single vote, do a publically transparent count of all the votes AND keep anonymity for all. What's to lose?

And we are back to talking about State and local again. Local is not what I'm talking about here.
Thanks for voting and correcting the historical wrong in your State, seriously Thanks it IS helpful. However it shouldn't have been legalized it should have been decriminalized.

I totally understand that my views of MY freedoms are not understood or respected by the statist minions, and they would bust me in a second if they can get a gold star from the higherups.

So you are a Citizen.
Are you a citizen of the Americas, North America, The United States (U.S.), or The United States of America (U.S.A.)? They are all different.

I have also done limited traveling and like where I live.


There are mechanisms for verifying the accuracy of the vote, that could someday also be one.

However it shouldn't have been legalized it should have been decriminalized.

It already was. In some ways that was better, back then they could not search your car based on the smell because possession was not a crime. Since they legalized it having an open container of cannabis is now a crime so they can once again search when they claim to smell it. On the plus side now they can't take your kids away for using cannabis.

No one is a citizen of North America, it's not a country.

That's a great example of legalized vs decriminalized. And that's one of the points I was driving at.

Isn't it interesting that by legalizing something it can now be used against you! Used to invade your privacy, take away your rights and freedoms (in this case not your kids).

(Completely off topic. How do you insert quotes from previous posts? I want to add one from earlier)

(Quote from previous) "You say "we made pot legal". <----Think about that for a minute."

If I understand you correctly you say "it already was" decriminalized. So by voting to make pot legal you essentially took away my right of decriminalized pot use and mad it a privilege.

So by passing this Law, do you now have more or less freedom? I'm not there, this not rhetorical, I do not know the answer to that question so I'm asking.

Legalizing something gives more control to THEM. It makes a Permission not a Right. My goal is smaller less intrusive Government not more.

So when I tell you that I'm a "North American Sovereign" your going to say I don't exist because I'm not a Citizen owned by some Country Gang with a flag?

"If I understand you correctly you say "it already was" decriminalized. So by voting to make pot legal you essentially took away my right of decriminalized pot use and mad it a privilege."

Not really, the voters created a new crime of open container of cannabis in a misguided effort to regulate it as if it was alcohol, but of course it is not alcohol. You can have your pot in the trunk or in a sealed container.

There is more freedom and protection for cannabis users and distributors in the new law, less protection and freedom for stoned bad drivers. The misconception is that stoned drivers are actually a threat like drunk drivers.

So when I tell you that I'm a "North American Sovereign" your going to say I don't exist because I'm not a Citizen owned by some Country Gang with a flag?

No, I will just be bemused like the judge was when I saw someone make that claim in traffic court and then storm out, his fine will be mailed to him.

When did you renounce your citizenship? how much did it cost?

Prohibition is the abdication of regulation, decriminalization keeps all the criminal elements intact, it is a half measure. When the government fails to regulate something it ought to regulate then all sorts or market failures happen, one of those market failures is obtrusive policing because of the violent gangs that arise in unregulated markets created by prohibition.

use a ">" before something to make block quotes

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