Don't Vote! Anarchy is Freedom - Jeff Berwick on Rogue News

Jeff Berwick is interviewed at LibertyFest by C.J. for Rogue News. Topics include: the immorality and ineffectiveness of voting, the social 'contract', voluntarism, taxation is extortion, mass media hypnosis, the folly of central planning, democracy is mob rule, are we at the bottom in the crypto markets? freedom and liberty, the Liberland project, Anarchapulco 2019

Original interview by Rogue News at:

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Anarchapulco February 14-17, 2019, Acapulco, Mexico
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You heard it right, don't upvote :D

if voting is ineffective than it can't be immoral, if it does not do anything then it doesn't matter if you participate or not. It can't hurt.

But it does do something, maybe even immoral, it gives you the belief that your voice was heard. When in reality you were just pissing in the wind and your vote was ignored, but you feel better.

How is that not wrong!

You just go along letting the system do shit that you know is wrong, but hey, you voted so you need to live with whatever THEY decide to do because.... you voted.


That doesn't mean don't do anything. We all have a part to play, so do your part.


Nope, your consent has nothing to do with voting and if you choose to believe that your voice was heard as a result of voting then that is on you. You give your consent by remaining in whatever jurisdiction you are in.

Ineffectual means that something does not have an effect, thus not doing it also has no effect. Thus it cannot be immoral.

You not voting just makes other people's votes more influential. What things do you suggest doing so I can do my part?

you need to live with whatever THEY decide to do and you didn't even put your two cents in.

Yes but I'm arguing that voting is a very, very effective tool. It just doesn't do what we're told it's supposed to be doing, making decisions. What it does do is give you a sense that your voice was heard and yes that belief IS on you as it is a thought inside your own head.

The immoral part comes in where the powers that be (who kill people), "use" voting supposedly to allow "the voters" to make decisions, just ignore the vote and make whatever decision they wanted to in the first place. Then tell you thet you have to live with the outcome, because you voted on it.

You say by me not voting the other person's vote counted more.. Your assuming the other persons vote was counted.

If voteing were like the blockchain, immutable, private with public access, where you can see and verify EVERY transactions, even do the math yourself, I would feel differently.

And as far as "BY VOTING YOU GIVE YOUR CONCENT" I would have to argue that the majority of the public think that way. So by popular "vote" its a truism regardless of what we think.

As for "doing your part", you're doing (part of) it right now, having a reasoned discussions with me and thinking for yourself.

It sounds corny but "Be the change you want to see". The only person you (should) have control over is you. So do what you think is right. And a good way to help you decide what's right is to have reasoned discussions with other people.

Hopefully we both come anyway from this with a better understanding.

p.s. Your say "You give your consent by remaining in whatever jurisdiction you are in." I'm going to have ponder that one. You make a good point. I think I disagree but I'm not sure why. That's why having a reasoned discussion with other people is helpful.

As for "doing your part", you're doing (part of) it right now, having a reasoned discussions with me and thinking for yourself.

As little power as one vote may have it still has more power than any amount of internet discussion. Does your state or country have a referendum or ballot question process?

Voting brought Donald Trump and the Brexit, two things the powers that be fucking hate so that's pretty good. We made pot legal here so that is also good.

The proper response is that you can't just leave man, you have to renounce your citizenship and there is like a filing fee man and that is like slavery and theft you goddamned statist slave. Of course changing your state residence is pretty easy, you can move to NH and not have any state income or sales taxes and very few regulations and permit requirements and that sort of thing. You start talking about permits up there and they look at you like you have three heads.

State or County is a different conversation, (thing or entity) than I was having, I apologize. I'm thinking more from a federal government viewpoint.

Donald may have been voted into office but before I say was voted in you need to show me proof that I can verify myself. Give me a blockchain like open and verifiable voting system and I might believe it. Since Donald has been in he may have changed a few faces but he's doing the same old same old where it counts, money and killing people. M.I.C.

Britain has long been very protective of their money, its history, so them saying FU to the EU makes total sense. I don't see an issue there.

Dont think the surveillance and criminal bankster capital of the world is somehow on your side just because of brexit.
There will always be some fighting to take, make or keep an advantage.

You say "we made pot legal". <----Think about that for a minute.

I say it shouldn't have ever been illegal. Me smoking pot has no impact on your life so it should have never been up for vote in the first place. However me dumping toxins in the river upstream of you gives you the right to say something to me.

Your giving me a right to do something that you should never have been involved with in the first place. Statist?

My question man, like how did you even become a citizen man? Like did you fill out a form and pay a fee? Or did the the goddamed statist system and its minions just assume they owned you to begin with?

You say "Changing your state residence pretty easy" Yes from a paperwork standpoint I'm sure it is. But when you add years of life and all that that implies, it really is not.

I am staying here and hopefully fighting the good fight. I know my neighbors and I'm locally involved so hopefully I'm doing the right thing.

Votes are secret, that's good or else they might have shamed people into not voting for Trump.
you thinking it shouldn't have been illegal wouldn't have done you any good if you were busted. Me voting to fix a historical wrong corrected that, thanks voting.

My parents filled out the form that made me a citizen here, it's called a birth certificate, a copy costs $10.

America is pretty awesome, I have been other places, they suck.

And Votes should continue to be secret!

I agree 100%!

With blockchain you could anonymousally verify a single vote, do a publically transparent count of all the votes AND keep anonymity for all. What's to lose?

And we are back to talking about State and local again. Local is not what I'm talking about here.
Thanks for voting and correcting the historical wrong in your State, seriously Thanks it IS helpful. However it shouldn't have been legalized it should have been decriminalized.

I totally understand that my views of MY freedoms are not understood or respected by the statist minions, and they would bust me in a second if they can get a gold star from the higherups.

So you are a Citizen.
Are you a citizen of the Americas, North America, The United States (U.S.), or The United States of America (U.S.A.)? They are all different.

I have also done limited traveling and like where I live.

Well these are hard topics for him i guess hope for the best

I've read your post and saw me very good. Thank you

Do not vote....unless its for Liberty Block.

@dollarvigilante, I'm waiting for the continuation of the topic

Some people say if you dont vote then you have no say if things go wrong. I say if i dont vote, no one can blame me for the calamities our elected officials are causing us !! 😎

That is not a real steemit website. Don't give it your password people.

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