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RE: Who I am Outside Steemit : An Introduce Yourself of jestermage
Welcome to steemit @jestermage :)
Gosh I grew up with D&D 3.5e, definitely want get to back to it sometimes :O
Great introduction and with your broad interests I'm sure there will be lots of interesting content, followed :)
3.5 is a great system and after all the crap 4e made (it had some good stuff, but overall is my least fave edition), I was weary of 5e sucking. It turns out it is simple and fun, but I like my crunch from Pathfinder. I am worried however that 2e PF will get dumbed down, so I am going to be trying the playtest under great scrutiny. I like Starfinder though, so who knows?
I always heard many good things about pathfinder and I was always itching to try it out. They will release a new edition? Might be good entry point IF it builds upon the strengths of the original and doesn't dumb it down hehe :D
It is a wonderful system full of content and a lot of complexity, yet it fixed a lot of stuff from grappling. I know Paizo is releasing a playtest for a 2nd edition soon, and I have mixed feelings about it. I know they are trying to simplify some stuff while making it less redudant, but I also have reservations about it being dumbed down or getting rid of a lot of the things that make Pathfinder wonderful. I like Starfinder and 5e despite being simplified systems, but I generally like fantasy more than sci fi. 5e does scratch a different itch, and I know there are many that are actually considering converting to 5e once PF2e comes out simply because they want to wait for PF2e's book catalog to develop. I made the mistake of buying a lot of 4e D&D books that I can't trade off to anyone, so my hesitation about 5e was well founded and I don't want to repeat past mistakes. Thankfully 5e is a better system than 4e and they have a nice slow release schedule...the opposite of what Paizo does, but when you announce the end of one edition it's likeley sales of books in that edition will go down because people are waiting for the next big thing. Part of my annoyance with Paizo is that many of us converted to PF because we were assured it would keep building and expanding. Having said that 10 years is a really long time to have an RPG in print and "alive."
Wow very thorough explanation, thanks! Seems like D&D 5th ed is also promising based on your comment... mh. I should check out what the groups in my area are playing :)