Who I am Outside Steemit : An Introduce Yourself of jestermage

jestermage reads a book with Rocky Grayson KittyCat

Hello readers. I have been pleasantly surprised by the comments, and love the dialogue that Steemit creates with people about various subjects. I had no idea my model painting article would get as much love as it did, and I thoroughly appreciate it. I think so many of us have gotten used to, and sick and tired of many other social media & blogging platforms for their echo chamber effects, and the general toxicity and negativity they harbor. Yes, the world, on many levels, is often a shit hole ruled by tyrants, and those who would serve them, however, it is quite refreshing to be on a site where people can agree or disagree, but with higher standards of civility, while also possibly making a living at intellectual discourse, or just sharing who we are, our muses, our callings, our loves, and what ignites the fires of our passions. It’s a great place to be and I see so many other things that you just don’t get on other blogs or platforms. It feels refreshing, yet has the old familiarity of forums and chat rooms of yester decades. Carry on Minnows, posters, nerds, geeks, intellectuals, sentimentals, romantics, and bloggers of the interwebs.

I figured to get myself out there, and maybe explain a bit of the oddity in my posting, that I’d share with readers a little bit about who I am away from the keyboard of the decentralized bitcoin blockchain blogosphere. Outwardly, I am your typical long haired geeky bearded white guy that usually wears a lot of green and earthtone fabrics and cargo pants with some weird pagany/new agey jewelry. I also spend a lot of time at home...with my 3 cats. I love them, especially my two kitty boys Salem and Rocky. “The old lady” KitKat is great too, but definitely less cuddly and doesn't snuggle as much...She is oddly delightful and eccentric.

I live in a small house in a small town in rural New England that my beloved and I purchased and moved into last year. Fixing it up was not always enjoyable , but I know this home inside and out, and I love it, along with the satisfaction of hard work and visible improvement. Having a home has grounded me and made me a lot calmer and more emotionally even keeled, plus I have the space to cook food and enjoy my beloved friends and family.

Professionally I work as a mobile massage therapist, having been licensed for 6 years, and I am trained in Swedish/relaxation, Thai bodywork, reiki, shiatsu and A.C.E. Cupping. Such an industry gives me the freedom to study what fascinates me, but offers enough structure that I can stay grounded and focused. I have also started doing drives for Lyft which has been a great way to make money along the way doing trips I am already doing, or if I need to get out of the house. Before all that I worked as an elementary school teacher’s aide, and much longer ago I was a care-giver for adults with disabilities, and a camp counselor. I've taught all the humanities as a substitute teacher form elementary through high school, and as a camp counselor I have taught art, photography, and archery, also co-leading wilderness trips. My background is in Secondary Education: English, but I particularly like bodywork and the healing arts. Without the journey of learning reiki during college then becoming a master/teacher I would never have gained the confidence to apply for massage school. So yes, I like to study a lot of things at my own pace, improve stuff and generally help people feel better, but in quiet introverted ways. Think of me in real life as a multi-class Wizard/Druid with a lot of skill points, high dexterity, a few dips in rogue/ranger and a variety of tools.

I am a 21st century renaissance man jack of many trades with a broad range of interests that often surprises others. I’m very domestic, reasonably handy, and pretty adaptable. I particularly enjoy, outdoor adventuring, especially hiking, sitting around a campfire, exploring waterways, kayaking, canoeing and sailing. I am well trained in wilderness survival, wildcrafting edible and medicinal plants, and wound care. I love cooking...Soups, Indian, Thai and Mexican foods are my favorites, and baking has recently become a passion as well. I have both hippy and nerd tendencies with a very passionate love of tabletop and roleplaying games, most particularly Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons (3.5 and 5e are my favorites, but all editions have their merits) and the old D20 Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition. On the non-RPG side of table gaming I really enjoy, Catan (Settlers, Cities & Knights, etc...), Splendor, Ticket to Ride, Rock, Paper, Wizard, The Quiet Year, Odin’s Ravens, Time Stories, and Ascension. Gaming for me is less about winning and more about the enjoyment, hanging out with good people, the intellectual aspects, inside jokes and the tactics.

Creatively I enjoy, photography, drawing, flow arts/fire spinning, and sewing, my works often being naturey, new agey, spiritual, fantasy and mythology based. I joined Steemit as a thought experiment and to see where my ideas take me, so I am looking forward to offering you all something enjoyable, with a lot of focus on gamer stuff, herbal stuff, outdoor stuff and bodywork/healing arts stuff. Enjoy :)


Your cat has a bow tie. Classic.

Welcome to steemit @jestermage :)
Gosh I grew up with D&D 3.5e, definitely want get to back to it sometimes :O
Great introduction and with your broad interests I'm sure there will be lots of interesting content, followed :)

3.5 is a great system and after all the crap 4e made (it had some good stuff, but overall is my least fave edition), I was weary of 5e sucking. It turns out it is simple and fun, but I like my crunch from Pathfinder. I am worried however that 2e PF will get dumbed down, so I am going to be trying the playtest under great scrutiny. I like Starfinder though, so who knows?

I always heard many good things about pathfinder and I was always itching to try it out. They will release a new edition? Might be good entry point IF it builds upon the strengths of the original and doesn't dumb it down hehe :D

It is a wonderful system full of content and a lot of complexity, yet it fixed a lot of stuff from 3.5...like grappling. I know Paizo is releasing a playtest for a 2nd edition soon, and I have mixed feelings about it. I know they are trying to simplify some stuff while making it less redudant, but I also have reservations about it being dumbed down or getting rid of a lot of the things that make Pathfinder wonderful. I like Starfinder and 5e despite being simplified systems, but I generally like fantasy more than sci fi. 5e does scratch a different itch, and I know there are many that are actually considering converting to 5e once PF2e comes out simply because they want to wait for PF2e's book catalog to develop. I made the mistake of buying a lot of 4e D&D books that I can't trade off to anyone, so my hesitation about 5e was well founded and I don't want to repeat past mistakes. Thankfully 5e is a better system than 4e and they have a nice slow release schedule...the opposite of what Paizo does, but when you announce the end of one edition it's likeley sales of books in that edition will go down because people are waiting for the next big thing. Part of my annoyance with Paizo is that many of us converted to PF because we were assured it would keep building and expanding. Having said that 10 years is a really long time to have an RPG in print and "alive."

Wow very thorough explanation, thanks! Seems like D&D 5th ed is also promising based on your comment... mh. I should check out what the groups in my area are playing :)

Welcome to steemit! You mentioned some board game I definitely have to give a try, my husband and I are also big board game nerds and are in the middle of 2 D&D 5e campaigns

Welcome we are all a little odd and we all managed to emerge onto the steemit community. What a way to get to know people with like minded ideas but are extremely different in their approach.. much success to you and your kitty.

I live with 3 :) It's such a joy.

hello! Welcome! you seem to be an intersting person with great ideas.. (plus you like cat's ^^)
have fun here, we all do! the community is incredible

already you have shown that steemit is for you and you ready to garnish us with good contents. so have fun, engage more for better visibility and always check out minnows support programs. Do work on your tags, very vital. I did many post on this issue. Steemit offers 5 max tags and target less popular but visible ones. You can edit and add some more like 2 more.
Lets see at the top as am always here to guide

Your incredible post and the pictures you post are very inspiring to my mind, please support me and give me a lot of upvote and follow me include your comment, hopefully useful, go ahead and hope you succeed in steemit. by @zayanfaruk

Thank you. I am enjoying it.

I love @jestermage. A wonderful real life friend of almost 30 years.

Much love bro!

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