BBC Admits to 'Information War with Russia' to Try to Incriminate Russia in Syrian Chemical Attack Narrative

in #informwationwar6 years ago (edited)

Another mainstream media admission of being complicit trying to cast Russia as the red menace and linking them to the dubious claims of Assad launching a chemical attack on his own people earlier this April.

BBC’s Annita McVeigh openly admitted there was an "information war with Russia". This came as a response to Former Navy Admiral Lord West questioning the validity of the mainstream story-telling to demonize Assad as evil for killing babies, a claim which hasn't been proven this year or even last year.

Last year the same claims were made to try to bolster greater military engagement in Syria to overthrow Assad. Despite a lack of evidence then, it didn't stop the US from attacking the Syrian military yet again this year as another false claim was made towards Assad.

west on bbc.jpg

Lord West talks about how Assad was winning the Syrian civil war and almost done fighting the US-backed "rebels". It made no sense that just as Assad was about to take over one of the last rebel-held areas, he kills his own people and creates global outrage to ruin his chance of ending the civil war.

Annita McVeigh asked Lord West if he was suggesting there was faulty intelligence. West said no, not yet, but that if there was real intelligence intercept evidence of Assad or Syrian officers saying "yes lets use chlorine", then he would be fine with the attack on the Syrian military by the "international community". West admits when he was chief of intelligence he had political pressure put on him to say that bombing campaigns were achieving things they weren't.

McVeigh questioned if West possibly was "muddying the waters" ... "given that we’re in an information war with Russia on so many fronts". West's response was a good one to put some clarity into the picture about attacking another country who didn't do anything wrong to begin with: "let's face it, if he hasn't done it, it's extremely bad news." He also goes on to say that Assad is a "nasty, unpleasant, horrible person", but the UK government policy to not deal with him politically is an issue in ending the civil war.

West also says Russia lies all the time and doesn't pay attention to what they say, but that these reports -- of Assad attacking his own people with chemical weapons -- are "extraordinary" militarily speaking, and that he doesn't think they "can always rely on these reports coming from these areas because it's not from neutral observers."

McVeigh closes by asking if the rebels did the chemical attack, then the Western nations made "a massive blunder", to which West says it that's the case then "we would have been duped," but hopes the intelligence is "cast iron" and support attacking Assad as the "loathsome man" and has "no doubt" Assad used chemical weapons in the past. This is despite the current and previous years claims have no evidence to back them.

It's seems like a "balanced" news report to try to be fair, but they really seem to be demonizing Assad to influence public perception and justify going after this "evil" leader. There is no evidence of using chemicals to attack his own people, yet still saying he used chemical weapons in the past. Does that seem like a contradiction to anyone else? Seems like a double-speak.

Also, the interjection of stating there is an information war with Russia when talking about questioning the validity of claims about Assad attacking his own people with a chemical attack, is done to associate and incriminate Russia as being guilty in this attack as well. They want to demonize Assad and Russia in one shot while appearing to be "fair" and "balanced" on the issue.

Why else bring up how doubting the mainstream narrative on the Syrian attack is going to harm the "war" with Russia? It's about trying to create implicit connections between two "evil" groups -- Russia and Syria -- in the minds of viewers at a subconscious level without saying it explicitly, and further gain support against them both. They want Russia to be bad and connected to the bad Assad to justify their "war".

Here is the full interview:

Admiral Lord West Casts Doubt on Syria Attack Intelligence - BBC NEWS

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It is difficult to know what the truth is when it is highly likely that the Russians are propaganda artists just like everyone else. The US and EU propaganda has gotten so bad and idiotic that it is really easy to see through.

We've always been subject to propaganda. However, those paying for the messaging are so out of touch with normal people's lives and their businesses and corporations don't employ and benefit enough people for us to want to believe what they are saying now. The propagandists live in a bubble that THEY benefit from but the majority of people don't benefit and the majority know it.

Yeah, accuse the 'enemy' of what you already do and keep doing the same thing at the same time :P

It seems they don't have a leg to stand on, as they rushed to conclude:

a. there was chemical attack
b. that Assad was to blame
c. and that an immediate response without investigation was necessary

Now, since reporters have arrive at the scene and found no evidence a chemical attack took place, they're attempting to twist this false flag in another direction. Can this get any more absurd?

I think you've keenly deciphered the message in this bbc segment. The message that Assad has previously used chemical weapons, as if this is a well known fact. A true example of double speak.

Yup, forget about actually investigating claims that are invented by rebel opposition... nah... just use linguistic subterfuge to confuse people and mock them at the same time with double speak :P

Well, not surprised!

We all know they've been using corrupted media in order to control the public sentiment and justify their criminal behaviour. Same people who profit from wars are the ones who own all lamestream media.

Money talks and bullshit walks :P

The MSM is so cooked it's unreal. Up is down, left is right, untrue is true. It's pretty crazy right?! Thanks for the post.

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Sadly it is about propaganda and an war to influence your mind rather than spreading the real truth. Power and money are in play and truth goes to the wayside over such things. If only we all could get along rather than deceive. Thanks @krnel.

Human rights / basic rights are the right to life, so we as human beings should respect the right to life, by mutual respect and love for peace of life can be created.
One has no right to harm either body or spirit, let alone eliminate the lives of others, innocent children, civilians who know politics, they just want to live peacefully to find a bite of food with family.
The superpower should stop all forms of violence, oppression, destruction, and slaughter of one ethnic, class, or a weak state.
Let us create a New World that respects, loves, protects, and deserves mutual help to create common prosperity in lasting peace.
I am sad to see a ruined Suriah State due to an unclear conflict, perpetrated by a strongly professing State, but the victims are civilians, and children who lost their childhood, lost their hands, crushed their thighs, torn their chests, and broke his head, where your conscience o destroyer ummah and civilization?
Please and please stop any violence in any corner of the country, in the name of humanity, may Allah convey the scream of the heart from a distance to those who claim power, hopefully ... Amen

Something’s fishy that’s for sure.

I think the mainstream media is one of the biggest problems of world, really misleading people.

Yeah and then people started reporting real news on social media outlets so they had to clamp down on that as well. Where's my decentralized blockchain news? Soon™.

It's either the CIA or Mossad that did this, because as soon as the chemical attack was carried Israel was the first to retaliate by bombing Syrian Airbases.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: War Propaganda
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