RE: BBC Admits to 'Information War with Russia' to Try to Incriminate Russia in Syrian Chemical Attack Narrative
Human rights / basic rights are the right to life, so we as human beings should respect the right to life, by mutual respect and love for peace of life can be created.
One has no right to harm either body or spirit, let alone eliminate the lives of others, innocent children, civilians who know politics, they just want to live peacefully to find a bite of food with family.
The superpower should stop all forms of violence, oppression, destruction, and slaughter of one ethnic, class, or a weak state.
Let us create a New World that respects, loves, protects, and deserves mutual help to create common prosperity in lasting peace.
I am sad to see a ruined Suriah State due to an unclear conflict, perpetrated by a strongly professing State, but the victims are civilians, and children who lost their childhood, lost their hands, crushed their thighs, torn their chests, and broke his head, where your conscience o destroyer ummah and civilization?
Please and please stop any violence in any corner of the country, in the name of humanity, may Allah convey the scream of the heart from a distance to those who claim power, hopefully ... Amen