RE: Seeking Deeper Truths: Spiritism- Gods & The NWO Plot to Enslave Mankind
It is fascinating to delve into legend and try to parse such truth as may be remnant there, but it is also certain that when we do, we will necessarily continually refine our understanding. I could hardly admire Sitchin's research more, but know he has succumbed to misinterpretation, as all men seeking esoteric knowledge are prone.
Like most of us, he mistook his interpretations as all too factual. I am not convinced Nibiru is a planet, nor Marduk, and if one reads the vagaries of the legends differently, they could easily simply be places and times in the future, or damn near any interpretation.
Similarly, Allah and Yahweh are just different pronunciations, just as are salaam and shalom, of the same entity/concept.
While there are useful ideas to consider in what you post here, there is also certainly speculation masquerading as fact, and very likely disinformation seeded by sectarians intended to deceive their enemies. It is almost impossible to sort them one from another, particularly centuries - even millenia - after the events, based on sketchy translations, and the aforementioned problems.
Stick to generalities and rigorously invoke uncertainty in order to preclude being trapped in a cul de sac of disinformation, or the misinterpretation resulting from hubris. Too few authors and researchers do this, and none of them enough. Nowhere is this more apparent than in science, and physics perhaps exemplifies this most of all in the utterly malleable and diverse speculations that comprise string theory.
I do reckon there is no little truth in the dichotomy between Enki and Enlil, Yahweh and Satan/Allah and Iblis, and it is a general outline of practically every religion that history has left fragments of for our consideration. More than this seems impossible to ascertain, and any certainty expressed likely to be nothing more substantial than hubris.