Seeking Deeper Truths: Spiritism- Gods & The NWO Plot to Enslave Mankind

in #informationwar7 years ago

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[This is going to be kind of difficult to explain and will probably take two or three posts... I've had to re-calibrate the way I look at things to accommodate new information]

To fully understand the NWO and the powers behind it, along with their seeming penchant for human/child sacrifice we must first take a different look at Biblical teachings and their true meanings. This will probably make some of my Christian friends uncomfortable, but not those who worship the true Christ. I always describe myself as a pre-Nicean Catholic... that is before a decentralized belief system was converted into a political institution at the Nicean Council (325 AD). This is also before the Books of Enoch, Jasher and the Gnostic Texts were removed to fit a particular narrative.

The first problem is the generalization of the word God. First there is GOD, the creator of all things- giver of the life force (soul). Then we have the gods of the Bible- that's right, gods. In the beginning GOD created the heavens and Earth... to be clear, this is GOD creator of all things. This GOD is also described in those terms in the ancient Sumerian texts as well as the original Hebrew translation of the Bible. This GOD has no name other than the creator of all things.

Next there are the Anunnaki. These are the gods who bioengineered human beings- they are gods in the sense that they are extra-dimensional entities. They are described in numerous places- in the works of Zecharia Sitchin, Gerald Clark and many others all based on the Sumerian texts. This is reinforced by the translations of the original Hebrew Bible by Mauro Biglino, a Vatican translator using the definitive Masoretic translation created in the 9th -11th Centuries by Rabbinic scholars. This is what I'll use. The terminology differs slightly, but the narrative is virtually identical... for example in the Sumerian it is Anunnaki and in the Biglino translation it is Anaqim. [Note] I'll use the narrative found in Biglino but the terminology in Sumerian because it is what most people are familiar with.

The Anunnaki... An (sky) Ki (Earth) means "those who came to Earth from the sky."

The Anunnaki came to Earth from Nibiru (same in both translations) in search of gold to ionize and impregnate their atmosphere which had become depleted by solar radiation. Nibiru was "captured" by the Sun's gravity and brought into an orbit of about 3600 earth years. Without getting into too much detail (I'll post a link to Biglino's book) Nibiru was ruled by Anu who tasked his son Enki- a scientist- to come to Earth in search of gold... which they found in abundance in S. Africa. This was approx. 450,000 years ago. After founding the city of Eridu in Mesopotamia they attempted to extract gold by osmosis from the sea. When that failed to produce enough they moved on to S. Africa. They brought with them workers called the Igigi who after time got fed up and went on strike. Enki was then tasked with bioengineering a slave race- the Adamu. This is why in Genesis 1:26 it says: "Let us make man in our image and after our likeness." Anu then sent Enki's half-brother Enlil along to act as a manager. Enlil wanted mankind to be a race of slaves without knowledge, wisdom, free will, or the ability to reproduce.

Let me pause here to make a point: These gods have different names in different cultures, so I'll try to sort them out a bit for clarification.

Enlil= Yahweh- Jehovah

Enki= The scientist/engineer- father of Marduk- Ningishizida and Adam (by in vitro fertilization) His wife Damkina. Enki is also known as Poseidon- Ea- Ahura Mazda

Marduk- Baal- Bel- Moloch- Satan- Lucifer

Ningishizida- Thoth- Jesus- Buddha- Hermes- Mercury- Quetzalcoatl
(see Gerald Clark- "A Genealogy of the Gods")

Although these entities are related they do NOT get along... they have been engaged in a power struggle for the entire history of mankind. This one reason that religions clash, one against the other- it is a manifestation of a much larger spiritual battle. Enki and Enlil have been at odds over the future of mankind. Enlil wanted a complacent race of obedient slaves... remember in the Bible it says to love and be obedient to god. But which god- it is Enlil/Yahweh that made the demands of Moses. Conversely, it was Enki who appeared in the Garden of Eden and offered knowledge and wisdom to Adam and Eve so that they could "be like gods" and reproduce. It was Enlil that destroyed the Earth with the flood, but it was Enki that instructed Noah to build the ark. History is written by the winners. I know that this may sound crazy, but what makes better sense- a schizophrenic god that loves mankind and allows horrific behavior, wars, pestilence, famine and drought... or several competing gods. Don't get me wrong- there are only two sides Light and Dark and the sides are being drawn up and like Q advises "be careful who you follow."

This is how Gerald Clark breaks down the sides (I'll also post one of his videos and I heartily recommend watching the Genealogy of the Gods as well)...

EU & the Vatican... Marduk/Lucifer worship (Remember that much of Europe has Rothschild banks and the Rothschilds are Khazarian Jews who follow the Babylonian Talmud)

US & Israel... Enlil/Yahweh/Jehovah worship

Middle East... Allah (Allah was one of the Igigi)

Russia... Enki/Thoth/Ningishizida/Jesus

Marduk plans to be Lord of the Earth and the NWO Dark Brotherhood worships Marduk. Marduk wants complete control, and one of his followers will be the antichrist. This is a war being fought in another dimension and played out in ours with all of us as the players. Make no mistake, all of these entities/gods are alive. Marduk is planning his return through CERN and needs blood to take on form. This I believe is why so many children are being trafficked and going missing... they are being sacrificed to Marduk after undergoing unspeakable brutality- blood with adrenochromes is vary desirable. This is another reason we are seeing the focus on Satanism in Hollywood and popular culture... they are Marduk's willing army. Jesus represents the light... remember "The Kingdom of God is within you."


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This one complex and complicated one old friend, i thought Enki was the deciever, the devil- Marduk!

Enki is the father of mankind, out protector. Marduk is the devil (and the deceiver- we weren't being deceived in the garden, we were being liberated).

A lot of work went into this article. Yup, there's more to our mental and spiritual enslavement than people realize. The world was deceived a very long time ago and only now in a world wide information age we all get access to the truth albeit in pieces scattered across the globe. We humans don't know who and what we are leaving us powerless. We are learning now though. Great job on the article. You will be writing more on this topic as your research continues.

You are either a servant or a slave of God. Most people are slaves even those (and especially those) with a lot of money and political power. This is what Jesus was trying to tell us.

Absolutely, The book I linked to is incredible as are the Gerald Clark videos. I want to explain dimensions a bit more- how they're vibrational frequencies... what we can see and what we can't. Why Marduk needs blood to take form in a light spectrum we can observe. Also how the antichrist will be an AI/Human hybrid... Revelations says "they will beg for death but it will elude them."

String theory is worth investigating as well people! A symphony of vibrations. I heard it said that Our Father hummed creation into existence ( and continues to). Perhaps "His Word" is literal? Things to think about. Perhaps this is why The Law Of Attraction is a universal law. Our brain waves interact and cause an effect. Our words and tone of voice also create an effect. Is this why Buddhist monks do that extremely low tone? Emotions too. Perhaps this is how demons use our fear. So much to explore! Our spiritual education was TERRIBLE. Obey was pretty much all we were taught. No spiritual growth, no obtaining wisdom, and no true understanding of ourselves and how beautiful and special we truly are. Yes, please share more on this topic. Everyone is clearly interested.

Ps: Sorry. Have to say this............

School: Memorize, regurgitate, obey.
Church: Memorize, regurgitate, obey.

hmmmmm........makes ya think doesn't it?

Ever wonder why our greatest thinkers like Nietzsche are 33rd degree Freemasons?

Young Nietzsche at age 17 posing with his hand in his shirt. This hand sign is known as the Hidden Hand of Jahbuhlun. Hmmm how many other historical figures have I seen giving this same hand sign???
young Nietzsche.jpg

Hidden hand of Jahbuhlun.
hidden hand of jahbuhlun.jpg

charlie chaplin meme.jpg

Freemasonry had a noble purpose when it began but was usurped by the Luciferians- Marduk worshippers.

Same with the Templars. It started with them with the whole Friday the 13th thing. It sucks I know. It didn't take long for the Illuminati to become corrupt like every other secret society. I was shocked when I found the George Washington quote quoting the Illuminati.

It's a flaw built into every institution... first they become self-serving out of the necessity to survive and then they're taken over by their worst element!

This post is full of amazing facts which are deeply associated with Christianity. But I have one question-
Religious people say, "GOD created the heavens and Earth." But as there was no heaven and earth there, where He stood to create heaven and earth and how He created them in dark as the sun and the moon were not there?

Forget about religion, it's the worst thing that ever happened to GOD. GOD is a multi-dimensional being and doesn't have to stand anywhere. Matter is energy... if you look at atoms they are particles of energy. Energy is vibrational frequencies- like sight- humans can only see on a spectrum of between 400-700 nanometers. Cats and dogs can see more than we can... most animals can see at night. It's all about frequencies (physics- the laws of GOD) not religion.

I agree. I am not a religious person. Thank you sir.

Oh my - Rich. Jehovah, the great I am, the Alpha and Omega has a half brother? Alien to me. Yes, there are plenty of gods, those who lay claim to the throne of the Almighty - all followers/and/or a product of Lucifer, the angel of light, second in command in heaven, who became Satan.

Marduk is not Satan. It is one of the 200 who led the rebellion against God, the 1/3 of what we now call the Fallen Angels. 200 of them went into the women who bore them what we now know as Nephilims/Giants/Annunaki, who are well and alive on earth today.

The Rothshield's are not true blood Jews. They are as much Jewish as I am Chinese. They are the Ashekanzis. On a side note: it is interesting that Rotshild would join a pesudo Jewish group whose second syllable is 'nazi'.

In any event - love ya, Rich!

I'm still sorting this out and will fine tune things as I go along.

I don't know Rich, I think your mind is wandering in strange places indeed. I'll have to think about this for a bit, before I write a more comprehensive response.

By the time you do, I may have changed my mind lol. This is all new and experimental- I'm just feeling my way through trying to make connections as I go! And you're definitely right about "strange places"!!!

All this and you still think that Christian communion that is practiced every Sunday in churches around the world is not a ritual of human sacrifice and cannibalism. It is just a "last supper". It couldn't possibly be a ritual put in place to convert pagans and heathens. Oh, no. You don't consider why Christians have to suspend logic and reason when they go to the altar and just eat the flesh and drink the blood. Very interesting.

It is fascinating to delve into legend and try to parse such truth as may be remnant there, but it is also certain that when we do, we will necessarily continually refine our understanding. I could hardly admire Sitchin's research more, but know he has succumbed to misinterpretation, as all men seeking esoteric knowledge are prone.

Like most of us, he mistook his interpretations as all too factual. I am not convinced Nibiru is a planet, nor Marduk, and if one reads the vagaries of the legends differently, they could easily simply be places and times in the future, or damn near any interpretation.

Similarly, Allah and Yahweh are just different pronunciations, just as are salaam and shalom, of the same entity/concept.

While there are useful ideas to consider in what you post here, there is also certainly speculation masquerading as fact, and very likely disinformation seeded by sectarians intended to deceive their enemies. It is almost impossible to sort them one from another, particularly centuries - even millenia - after the events, based on sketchy translations, and the aforementioned problems.

Stick to generalities and rigorously invoke uncertainty in order to preclude being trapped in a cul de sac of disinformation, or the misinterpretation resulting from hubris. Too few authors and researchers do this, and none of them enough. Nowhere is this more apparent than in science, and physics perhaps exemplifies this most of all in the utterly malleable and diverse speculations that comprise string theory.

I do reckon there is no little truth in the dichotomy between Enki and Enlil, Yahweh and Satan/Allah and Iblis, and it is a general outline of practically every religion that history has left fragments of for our consideration. More than this seems impossible to ascertain, and any certainty expressed likely to be nothing more substantial than hubris.


With my limited knowledge it sounds like the fallen angels who were these people. Thanks @richq11

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