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RE: It's a GOOD thing for MAGA that Dems have a slight House majority
I hope you are right. Pelosi has said she wants San Francisco values for the nation. I take that as rainbow unicorn trans everything and oh yea got to get rid of those pesky Christians.
Oh - the Peloony Democrat. Yes.
A picture of Market and 14th Street fecal & needle surprises should open anyone's eyes to the reality of years and decades of Pelosi politics.
As for those pesky Christians - I am one of them - it's a great deal our own fault, as we allowed churches to be infiltrated by anti-christian elements, as we cower in fear of being politically incorrect and conform to the world that we are told to be in - but not of.
Any defeat, past and present - let's not blame the Dimms, let's blame ourselves. This way, we can change that we permit others to do to us.
I'm a Christian as well. Not to long ago CA had a bill to basically ban the Bible for "hate speech" they put the bill on hold. I do agree many churches have been infiltrated by the new age, satanist, secular humanist (feel good "gospel"), and the prosperity "gospel". I still think that there will be real persecution of real Biblical Christianity soon in America.