It's a GOOD thing for MAGA that Dems have a slight House majority

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Here is Why

Instinctively, those of us who are for Borders, Culture and Language, the things that define a nation, would have wanted a red Tsunami to sweep the House and Senate in the 2018 midterms, I included.

But on reflection, I see God's wisdom in the result that we do have. And it is awesome.

Let me explain.gif

Election Fraud

Had there been a Red Tsunami, the Democrats would have contested the election results.

Had there been a Blue Wave, a Democrat-controlled Congress could have done much damage and forced a mudslide of a socialist-globalist infested laws onto the American people.

By the grace of God, laws are introduced by the House and approved by the Senate, then signed by the President to become law.

With the election results being so close, peeking at Texas and Florida, one thing comes to mind:

Who voted, s.v.p?

The latest James O'Keefe of Project Veritas video shot at a Texan polling station shows election officials knowingly inviting non-citizens to vote.

Governor ABBOT promised to investigate and prosecute. It stands to reason that voter fraud is committed in other states. Georgia, Nevada, California.

Perhaps, the incidents documented in the past few days will be the tipping point that triggers a clean-up of voter laws, remove illegal votes from ALL mid-term election results - and never again allow voter fraud to be committed by the globalist-run socialist party, the Democrats.


Multiple impeachments are on the menu of the Democrats. They are licking their lips. Supueonas, ridicule, set-ups, destruction from the Making America Great agenda - instead of supporting a stronger America.

My prediction: Their desert will be akin to Arsenic Poison.
Bon Appétit!

President Trump

President Trump will not be impeached. A Republican-controlled Senate will keep sanity alive in Congress.

The Democrat's rhetoric and attempt to undermine this presidency will lay bare their unfettered greed for power, as they continue to work against each and every initiative the President brings forward. Try to divide - and destroy oneself in the process. The hallmark of demons. Not so smart!

Justice Kavanaugh

The threat to remove Justice Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court even after several accusers have recanted their rape allegations against the Justice will continue to make headlines with the goal to contest the legitimacy of the Supreme Court and its decisions. A breakdown of the Judiciary will lead to Civil War - one of the main goals of the Democrats, who then hope for a Socialist/Communist revolution.

Open Borders

A house without a wall isn't a house. It offers no protection.

A garden without a fence is just an open field. The fruit of your labor perhaps taken without your consent.

A nation flooded with criminals, armed terrorists, horrible drugs, and illegal weapons add another dimension to destroy the Constitutional America of 1776.

The Democrat's resistance to secure the US border will expose their agenda - many more will wake up. Blexit and Whexit and Hispexit included. Blue State citizens will be Red-Pilled. Good Morning, Sunshine!

The Outcome?

An Immigration Law Overhaul to

  • Make it easier for legal migrants to obtain residency with a path to citizenship.
  • Make it harder for unlawful migrants to come to the US.

Free Speech & Guns

The First and Second Amendments to the US Constitution are the target of the Globalist steered anti-Liberty forces. That is for a reason.

Their agenda is quite clear - the racketeering led by Amazon, Faces of Deathbook, Twatter and most mainstream media is coming to a crescendo, emboldened by a Democrat-controlled House.

Guns ensure the right of Free Speech. The democrat's dream to end the God-given right of Americans to keep and bear arms will drive their anti-gun law proposals into overdrive. 'Assault' rifles only for the bodyguards to protect the elites will simply backfire!.

Disdain for Peace Officers (aka Law Enforcement)

The globalists hate Sheriffs, Police, Vets, Emergency Responders, ICE, anyone. who holds an oath to the Constitution - and keep that oath.

They want a United Nations-controlled force policing the American people. Bring it on! Expose yourselves!

Their desires to give more power to the UN and their unlawful forces shall discredit their seditious agenda once and for all. It will lead to investigations of the UN, and UN controlled agents and their activities in the US.

And Finally...

It's the Economy, Stupid!

It's tough, if not impossible to legally win an election with a President who has achieved more in less than two years than any other President in the history of the United States. Lowest unemployment numbers in 50 - that's Five-Zero - years. Lowest ever unemployment numbers among women, African-Americans, Hispanics. Wages are starting to rebound.

Of course, the Federal Reserve Bank, the consortium of private bankers, is doing everything it can to cause another major recession, even a great depression 1929-style. The housing bubble is already bursting again in the Western world. Toxic 'assets', faux interest rate raises, the manipulation and suppression of precious metals and other criminal enterprises will finally be exposed.

Trump will do what Kennedy planned to do - just as he was assassinated. Bring the Greenback back to the US Treasury - and dismantle the unlawful cabal of bankers who rule the world.

There we have it, Ladies and Gentlemen. It's good that the Dimms won the House, isn't it?



Is it just me or is Pelosi starting to look like Steven Tyler?
Lady looks like a dude! 😂

EDIT:Please don’t abuse me for calling her a lady, I’m well aware she’s an evil skank!

Well spotted.

I think though this phenomenon is a symptom of those who have lost their souls - or sold it.
Men looking like girls, women looking like former men. They shall die out soon.

PS:// Steven here has a much better smile than groggy Peloony. I would dread being her grandchild. Probably doesn't smell v nice.

This is encouraging, thank you.

We experienced a "blue wave" here in Michigan, with leftists unseating our governor and attorney general. Several proposals were passed that will likely result in Michigan remaining a blue state for a long time.

There are many liberty minded people here, but college towns and 'progressive' cities like Flint and Detroit overwhelm the vote. I hope MI will be able to support the president in 2020.

Posted using Partiko Android

Liberty in Michigan has suffered a blow. Just listened to an interview Ted Nugent gave on Alex Jones.
When the automobile industry returns, people will wake up.

The indoctrination of the young generations is showing its effects. Perhaps, Michigan, as California, will be the showcase state for the ill effects of globalist/socialist rule.

In the end - Michigan, too, will return to sanity.
Not sure what is meant by

Several proposals were passed that will likely result in Michigan remaining a blue state for a long time...

I wonder how this could happen, given that the President won MI in 2016... Is grand scale voter fraud a possibility? If so, the Election fraud part above will seek correction.

Keep your head up!

Proposal Two

Transferring the power to create district lines from elected officials to a 13-member "independent" redistricting commission. What could go wrong?

Proposal 2 transferred the power to draw the state's congressional and legislative districts from the state legislature to a 13-member independent redistricting commission. The ballot initiative required four of the commissioners to be Democrats, four to be Republicans, and five to be independents or members of third parties. The affirmative votes of at least seven members, including a minimum of two Democrats, two Republicans, and two members not affiliated with the major parties, were to be needed to pass a redistricting plan. Proposal 2 required commissioners to prioritize specific criteria, including compliance with federal laws; equal population sizes; geographic contiguousness; demographics and communities of similar historical, cultural, or economic interests; no advantages to political parties; no advantages to incumbents; municipal boundaries; and compactness.

It seems very democratic and fair, but there is no oversight over this redistricting commission. This supposed anti-gerrymandering proposal will open some serious doors for voter fraud. The commission will likely be in favor of democrat-favored redistricting, having 4 dems, 4 republicans and 5 independents. Hmmm... five independents for the swing. No advantages to political parties? Ha, we'll see!

No oversight, no governor veto power. How does this commission "prioritize specific criteria"? Seriously. The lines are going to be redrawn and Michigan is going to be blue for a very long time.

Proposal Three

Amendment to the State Constitution adding voting policies favorable to the Democrats.

Proposal 3 added several voting policies to the Michigan Constitution. Some of these voting policies existed in state statute, but not the state constitution, while others were modified policies or new policies. The new policies that were added to the state constitution include straight-ticket voting; automatic voter registration; same-day voter registration; and no-excuse absentee voting during the 40 days before an election. Proposal 3 allowed eligible persons to register to vote by mail until 15 days before an election, whereas 2018 law allowed them to register to vote by mail until 30 days before an election. The ballot initiative also constitutionalized existing law providing that military members and overseas voters receive an absentee ballot at least 45 days before the election. Proposal 3 added language to the constitution to provide for the use of secret ballots and election results auditing.

It's theorized that Donald Trump won Michigan in 2016 because there was no option for straight-ticket voting. Now the Michigan constitution has been amended to make straight-ticket voting a permanent constitutional right in Michigan.

Also automatic voter registration means if blanket citizenship were ever passed for non-citizens, they would automatically be registered to vote.

Transferring power for one reason: Remove accountability and need to work from elected officials. Awful totalitarian concept. Nothing democratic about it. It's what the Soviets did with their Central Committees and underlings.

Prop 3 clearly favors vote catching - whenever and from whoever.
Unlawful and clearly designed to rig the electoral.

Raise hell - get with Ted Nugent.

Perhaps, Michigan, as California, will be the showcase state for the ill effects of globalist/socialist rule.

In the meantime, pray for me and my family that we do not suffer too much from the ill effects of globalist/socialist rule. We don't want the beautiful state of Michigan to experience the financial disaster and extreme moral decay that we see in California. If the big college towns had their way, that's what our state would be like. It would be a disaster.

Prayer spoken!
You have already won the War - it's the battle that just now counts to secure prosperity!
It is well.

I hope you are right. Pelosi has said she wants San Francisco values for the nation. I take that as rainbow unicorn trans everything and oh yea got to get rid of those pesky Christians.

Oh - the Peloony Democrat. Yes.

A picture of Market and 14th Street fecal & needle surprises should open anyone's eyes to the reality of years and decades of Pelosi politics.

As for those pesky Christians - I am one of them - it's a great deal our own fault, as we allowed churches to be infiltrated by anti-christian elements, as we cower in fear of being politically incorrect and conform to the world that we are told to be in - but not of.

Any defeat, past and present - let's not blame the Dimms, let's blame ourselves. This way, we can change that we permit others to do to us.

I'm a Christian as well. Not to long ago CA had a bill to basically ban the Bible for "hate speech" they put the bill on hold. I do agree many churches have been infiltrated by the new age, satanist, secular humanist (feel good "gospel"), and the prosperity "gospel". I still think that there will be real persecution of real Biblical Christianity soon in America.

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By the grace of God…

…and the Russians who managed to sow discordapp… I meant discord… How did you miss to mention Russians, @globocop? 😂😂😂

Another chapter - another subject in my view.

The Russians are irrelevant to the election interference in the traditional sense.
Provable election interference is committed by the tech giants of Silicon Valley, telecoms racketeers, such AT&T, who own CNN, and China, who is our true enemy. Aligning with the treasonous globalist totalitarian EU to bring wars to Europe and the US - see my post from yesterday.

You made some good points here about culture, values, and the rule of law. The breakdown of any of these three will divide a country, perhaps irreparably. Open borders is suicide for any nation. Election fraud is alive and well, and is being completely ignored by those who are screaming about Russian interference. I guess Russia should have just smuggled in a bunch of "undocumented immigrants", then the Dems would have cheered it on (Just kidding, it's all about race, they don't want Russians here).

The impeachment thing is just a political show; there's nothing of substance there to impeach him, and even if they brought it to impeachment, they wouldn't be able to remove him from office. It only serves as a distraction, while in the background Trump is carrying the torch of his predecessor with actions like banning bump stocks and funding the White Helmets. Look into the impeachment of William Clinton to see how a shit show like this plays out. And the Kavanaugh situation is similar, as they focus on nothing of substance in this "attack" while in reality instating a judge that not only thinks the Patriot Act is Constitutional, he wrote the language to ensure it was.

I'm actually starting to adopt a more "accelerationist" point of view; we need to let the dems run wild with power to foment the upcoming revolution before they're ready for it. If we give them another generation without getting pissed off enough to fight, the brainwashing and demographic replacement will ensure there won't be much fight left relative to what could be mustered now.

The left/right dichotomy is ruining us. Right now there is a war between politicians who want to rob the white working class to give to minorities, and politicians who want to flood the market with cheap labor while paying lip service to the idea of less welfare, both of them a threat in their own way to the ideas and values of Western Civilization.

Even Trump just said we need more immigrants from south of the border for jobs that are being brought back to America. What is the purpose of bringing the jobs here when you purposely undercut the wages of the working class and flood the market with cheap labor? There is no such thing as an employment shortage, only corporations that want to pay as little as possible for workers. If you are not getting enough employees to do the jobs you need to do, you are supposed to raise wages to attract them. Instead, today it's gov policy to flood the market and disrupt the supply/demand curve at the expense of the blue collar worker.

We're experiencing the reality show called Politics, and those that don't believe it's scripted end up cheering when their side is able to grow gov power. Unless we can start seeing things from a centralized vs. decentralized point of view instead of this false left/right paradigm, we're in for a bloody future of a one world transhuminist technocracy.

Well thought-through response r0n. I agree on two major points with you:

  1. If we don't do anything now, within a generation, it will be dems/globalism and the end of the US forever.
  2. We need to get more aggressive with OUR message of Liberty, non-intervention, laissaiz-faire. I like the word Accelrationist.

Trump in 2016 was the only choice America had.
Trump 2018 was the only choice again.
I predict the same is true for 2020. But as a smart business exec, is probably successor planning - badly needed.
Trump may be playing politics - but judge the tree by its fruit. Major things tbd: Abolish Federal Reserve and IRS and any income tax. Abolish Patriot Act. Enforce sedition laws. Abolish federal education dept. Rename Law Enforcement to Peace Officers. Kick UN out of US. Strengthen Military. TO name a few.

Instinctively, those of us who are for Borders, Culture and Language, the things that define a nation, would have wanted a red Tsunami to sweep the House and Senate in the 2018 midterms, I included.

Your culture and language? Or all of the multitudes of cultures and languages that come together to make the great America we all know?

The US language is English.
The culture is that of American Exceptionalism, Liberty and Free Markets - regardless of where one comes from.

Right, totally get it as a white kid born and raised here in the U.S. Problem is, some people (even those born here) don’t want to give up their native/familial tongue/traditions and they shouldn’t have to. Many see a culture of American Xenophobia, Discrimination, and Gluttony

No one forces anyone to give up anything.
They can speak the language they want, eat the food they like, listen to the music of their choosing.

However, if one loves the life in a country, they should also have respect for the laws, languages, and customs of that country. I have lived in many countries - and have always adapted to the customs/language/culture of the country I am living in.

Absolutely agree. You pass my reasonability test :) There’s a lot of shameful fear of culture and language right now... Lots of videos of people assaulting immigrants for speaking in their native tongue, or telling them to ‘go back where they came from’... Not to mention this whole fear-mongering episode from the President about this caravan trying to flee from violence and corruption. Really makes you wonder about the sacred American Dream.

I am an immigrant myself - so I have a certain perspective.
My main point is that an immigrant to any country has to be respectful of the people of the country immigrated to.

As for the caravans - it is not about people seeking admission to the US via lawful means - it's about the encouragement of certain factions of globalist ideologists in the US and other western nations, to be overrun by illegal, unvetted migrants.

Trump has said many times, people are welcome to come, but come legally. The vast majority of legal immigrants agrees. See my section on Legal Migration above.

I think a lot of this kind of stuff is also being manufactured for shock value. My dad used to have teenagers yell "go back where you came from" at him when they were mad at him when I was a kid in the 80s. He is mainly British and German and my family has been here for three generations minimum (that's the shortest time - we have some ancestors here much longer).

We have no real evidence the caravan was formed organically by people fleeing violence and corruption. Some may have been, but if they are legitimately fleeing they should've asked for asylum either at the US consulate or in Mexico. Storming our borders is not the way to flee corruption.

The dream of being able to succeed based on merit (meaning, you do a job well and you'll be sought after to do it regardless of who you are) and not on unearned factors such as race, religion or class is still alive and well here so long as the government is not allowed to begin putting it's thumb on the scales of justice and handicapping people who are perceived as having "too much privilege".

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