Joe Biden end his political career with a non apology, apology video!
Joe Biden made a supposed apology video, in which he did Not apologize. It does point out that he is a lawyer, and he can not seem to admit his error, which was his ONLY chance to recover. An abject, honest apology might have defuse this situation; but since honesty is beyond his grasp, and an apology is beneath him, he has instead, chosen to end his political career with this video!
Image from the article
Here is an analysis article:
Here is what CNN had to say about this video:
Should be noted that
Biden doesn’t actually apologize or admit he did anything wrong,
CNN political reporter Nathan McDermott said. “Rather, he’s saying that people are upset with him because society has changed and his actions were actually okay at a different time, they just aren’t in fashion today.
Accent added. THIS IS CNN (Communist News Network, IMHO) that is attacking Biden with a full court press...CNN!
Here is a similar non supporting article, from MSNBC!
They (being a liberal rag, IMHO) spend most of the article attacking Clarence Thomas, but even they had to admit that Biden was wrong, with no apology in his video!
MSNBC said:
Joe Biden, though he might be fond of giving bear hugs and shoulder rubs, is apparently much less fond of giving apologies.
These excerpt are from the main stream media (MSM) who are required to support him!The fact they are Not, implies that he has been tossed aside, and is, in fact, done! This is a second front runner to be roasted on the Democratic side. They have No clear direction, and until they do, being a front runner will be a dangerous occupation! With these MSM attacks, it does NOT look good for Joe Biden!
Reply for one of his victims:
She is speaking sense, and should get a very public apology from Joe Biden! This looks like the end of his run to me! What do you think, is he done, or the one?
Democrat means never having to say you're sorry.
ROFLOL, I forget about that, LOL! You are totally right!
The only indicator of his fatal status is the MSM piling on and attacking him. They can NOT do that without their Master's approval....
it looks like he's still number one in the poles for the democrats isn't he? so we'll get an apology from smithlabs for being so wrong?
Nope, he is gone, CNN and MSNBC are making fun of him now. These dogs can NOT bite, until their handlers say it is Okay; they have rolled on him, he is done.
ok well I was kinda liking him for a run at it.
He is not running because he is just a smoke screen to draw fire; while they look for a more acceptable minion! They have nothing to offer this Nation, except "we hate President Trump"; which will no longer fly!
They are facing a Dearth of planning, and a total lack of Earthly leadership. Unfortunately, they are directed by the Devil himself; and equally unfortunately HE is Good, and HE plans well!