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RE: Joe Biden end his political career with a non apology, apology video!
it looks like he's still number one in the poles for the democrats isn't he? so we'll get an apology from smithlabs for being so wrong?
Nope, he is gone, CNN and MSNBC are making fun of him now. These dogs can NOT bite, until their handlers say it is Okay; they have rolled on him, he is done.
ok well I was kinda liking him for a run at it.
He is not running because he is just a smoke screen to draw fire; while they look for a more acceptable minion! They have nothing to offer this Nation, except "we hate President Trump"; which will no longer fly!
They are facing a Dearth of planning, and a total lack of Earthly leadership. Unfortunately, they are directed by the Devil himself; and equally unfortunately HE is Good, and HE plans well!