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RE: Thinking About Disinformation Warfare...

in #informationwar7 years ago

I think Robot Steel is as big a pile of zionist bullshit as Alex Jones - they are both working for the same agenda:

21 GOALS OF THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COMMITTEE OF 300 - By Dr. John Coleman. (Written in 1993)


I don't agree with you there. We've had this discussion before. Though I am totally fine with you believing that. :)

So leaving out the zionist part please tell me you don't think jones is a credible source (please!)

I would put him in the same basket as snopes - but that is more of a toxic sess pool than a basket.

One of the cool things about the internet is that everything he has said since 911 is all online for checking.

So my intention with comparing robot steel to alex jones was for it to be a major insult. Very major.

OK, steel is as trustworthy as charles manson was...

I think he exaggerates, but Alex Jones isn't the only person at Infowars. He is flayboyant and more of a character than need be, but lately most of his information seems to check out if you go investigate it. I've seen him wrong before, but that is true of everyone. We are not gods, we are human.

I trust him more than I do pretty much any mainstream network, but the alt site I tend to like the most is Zerohedge.

Oh and I think he misses the point about "solidarity" when he gets too bible thumpery. I've also seen him be total assholes to people that were his allies. So I have no illusions that he can be a dick, but other than his tendency to sometimes push religion too much and be overly flamboyant he seems pretty accurate on most things. Have things he's stated since 911 been found to be wrong. Of course. This is true of everyone it is called being human, and I haven't actually see he deny changing his mind based upon new information.

However, much of the news we've been hearing everywhere on mainstream media and other places he was talking about a year ago. You see he doesn't operate by himself so as he surrounds himself with more and more people with different ideas and approaches I believe the information is getting more focused and better.

I do not take the forever damned approach. If I did I'd not talk to anyone. So have I seen him be wrong? Definitely. Yet like I said I've seen it of others too.

Really most people try to make him out to be absurd when really he just exaggerates and is flamboyant. That can make it amusing to watch too.

Does that mean I treat him like an authority and believe everything he says without checking? No. No one meets that qualification including myself. I am often wrong and change my mind. So if I were to change my mind and you tried to keep me static as ALWAYS believing what I did before I changed my mind then that would be a problem.

So I don't expect to keep Jones or anyone static and stuck in time never able to change my opinion of them.

Wow that's lot to take in.

I'll just say at this point that the only person I have found constantly reliable (and never wrong) is James Corbett. Although like you he says he sometimes is - he's only wrong about that! - he just isn't ever wrong that I've ever seen! (and I've been following him for ten years now)

Jones on the other hand worships chump like a god, and has been wrong so many times I don't know where to start...

I know you like videos - but really there is so much material it's like looking for sand on the beach:

I've watched a lot of Corbett Report. He is here on steemit too by the way.

Yes it was him that got me on here in the first place!

I don't always like to watch videos it depends upon what I am doing. If I am at work doing network engineering or I am doing game development then I'll usually have a video or podcast going in the background though sometimes it is music.

Charles Manson may have been trustworthy. He was just nuts. There is a difference. I saw no indicators that he didn't believe everything he told you, so you could pretty much trust him to do what he said... he just said some nutty shit.

Charles Manson wasn't even that nuts - he was a con-man who read How to Win Friends and Influence people and used being nuts as a way to defend himself against attack

Heheh I like the Meme. :)

I remember back when you used to be my whale :)

That was easier until they did the 10 votes per day at 100%... it became a lot more challenging. I also am not getting votes from the "whales" that were voting on me. I still vote on comments but I spread it out so I can reward people that interact. My income from posting on steemit is a fraction of what it once was. That's okay though.

I think we all proceed along similar roads in our journey towards an authentic truth.
I have spent time with Jones, Stone, to a lesser extent Steele. What bugged me about them was the never ending stream of stuff to be anxious about. Is there ever a good news story?

Jones style also bugs me, good luck getting a female to watch him. There is simply no need for him to hyperventilate and you can see him working it up as a 'performance'.

I don't want to go on because I said this in a reply earlier. The most resonant and authentic stream of info I have ever come across are some unconnected, unmonetized individuals on twitter. I call them 'super enthusiasts' or 'obsessive researchers'. They each have their area of specialization, all have been brilliant in terms of their analysis of Trump and the massive disinfo/mildec/opsec operations his White House has run since day one under the tutelage of the man who isn't there (Flynn).

All the McMaster vs Trump, Kelly vs Trump, Mattis vs Trump Trump as a prisoner in the White House basement, in summary all the bs that triggers Jones et al for weeks not to mention feeds the msm fake news picture of 'Trump as circus clown' is all mildec.

Sun Tzu "Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."

Sun Tzu "The Art of War" / Donald Trump "The Art of the Deal"

Trump has told us many times how much of a fan he is. Jones knows this. Many analysts know this, yet they continue to fear monger. The twitter accounts I mention above have regularly told followers who want to donate that their reward is in being an antidote to the fear mongering.

Ignoring whatever he is yelling about, jones is the most irritating man I've ever seen!

Rather than repeating myself the following older post of mind comes to mind...

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