Economic warfare - sanctions!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


Make no mistake about it, sanctions are war.

Though war without dropping a single bomb.

Faced with yet another round of sanctions in Iran, the local currency is being hammered internationally and the price of food and basic necessities is becoming unbearable for Iranians. This is effectively starving a whole nation instead of bombing them, the same as the Saudis are doing to the people of Yemen, though in Yemen it is much worse due to the port blockade and the length of time it has been going on.

Even though Syria has been under a proxy war with so many nations I have lost count, they too are under American and western sanctions, at a time when they really do need the money to fight off the invaders from all other countries. For Syria the problem is also exacerbated by the Americans seizing their oil fields.

Yet another country with crippling sanctions is Venezuela. What do all these countries have in common? Lots of oil!

If you want to know what they are up to, there is no better source than the two official ones below.

Of course we already know about the China sanctions courtesy of the MSM, though at any given moment China can offload American debt (bonds) and sink the $ any time they want.

China's $1.2 trillion weapon that could be used in a trade war with the US.

Trump and getting it wrong.

Whilst visiting the EU, Trump tried to tell EU leaders that they should stop buying gas and oil off Russia, and buy off the USA instead. The problem with that statement is that EU leaders have no control over who the "independent" energy sector buys its energy off.

With all the other countries that signed the nuclear agreement with Iran still perfectly happy, that Iran is doing what it is supposed to do, not make nuclear weapons, the USA is starting to find itself increasingly isolated. The EU are standing firm and still buying Iranian oil. And Russian gas. Buying either of these resources from the USA instead, would impact heavily on the lives of millions of European consumers who would have to foot the bill of the higher prices.

This is not just unlikely to happen, it is impossible, so Trumps stance on selling resources to the EU in replacement of Iran and Russia is a no go from the start.


We know from history that trying to dump the $ does not end well.

Just look at Saddam Hussein!..

Interestingly the sanctions being ramped up against Iran come at the same time Iran also dumped the $.

Iran to stop using the $.

And as if by magic the sanctions against China come at a time when it has introduced the petro (gold backed) Wan. In an attempt also to escape using the $.

Russia was also mentioned in that last article with regards to escaping the $, they too have been sanctioned heavily this year.

Venezuela also has made attempts to rid itself from the use of the $

The amount of countries who no longer use the $ is increasing by the week.

And as far as I can see, the USA can not keep up this economic warfare on so many fronts. The FED is already feeling the strain with interest rate hikes. Those could be double digit figures soon should Trump and America continue this isolated fight with so many other countries. You can not starve the whole world just to sell oil!

Ultimately it will be the American public that pick up the bill, whether it be inflation over 10%, or even paying more for products from abroad due to reverse sanctions from countries such as China. I noted one businessman stating even the price of canned food has increased due to tariffs on metals. He also stated the biggest impact would be felt by those that can afford it the least, as most tinned foods are purchased by the poorer parts of society.

As I see it, this is a last ditch effort to hold onto the $ as the world reserve currency, tied to petroleum by the USA. With most if not all other countries wanting to end the situation with immediate effect. It makes sense for every other country wanting to end the monopoly of the $ as sanctions are never far away, and crushing to other countries economies, see any of the above for examples!.

23 Countries Now Abandoning US Dollar!.

A new world monetary system is being set up right now which will completely kill the US dollar, which is the world’s reserve currency.
23 countries (60% of the world’s GDP) are setting up swap lines which bypass the dollar and SWIFT, which is the dollar-based worldwide financial transaction system.
These countries include Russia, China, India, and even Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

Once the new system is in place, our dollar won’t be needed in these countries and a new reserve currency will come into being. All those dollars in foreign accounts will come home, which will annihilate our monetary system.
Also, China just announced that it will stop purchasing our debt (holding dollars in reserve). This will force The Federal Reserve to print even more dollars than the $85 billion it’s currently printing.
World reserve currencies have always had a limited life span and ours is up. Source


Verdict = the gig is up, just some do not yet see it!

As always, Have a perfectly pleasant week ahead.

Images pixabay.


I noted one businessman stating even the price of canned food has increased due to sanctions on metals

tarrifs you mean?

Sanction are BS, and have many unintended consequences - like Russia for example - they turned form a massive importer of foreign (western European foods), to a self sustaining agricultural model - making the very things they were sanctioned against - Wohoo for Russia, is what I say!

The sanctions have made their agricultural economy stronger!

Tariffs are different kettle of fish..and I see no reason why they are not used . (most government expenditure used to come from tariffs and not internal income tax).

The dollar is in its death throes as a world reserve currency, and it ain't gonna be pretty for anyone..when it keels over..

Well spotted brutha, edited it to correct.

The sanctions have made their agricultural economy stronger!

I noted the same sort of thing happened with Qatar also, when the Saudis started sanctions against them, they found cheaper ways to ship goods than ever before, and saved money as opposed to losing it.

Tariffs are different kettle of fish..and I see no reason why they are not used . (most government expenditure used to come from tariffs and not internal income tax).

I find Tariffs unfair also, as the end customer is the one who picks up the tab, you and I. Not governments.

The metal tariff being a prime example.

Now if tariffs did indeed end the taxation of ordinary people, I would say bring them on now.

And agreed regards the $, it is only the USA clinging so desperately that keeps it alive.

Please show the agreement all American made to pay this bill.

"Ultimately it will be the American public that pick up the bill, whether it be inflation over 10%, or even paying more for products from abroad due to reverse sanctions from countries such as China"

The original bill claiming America owed anyone can easily be shown to be fraud. Once a fraud always a fraud. You will not find any act that discloses American's are going to foot the bill. The fact that investors think they are is why people make this claim. You wont even find a contract of any kind that provides Americans Responsibility to pay this fraud. American's never gave this power to the politicians. In effect they have tried to steel it. We as Americans just need to use the magic word and say


Here is another problem I have with how the facts are presented.

"A new world monetary system is being set up right now which will completely kill the US dollar, which is the world’s reserve currency."

The United States INC is not the United States for America. The United States INC is the Federal Reserve Note. As part of the Brenton Woods Agreement the U.S agreement the FRN become the international currency. Within that agreement was a condition. The condition was that it would be the international currency as long as the Federal Reserve didn't print anymore money. As soon as they started printing more money by contract FRN's could not be international currency. We know they have been printing FRN's the whole time. So the United States INC is going out of business. The only thing we American need do is make sure the right bad actors go out of business with the fraud.

The one thing I really like about this post is that a Person can find all this out by following the links and doing just a bit of research on there own. Really nice job of providing avenues for research on this topic.

Eh thanks for a top class comment, much appreciated.

The only thing we American need do is make sure the right bad actors go out of business with the fraud.

I hope you lock the lot up and throw away the key, especially the con artists running the none federal federal reserve, save a place in the cells for Soros, Clintons and the Bush family though. :-)

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I have heard talk here in Australia that the American sanctions on China will even give us some problems as we supply China with massive amounts of raw materials like iron ore etc.

Yes the impacts are global with not a care in the world for anyone else, gotta protect that collapsing dollar, or American hegemony will come to an end!

Very true that mate. Have a good night :)

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