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RE: Forget About the Fake News...What about those 'Weirdo' News Reporters...???
I'll be careful @small1axe ...thanks for your concern. Hope all is well with you.
I'll be careful @small1axe ...thanks for your concern. Hope all is well with you.
As well as i can be , considering the loony-farm that's put upon us all.
Thks for caring and sharing your inspiring anger , If we can't laugh about the ridicule state the world turns in we probably go mad . ;-)
Yes, you are right...Some 'do' go mad as a result of not finding the humor in things anymore. It can be difficult at times.
There's knob on your TV , to turn it of , that's what i did years ago .
Sometimes i watch and see it more like comedy .
Dark sadistic comedy that is .
Following your own inner voice , floating outside the box of today's bordered believes , in search for real freedom , is not the easiest way to go .
It's a damned struggle and fight , in witch humor is a strong weapon or source of power .
Stay strong my friend , we be Angry until we find real peace . ;-)
I hardly ever watch mainstream stuff anymore, but occasionally tune in to see if it changed for the better at all...My remote control has a 'turn-off' button too...amazing...and it works...