Forget About the Fake News...What about those 'Weirdo' News Reporters...???
We, often enough these days, are bombarded with weird, seemingly fake or lopsided news reports; to say the least.
Yet...what about the 'dumb' statements made by 'weird' newscasters reporting on this crazy stuff? They seem to be a bit of a joke themselves.
Today, I listened to a report on a major international news station about the stabbing in Paris. The air-head who was being featured, spoke about one person being stabbed to death, and eight others injured. He then went on to say, "we presently don't know what the 'motive' was for the attack"...??? DO YOU THINK the motive might have been to KILL people, because he was CRAZY?
Then, before a 'station break' the control room 'pot-heads' flashed multiple, quick images of past weather reports with images of storms, tornadoes, floods and landslides. A deep, booming, self-assured sounding voice in the background directed me to "stay tuned" for the "NEW", "EXCLUSIVE" weather report, coming to me "LIVE" after the commercial break...
OH MY GOD...that certainly made my ears perk up, causing my eyebrows to shoot up my forehead, above my wide eyes, in earnest, fearful anticipation..."NEW?" "EXCLUSIVE?" and "LIVE?" This must be 'very' important...something I definitely need to hear; perhaps for my own safety...???
So, joking aside...I 'hope' it's 'new'. Why would I want to hear a weather report from two days ago; and if it's 'new', I kind of expect it to be a 'live' report; although I have heard 'previously live' reports broadcast after the fact, later in the day...
The 'BEST' part to chuckle about, was the "EXCLUSIVE" tag they spun about their coming weather report...Hmmmnnnn...I thought...they have a weather report coming that 'no other' station has access to...They must have a special 'IN' with the national weather service I guess...??? Amazing...I'll be hanging on the edge of my chair to hear 'that'....
The financial news indicated that the DOW was down unexpectedly for "NO REASON"..."NOTHING WAS GOING ON THAT WAS CAUSING IT"...'WTF'...'SOMETHING' must have been going on to 'cause' the drop...What kind of 'stupid' is that?
I give up...Is this crap we have bombarding us on the airwaves intentional, or plain nonsense from the minds of incompetent retards? I don't really care anymore...I think I'll just go into the woods with my bug-out bag and spend the rest of my days there, mumbling to myself, slapping at mosquitoes while I search for edible wild greens and a drinking water source...
I'm outta here...
Another Outstanding, Observation of Obscurity, presented by AngryMan on Steemit May 12, 2018
A man was arrested while wondering the woods slapping genetically altered mosquitoes from a government bug control program , staying alive on regulated and prohibited green substances drinking water from a government protected fish pond .
The suspect could be best described as ......... angry .
It took 5 taser gun's to bring this Angryman in to safe surrounding's .
Government agent's speak of a well done operation , nature is save , we can all sleep save again . There proud to have brought this Angryman to justice .
The city Major want's a wall to keep these excessive things from happening again .
It's our job to protect nature as a civilised city , we must stop this the Major declared .
Stay tuned , for later we broadcast the interview with the 5 hero's whom stopped this terrible Angryman .
hmmm, just be careful , ;-)
I'll be careful @small1axe ...thanks for your concern. Hope all is well with you.
As well as i can be , considering the loony-farm that's put upon us all.
Thks for caring and sharing your inspiring anger , If we can't laugh about the ridicule state the world turns in we probably go mad . ;-)
Yes, you are right...Some 'do' go mad as a result of not finding the humor in things anymore. It can be difficult at times.
There's knob on your TV , to turn it of , that's what i did years ago .
Sometimes i watch and see it more like comedy .
Dark sadistic comedy that is .
Following your own inner voice , floating outside the box of today's bordered believes , in search for real freedom , is not the easiest way to go .
It's a damned struggle and fight , in witch humor is a strong weapon or source of power .
Stay strong my friend , we be Angry until we find real peace . ;-)
I hardly ever watch mainstream stuff anymore, but occasionally tune in to see if it changed for the better at all...My remote control has a 'turn-off' button too...amazing...and it works...
The ones that get me is when they say up next after the break, but it doesnt happen.
Grrr, its bad enough the story lies, but to just outright not do what you said you were going to do, then turn around and call yourself the most trusted name in news?
Why if we had a modicum of freedom,.....
Yeah, that always got to me too. Now when I here it, I click off the station in protest :) Makes me feel much better, and less like a fool for being taken in by the ploy. Then when they finally get to the story, it turns out to be 'stupid' anyway.
If it was an open market we wouldnt be having these problems.
As it is we get lied to, too.
That was a crime until a few years ago.
If it's owned by a corporation, that's owned by the bankers, that own the politicians, can it ever be "trusted?" Me thinks not.