IFC Finals - Second Round - Conspiracy Thesis ;)

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the Information Finding Championship Final: Round 2 run by @apolymask and @ifc. The topic for this round is: Conspiracy Theories.


It is a shame that in this climate of dis-trust on all levels of modern life, truth becomes a 'word weapon' of choice. Here it is, here is Truth! It is sold and pandered to any willing passerby. To be sure, truth of the modern age comes with bells and whistles, customizable ring-tones and flash-banners to entertain and engage the senses!

How insulting to those that respect Truth in the highest sense, to witness the word flung around in total disregard as if no more relevant than tabloid fodder.

However, people are starving for Truth, within themselves and outside...so they grab from this tree and that tree - the brightly colored fruits of disinformation, half truths and stories willingly and without much forethought or in-sight.

And what of the sellers of truth, the sharers of truth? Why has the word "Truth" become such a controversial proclamation....such a trigger word for anger, more dis-trust, doubt, confusion...and in extreme cases, even violence?

What in the hell is Truth?!

So, how did we get to this point? Much of it can be explained by the repeal of The Smith-Mundt Act - Until 2013, it was illegal for our government to use propaganda on it's own people. Now the government can use propaganda on its own people which has made getting to the truth of any topic particularly arduous and time consuming.

Learn more: ---> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith%E2%80%93Mundt_Act



So, logically speaking, conspiracy or conspiracy theory should only have a subtle difference - that being, one is evidence-based and the other is based on an idea.

Unfortunately, this word has been turned into a highly charged/negative word meant to discredit and imply a person is crazy if they have any idea or truths that puts into question the status-quo or official story. Which is absurd considering that history is full of conspiracies. We do not live in a world with only 'good' people.

What ever happened to “Question Everything”? What ever happened to critical thinking and discussion?


This might prove to be an arduous pursuit these days.

I consider myself a fairly aware person when it comes to this mountain of truth - I am a truth-seeker but I do not rely on conventional resources - I go to the source itself (if possible) and read multiple views. We've had to become our own investigative researchers! With that comes a more engaged and aware population. However, that has also caused a plethora of mass information and opinion.


(Of course, it wasn't called that back then)

At the tender age of 23, I had gone to a large book sale. Overwhelmed by the prospects, I asked for a recommendation from the man sitting on the other side of the table. He seemed to be a very nice (or not so nice , depending on how you look at it) and suggested I read, "Behold A Pale Horse" by William Cooper. "It's a 'classic'", he said as he handed it to me with a mischievous smile ;) The old southern farts sitting with him all chuckled and rolled their eyes. Based on their reaction, I had reservations about wanting to read the book but felt compelled to read it after several of the men agreed this was an excellent choice. LOL Wow! It took me years to read and absorb the contents of that book. HEAVY stuff! Stuff of nightmares, quite frankly. At the time,it was difficult for me to wrap this around my mind (I had nothing in my environment that resembled it) but I was at least open to this being 'possible'. Was the information in this book 'truth' or some elaborate fictional story tied together by real documents? I really didn't know. I would define it as conspiracy x100!

At the age of 26, I worked with a man that turned out to be in the CIA. Hello!


You would never know it by his demeanor - a quiet and understated man - hardly the example of bravado I witnessed in the other men I worked with in this engineering firm. But I did notice that those that left his office, came out noticeably stressed. Then, there was the occasional office comment that seemed to denote 'fear' of this man. So, clearly, there was another side to him. It made me very curious as to 'why' given that I didn't share the same experience others had with him. In fact, this man seemed to look out for me at several points in those two years - he went to bat for me in securing other positions, called me into his office to compliment a project I did or squelched office drama. All this added to my curiosity.

However, I never engaged in any meaningful conversation with him and I never saw him out at any of our office celebrations with the exception of once.

It was a birthday party for one of the managers. He sat alone, separate from everyone else at his own table - observing...quiet. As well, no one else approached him or tried to socialize. I felt a little sorry for him sitting there alone. Maybe he was misunderstood, maybe he really was a nice guy. I caught him laughing a few times as I attempted karaoke with a fellow co-worker and so finally got up the nerve to approach him, inviting him to sit with the rest of us but he declined. So, I tried to make small talk with him asking him how long he knew the person we were celebrating and then asked him how long he worked for our firm. "Not long", he stated. "Oh, where did you work before?", I asked. He very freely and calmly offered (to my surprise), "The CIA." Didn't see that coming! LOL! My mind went off into all directions of 'oh shit!' Given that I had just read that 'classic book' this was like being side-swiped by a reality check. Do I run away NOW or let my curiosity get the best of me (my mind repeating in pulses of warnings, 'curiosity killed the cat, curiously killed the cat)?!!!.


Curiosity won. I quickly found my composure and calmly executed the question, "Oh? That's interesting...How long did you work for the CIA?" (gulp!) He stared at me as if trying to select carefully his words and with a sigh and deep breath answered "You don't ever leave the CIA...." With a side smile, he paused and then drifted off as if in deep thought of a memory and then continued, "I had friends that tried to leave - people that I cared about - and I never heard from them again." My mind, again, went off into all directions of 'oh shit!' However, I was struck by the human being sitting there and heard the deep haunting sadness in his defeated voice, the regret...and his face almost searching mine for a reason to believe in life or perhaps forgiveness from a young life that had not seen what he had seen? All I could think of to say, given the awkwardness and seriousness of this moment was...."I'm so sorry." And I deeply meant it.

"Can I ask you a question?" I prompted. "Sure, ask me anything" he answered. [What does an immature 26 year ask a CIA agent?] I giggled in my embarrassment, "Are there really ALIENS? Have you seen them?" Honestly, I don't think he was expecting such a question, he looked a little surprised. "Hmmmm...I'm going to answer your question with a question and then we can go from there. If you really want to know, I will tell you but it will ruin your life...Do you still want to know?" Unquestionably, his face was as serious as it could be - he meant it and I felt it! I hesitated with my excitement of learning about this burning question. I sat there studying his face further as the wheels of my mind turned - Do I want to know? What if his answer really did ruin my life? Is it worth knowing? He allowed me to study him for several moments suspended on these questions as I breached his false exterior wall into what this answer had done to him (at least in part). Then I looked into his eyes and saw them flutter and retreat into that guarded space and with that I knew..."No, no I don't think I want to know." "That's a good answer" he replied "...just enjoy your life."

Admittedly, not every young life starts off with experiences like this. What kind of message did this experience give me?

  1. That there is information my government knows that is bad enough that it would ruin my life knowing about it.
  2. That people within these agencies are basically held hostage by the information they know
  3. That people within these agencies are just human beings - some good/some bad
  4. That what I think I know about my reality isn't necessarily the full picture

Between that disturbing book and this experience with this CIA agent, my worldview was slightly cracked and spilling out distrust. And this was a big deal considering I grew up in Washington DC - The epicenter of patriotism, American spirit...our government. Free speech and truth were celebrated - protests happened daily! I was surrounded by both past history and history in the making. I went to school with diplomats'/politicians' children. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were a part of our normal curriculum.

By golly! I believed in the 'checks and balances' of both the American people (and that spirit living inside) and all these agencies that were created to keep us safe and on point with...ummm...freedom?

As time marched on and I continued to witness soooo many injustices, suffering, corruption taking place, I began to realize that something was very wrong.

Sometimes life has a way of shaking some truth into you.

Nothing said this more than when I became ill after a tetanus shot. Something I didn't want to have in the first place (major phobia of needles) but was approached by 7 doctors in white coats with a pile of waivers for me to sign if I didn't take the shot. "Just get it over with and you'll be good for 10 years." they said. It was a highly intimidating situation and I relented. If I could go back and undo that moment, I would!

That was the moment my life changed. The following day, I had a very high fever, developed a rash all over my body, developed Raynaud's, horrible fatigue, headaches and just progressed in following weeks into losing my eye sight intermittently, blood pressure dropping to the 40's, pneumonia...

I would spend the next 6 years going to every specialist under the sun, having procedures that were horrible, twice a week blood draws until finally an immunologist said, "We've done everything and tried everything but you obviously have a connective tissue disease. Nothing we've tried has worked so the only thing left is chemo. Hope you don't mind being a guinea pig. We'll just kill everything off and see what comes back." That was exactly his words! He finished it off with, "You will never be able to have children and I don't know how long you have." NEXT!

I spent the next 3 days sitting outside in my backyard balling my eyes out, praying and even cussing. I went through a plethora of emotion facing my own mortality and the thought of leaving this beautiful earth and loved ones. I thought a lot about life, what life meant, what I would miss....and then I just felt a peace wash over me. I was done.

The next day, I had a knock at the door from a new neighbor I didn't know. She never socialized with anyone. It was rather odd. She just said, "I thought maybe you could use this more than me." and handed me a list of doctors and specialists. I have no idea how she even knew I was sick - I didn't talk to anyone about it - I didn't have the energy to have relationships with other people.

To make a long story short, this was the beginning of my major wake-up and what would ultimately save my life.

This new doctor had just spent the last 5 years of her life sick and unable to work without help from her own field. Much like my own story. She took her medical knowledge and put it to work researching and learning things she was never learned in medical school - and healed herself. I was one of her first patients after she re-opened her doors. She was a 'force' is the only way I could describe her personality. A whirlwind of energy! On my first visit, she hurled so many question and information at me that my head was spinning. And all the while she is talking, she is also typing and spits out a printout for me. She meant business! "You are a very sick girl, but if you will give me 3 months and do what I say, I can give you back your life." she said.

This was all foreign and overwhelming to me. Sounded like a lot of work! But, my choice was quite simple: try this or do the chemo.

One of the things on her list was to remove 'fluoride'. No tap water - only distilled water, filter in shower, no fluoride toothpaste.

What?!!! Fluoride?!!! But...but....

She was very matter of fact, "fluoride is toxic", it needs to be removed completely!

Was this true and if it was true, are my teeth going to rot out of my head now too?!

Okay, okay.....

When I looked into this topic, it completely dismantled my trust. How could this be?!!

The Conspiracy of How Fluoride Entered Our Lives

What I learned about this chemical and it's history defies logic and human ethics. A conspiracy fact no matter how you look at it and continues to this day.


In 1951 INDUSTRY WELCOMED fluoridation with open arms.

Even the US Public Health Service and American Dental Association, State Dental Health Directors and various other health bodies (even women's clubs) urged this trend enthusiastically. Why would the public question those that are entrusted to 'protect'?


However, those most enthusiastic were chemical companies and equipment firms benefiting financially:
General Chemical, Harshaw Chemical Co., Blockson Chemical Co., American Agricultural Chemical Co., Aluminum Co. of America (ALCOA), Davison Chemical Corp., and Baugh Chemical Co and even nuclear corporations.

Toxic waste and by-products are such a problem!

Let's go back in history to understand what brought us to this point.

In the 1930's, ALCOA (Aluminum Co. of America) and other manufacturers had a huge problem with disposing of their waste and by-products. So huge was the problem that the process to eliminate it became increasingly difficult and costly. After all, you couldn't just dump these toxic compounds in the environment anymore. The government was cracking down on this - one plant in Washington state was fined for dumping fluorides into the Columbia River.this resulted in injury and death of surrounding cattle.

Additionally, for decades, the manufacturers of steel and phosphate fertilizers were also having an issue with their toxic by-product waste as well. Lawsuits were piling up! The word was getting out. A couple from Pocatello, Idaho filed a judgment as their local trout farm and fish hatchery was being damaged and the eggs from the fish were being rendered 'worthless' as they no longer hatched. The fish also were developing malformations. Eventually the build up of toxicity of their farm was resulting in a ton of dead fish per day and fluoride levels in the water ranged between 0.5 and 4.7ppm (this is no different than current levels in our drinking water now).

To make matters worse, industrial fluoride hazards around the world were progressively worsening and with that came a mountain of more litigation and press. Just to give an example how pervasive the toxicity was at the time, Polk County Florida saw a reduction of 120,000 cows in 1954 reduced to 30,000 by 1965. The levels of fluoride in surrounding plants were tested at an astounding 1800ppm.

When the human health effects started becoming more well-known, additional lawsuits were filed and despite investment in expensive air-cleaning equipment, it wasn't helping effectively (fluoride's particles are very small). Between the expense of cleaning equipment, lawsuits (costing millions of dollars) and public awareness - these manufacturers were looking at their extinction.

Ed Bernays to the rescue - If you haven't heard of him, you should!

Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda
November 22, 1891 − March 9, 1995
Nephew of Sigmund Freud
He described the masses as irrational and subject to herd instinct—and outlined how skilled practitioners could use crowd psychology and psycho-analysis to control them in desirable ways. He is aptly known as the 'Father of Propaganda"

Bernays touted the idea that the "masses" are driven by factors outside their conscious understanding, and therefore their minds can and should be manipulated by the elite few.

"Intelligent men must realize that propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos."

Other quotes:

“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”

― Edward L. Bernays

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda

To get a full understanding of how influential (and diabolical) this man was in shaping American culture and history (and the world for that fact), this documentary will shake the foundations of everything you think you know: "Century of the Self" --->

Under the direction of Bernays, ALCOA and other corporations paid for studies with the Melon Institute, Kettering Laboratory, Universities and other labs to prove that 'fluoride' was not only non-toxic, but healthy. They then met with government agencies and other public and environmental safety organizations to promote this paid for propaganda. So substantial was this body of information that it is still used today to promote the benefits of fluoride for teeth.

Yet, that wasn't all they did! They convinced states, government agencies and public/medical and health organizations to promote it for use in toothpaste and eventually our drinking water.

Just to be clear, this was NOT 'natural' fluoride (which is toxic, in and of itself, rather it was the industrial waste by-product). So, not only did they solve the very costly problem of disposal of their toxic waste by-product, but they stood to profit from selling it as a 'health product for teeth'!

In 1944, Oscar Ewing, was put on the payroll of the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) with an annual salary of $750,000! A few months later, Mr. Ewing was made Federal Security Administrator. It was Ewing that gave the final okay for country-wide water fluoridation.
Source: (https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/history/fluoridation-the-great-dilemma-history)


Mr. Ewing wasn't the only ALCOA executive to have a federal government position. Andrew Mellon, the founder of ALCOA, had been the U.S. Treasurer! The revolving door between corporations and government in instituting public policy, laws and regulations is an unfortunate (and sometimes catastrophic) recipe for subversion of the truth and a healthy society by disregarding all things ethical and right for the very purpose of wielding more power and profit.

Journal of the American Dental Association, Volume 23, page 568, April, 1936, "Fluorine In Relation To Bone and Tooth Development by Floyd deEDS, Ph.D.

"For many years now a pathologic condition known as enamel dystrophy, or mottling of the enamel has been of interest to the dental profession"

"Within the last few years, interest in this pathologic condition has been intensified by the discovery that fluorine is the etiologic factor."


Additionally, Dr. deEDS states that fluoride is not only in the same class as arsenic and lead (in toxicity) but that it is a 'protoplasmic poison that exerts a strong inhibitory action on many enzymes' and that this toxic effect on enzymes 'interferes with metabolism and with the enzymatic process associated with normal bone and tooth formation.'

And this published paper by the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA), Volume 31, page 1360, October 01, 1944 titled "The Effect of Fluorine on Dental Caries" WRITTEN BY THE EDITOR OF JADA - L. Pierce Anthony, DDS:

"Studies on the subject (fluorine in producing mottled enamel) conducted by H. Trendley Dean of the US Health Service led to a nation-wide effort to eliminate the principal source of mottled enamel - excessive amounts of fluoride in drinking water..."


The Editor of JADA further states:

"We do know that the use of drinking water with as little as 1.2 to 3.0 parts per million of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteosclerosis, spondylosis and osteopetrosis as well as goiter and we cannot afford to run the risk of producing such serious system disturbances...and disfigurements among children."

After Bernays got involved in the propaganda campaign of making industrial waste 'healthy' - Amazingly, these agencies had a remarkable change of heart. December, 1950:

The American Journal of Public Health suddenly states that the following resolution were unanimously adopted:

"Whereas, accumulated evidence indicates a sound basis for the fluoridation of public water supplies for the partial control of dental caries....be it resolved that this procedure be recommended as safe and effective method of reducing the prevalence of dental caries."

And as if almost on queue, the Journal of American Dental Association states,

"Data from the few controlled water fluoridation studies which have been underway for the last five years have proved so promising that the House of Delegates passed a resolution that in the interest of public health, the ADA recommends fluoridation of municipal water supplies."

For more information on the history and studies and when this all changed, you can read further here:
Source: http://www.dentalconfessions.com/downloads/FlourideFraud_complete.pdf


The Conspiracy campaign to sell fluoride as healthy begins.....

The propaganda was sold like this:

Introduction to industrial-waste fluoride to the public in the 1950's - courtesy of the American Dental Association


However, not everyone was buying the push for water fluoridation


"By 1962, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) recommended that community water systems add fluoride to drinking water to prevent tooth decay. Since that time, more than 210 million people across the country—about 75% of all people served by community water systems—currently benefit from this safe and effective intervention. As Surgeon General, I encourage all Americans to make choices that enable them to prevent illness and promote well-being. Community water fluoridation is one of the most practical, cost-effective, equitable, and safe measures communities can take to prevent tooth decay and improve oral health.

Source: Surgeon General's Perspectives - Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA
Remember that this was launched by Oscar Ewing, employee of ALCOA that took a federal government position at PHS months after his employment at ALCOA at a salary of $750,000

The FACTS and nothing but the FACTS:

Industrial-waste fluoride:

Alternative names for industry waste fluoride:

Gastrointestinal Effects
Bone Fracture
Brain Effects
Kidney Disease
Male Fertility
Cardiovascular Disease
Pineal Gland
Skeletal Fluorosis
Endocrine Disruption
Thyroid Disease
Acute Toxicity

Solvay's SAFETY DATA SHEET - Distributor of the fluoride that is sold for drinking water fluoridation:

In case of ingestion

  • If HF has been ingested, the victim should be immediately transported to a medical facility.
  • Do NOT induce vomiting.
  • If the victim is able to swallow, give oral calcium containing antacids or solution. The recommended antidote is
    calcium gluconate. However, if no calcium gluconate is at hand, the oral administration of small and limited amount of milk or water might be considered if it’s consistent with local practice.
  • Be aware to maintain life support if necessary.
    Source: https://www.solvay.us/en/binaries/P01-28861-USA-237516.pdf


Fluoride, or Hydrofluorosilic acid (H 2 SiF 6 ), is not naturally occurring but is a waste by-product derived from the industrial manufacture of aluminium, zinc, uranium, aerosols, insecticides, fertilizers, plastics, lubricants and pharmaceuticals.

It is also a Part II Poison under the UK Poisons Act 1972 ranking in toxicity above lead and just below arsenic.
Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).

American toothpastes containing fluoride are by law obliged to state, "WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately."

Source: https://www.agreenroadjournal.com/2014/06/the-fluoride-deception-how-nuclear.html

Fluoride put into drinking water is not considered a medication (according to the EPA/FDA), but fluoride made into a 'pill form' such as Prozac is considered a drug. This is an important point as IT allows the FDA/EPA to consider fluoridation of your drinking water a 'nutrient'. Shame, shame!



EPA - 2000

“If this stuff gets out into the air, it’s a pollutant; if it gets into the river, it’s a pollutant; if it gets into the lake, it’s a pollutant; but if it goes right straight into your drinking water system, it’s not a pollutant. That’s amazing.” ~– Former VP and Senior Chemist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters

EPA - 1983

"In regard to the use of fluosilicic acid as a source of fluoride for fluoridation, this agency regards such use as an ideal environmental solution to a long-standing problem. By recovering by-product fluosilicic acid from fertilizer manufacturing, water and air pollution are minimized." ~ Rebecca Hanmer (1983) Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water US EPA

Source: http://www.waterloowatch.com/Index_files/WaterlooWatch%20Summary%20Brochure.pdf
[So a representative of the EPA SUPPORTS dumping toxic waste in the drinking water has no regard for the health effects on humans and pets BECAUSE it solves the environmental problem]

EPA - Dr. J. William Hirzy (EPA Employee)



Lone Voice of Dr. Dean Burk warning the American people decades ago:
“In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths than any other chemical. When you have power you don’t have to tell the truth. That’s a rule that’s been working in this world for generations. There are a great many people who don’t tell the truth when they are in power in administrative positions. Fluoride amounts to public murder on a grand scale. It is some of the most conclusive scientific and biological evidence that I have come
across in my 50 years in the field of cancer research.”~ – Dr. Dean Burk, biochemist, Founder of Biotin, and former Chief Chemist at the National Cancer Institute of Health
--> Video of an interview with Dr. Burk:

Source: https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/uses-of-fluorosilicic-acid

(Of course, this has been known since the 1930's)

  • Ground breaking new study that came out September of 2017 - "Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years":

"In multivariate models we found that an increase in maternal urine fluoride of 0.5mg/L (approximately the IQR) predicted 3.15 (95% CI: −5.42, −0.87) and 2.50 (95% CI −4.12, −0.59) lower offspring GCI and IQ scores, respectively."

Toxicity of fluoride, even in low doses. interacts with cellular systems, induces oxidative stress and modulates intracellular redox homeostasis, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyl content as well as alter gene expression and causes apoptosis.

Study concluded that children living in communities that receive fluoride-treated water had a higher concentration of lead in their blood due to the addition of fluoride in their systems.

"The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15.
*Some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus,
children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. "

Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments, affect millions of children worldwide, and some diagnoses seem to be increasing in frequency.

Industrial chemicals that injure the developing brain are among the known causes for this rise in prevalence.

In 2006, we did a systematic review and identified five industrial chemicals as developmental neurotoxicants: lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene. Since 2006, epidemiological studies have
documented six additional developmental neurotoxicants—manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers. We postulate that even more neurotoxicants remain undiscovered.

To control the pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity, we propose a global prevention strategy. Untested chemicals should not be presumed to be safe to brain development, and chemicals in existing use and all new chemicals must therefore be tested for developmental neurotoxicity. To coordinate these efforts and to
accelerate translation of science into prevention, we propose the urgent formation of a new international clearinghouse.


(Note how 'antifluoridationists' is used in much the same way as conspiracy theorists to discredit)

The American Association for Community Dental Programs response:

Unfortunately, Grandjean and Landrigan's Review has been aggressively and improperly used by antifluoridationists to frighten the public about the effects of fluoridation, a well-established public health measure that has been shown to be cost-effective and safe. As a result, the public's oral health, especially that of the most vulnerable people, is put in jeopardy.

As advocates for better oral health and for serving the public's best interest, we are pleased that The Lancet Neurology is providing a forum for credible experts and organisations to reaffirm the safety and cost-effectiveness of fluoridation—a proven public health measure.



Fluoridation is supported by major health organizations and government agencies throughout the developed
world and has been listed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention among the 20th Century's ten great public health achievements [1]. But Connett would have you believe that fluoridation is ineffective, unsafe, and unethical [2]. In effect, he would like you to believe that he's smarter than all of them put together.

Meanwhile, here's something to think about. Over the years, antifluoridationists have offered hundreds of objections. By 1960, the number was so great that a team at the University of Michigan published an 85-page book that classified and rebutted more than 200 of them.

Since that time, hundreds more have surfaced. But the sheer number should tell us something. If even one objection were valid, do you think fluoridation would still be with us?

*Note that the University of Michigan was one of the sources enlisted by Bernays and these industries to 'save their industry' and make fluoride sound 'healthy'. It was also the first test sight for water fluoridation.


"Fluoride in Water is Safe and It Works. More than 70 years of scientific research has consistently shown that
an optimal level of fluoride in community water is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay by at least 25% in both children and adults. Simply by drinking water, Americans can benefit from fluoride's cavity protection whether they are at home, work or school.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named community water fluoridation one of 10 great public
health achievements of the 20th century."

Source: https://www.ada.org/en/public-programs/advocating-for-the-public/fluoride-and-fluoridation

ADA's comments specifically about lowered IQ?

"....because it is unknown how the subjects of the study ingested the fluoride – whether through salt, water, or both – no conclusions can be drawn regarding the effects of community water fluoridation in the

U.S. Moreover, according to the ADA, the best available scientific evidence shows no association between the U.S.-recommended amount of fluoride used to prevent tooth decay and IQ."

Source: https://www.ada.org/en/press-room/news-releases/2017-archives/september/ada-responds-to-study-regarding-fluoride-intake-in-mexico

WHO (World Health Organization)



The US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has suggested lowering the amount of fluoride added to municipal water.

US dentists are seeing higher levels of fluorosis, predominantly of the mild form involving tooth discoloration, perhaps because individuals are now exposed to fluoride from many sources, including drinking water, toothpaste, mouthwash, and fluoride treatments applied in dentists' offices.


[Connett wants to classify fluoride as a drug (rather than a nutrient or a public health measure) so he can apply drug-related guidelines without considering whether they make sense for fluoride. The FDA regulates fluoride in pill form as a drug, but fluoridated water is not within its jurisdiction. Fluoride is added to water for preventive purposes not treatment. Its status is similar to that of folic acid, which must be added to flour (used for making bread) in order to reduce the incidence of birth defects. Other water chemicals are added to improve taste or kill germs. The fact that fluoride serves another purpose doesn't matter. Fluoride is found naturally in most water supplies. Fluoridation adjusts the concentration so that it is high enough to reduce tooth decay. The real question is whether adjusting the concentration serves a valuable purpose without posing any risk. The
answer is yes.]

Connett contends that fluoridation is unethical because it does not involve informed consent and violates individual rights by forcing whole communities to take medication even if it is against their will. He further asserts that "with water fluoridation we are allowing governments to do to whole communities (forcing people to take a medicine irrespective of their consent) what individual doctors cannot do to individual patients."

As for the ADA, EPA, JADA, AMA, CDC and others - You will find they are still holding steadfast to the original propaganda cited 70 years ago and will not budge on that stance no matter how many scientists, doctors, specialists come forward with their studies and data.

If this doesn't make much logical sense to you, you are not alone. It is frustratingly clear, even to the average citizen. The more a person dives into this topic, the more this reveals itself as an intentional coordination to poison the public's drinking water. And at the very least, criminally unethical and deeply disturbing.

People simply don't come first anymore - corporations do, money does, power does. If that were not true, this assault on the health of 200 million people would not have ever taken place to begin with and continued despite compelling evidence. Industrial waste?!!! Come on!

##Countries that don't use or have banned drinking water fluoridation

Slovak Republic

Source: (https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/magazine/magazine_article/fluoridated-drinking-water/)


Bottled Water:

According to the FDA:

"Bottled water products labeled as de-ionized, purified, demineralized, or distilled have been treated in such a way that they contain no or only trace amounts of fluoride, unless they specifically list fluoride as an added ingredient."

"The FDA does not require bottled water manufacturers to list the amount of fluoride on the label unless the manufacturer has added fluoride within set limits. Contact the bottled water’s manufacturer to ask about the fluoride content of a particular brand."

Fluoride content in bottled water tested:

Glaceau Smart Water Distilled- .00 ppm
Ice Mountain- .11 ppm
Family Gourmet- .14 ppm
Dasani- .16 ppm
Propel- .17 ppm
Deja Blue- .17 ppm
Crystal Geyser- .31 ppm
Fiji- .35 ppm
VOSS - .25 ppm
Kiwaii - .04 ppm
Aqua - .13 ppm
Kroger- .00 ppm
Evian - .00 ppm

  • If your state does not show up in any of the databases that is because they do not wish to participate

"The court’s ruling guarantees that any trial of this matter will be far broader than what the EPA preferred. Given that the fluoridation of water in the U.S. is commonplace, we will keep an eye on how this case unfolds."

To read full petition: ---> http://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/epa-petition.pdf


In the words of one of my favorite 'conspiracy theorists' ~ Erin Brockovich

“After a great deal of research and personal thought, I am opposed to the continued policy and practice of drinking water fluoridation; I believe this harmful practice must be ended immediately. Public drinking water is a basic human right; and its systematic use as a dispensary of a substance for medical purposes is deplorable.

Other sources:




I hope so!

Whoa there... This made me remember the amalgam in the teeth and stuff! Oh looks like you got everything covered. And that was terrible, making them give you that shot. Ugh. They should be sued or something.

Am thinking if you had said yes to that CIA agent, his next statement would probably be, "if I tell you, I'd have to kill you." Lol.

Oh don't get me started on the amalgams! That is in itself a long story (part of my recovery was removing the amalgams - my mercury numbers were literally off the charts - tetanus is really high in mercury - so I think that just threw me over the edge)....anyway ;) I am well now and have my babies.

That is also what I was thinking with the CIA agent. Such a strange experience. I always wonder what he would have said. Doesn't seem like a good career choice either.

Huhu haven't got mine removed yet. It's been years since I knew abt it and I always end up not saving for having them removed. 😥😥😥

It's good they cured you of it then. 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

It's interesting - talk about synchronicities - I might not have given it much thought if it weren't for a woman I met on my flight up to Alaska. She was a bubbly woman - very happy. We ended up talking more and she told me that she was on her flight back from Mexico where she spent 6 weeks getting some dental work done. As we talked more she revealed to me that she was on her last leg with Multiple Schlorosis - In a wheelchair and requiring others to feed and care for her. She went down to Mexico to have those mercury filling removed and to go through a 'detox'/chelation program. She told me she was so happy because she is now (after just 6 weeks) free of her wheelchair and sickness. Then she said, "Honey....get those metal fillings out of your mouth...don't wait like I did and end up with a horrible disease." I believed her but then when I asked my dentist about it, he laughed and said, "They are perfectly safe" so I didn't have them removed. Years later when I was very sick (I couldn't even complete a sentence without forgetting what I was saying 3 words in) I asked that immunologist if it was possible that this was due to mercury (remembering that woman's words) and he said, "No, that is ridiculous...if you had that much mercury you wouldn't be standing here." Turns out he was soooooo wrong. As I went through chelation therapy/detox and IV treatments following the removal of my amalgams, I can honestly say that within two weeks, I had a good portion of my energy and brain back....it would take me an additional two years to be in 'total remission'.

It's a worthwhile investment, @artgirl - but by a doc that takes the appropriate precautions.

Yes but the specialist dentist here who does it says you have to be in good health before it's removed. So you have to be taking in all kinds of supplements and then when your bloodwork shows you're good that's when you can go have it removed.

It's definitely on my list but huhu I hope I can save enough for it soon.

Well, that is true somewhat - it is better to be in excellent health in case of leaching and exposure to the mercury (which will happen) and can be rather severe. Not always possible though. I went through a medical doctor that coordinated the removal with a dentist.

You can take Sun Chlorella to help lessen the load and buffered C to protect your tissue/brain - pretty subtle and gentle

It is very expensive though to remove amalgams. :(

Yes it is. Maybe when I get some back from my small investments I will try again. But yeah would have to be in good health as well. Haha. Thanks. Will look into it again.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow. Just wow. I have never seen such a well researched, in-depth post on here. Good for you.

That was a genuine ride. At first I felt your story was like a kind of novel. Not all of us meet someone who was once a government agent. When I read your question about aliens, I laughed out loud! I really didn't expect that. Interesting how you describe the process and how your young age played a role in what you wanted to know. I assume that secret services are doing things we would rather not know. You have done a lot of research to explain the Flourid problem in water and toothpaste etc.. Respect for your work.

This seems to be a really serious problem in the States (and other countries) and there is no solution in sight. Does anyone drink from the faucet at all? I remember finding the water in California so repulsive and it smelled of chlorine so much that I wondered how such a thing even works.

My man told me about Flourid a few years ago and I have since switched to a biologically flawless toothpaste that my son also uses.

As consumers, it is quite difficult for us to check our food and goods for harmful substances and so there is no one hundred percent protection.

My way of dealing with it is to realize that much of what manufacturers produce is very likely to harm me. So that I don't faint over it, I see that there are many things that are in return beneficial to me. As human beings, we are born into a modernity that imposes a heavy legacy on us and raises our awareness of the damage to nature.

All the advantages of our modern life come with a price.

If you asked people what they want to do without, you would probably not be surprised that actually almost everyone wants to live just as comfortably as before, but without having to do without the usual amenities.

I therefore take the liberty of asking myself the critical question that if a society continues to focus on growth, improving the quality of life in the sense of accumulation of material values and boundless mobility, industrial hazardous waste will continue to exist which in one way or another intervenes in all biological cycles and causes problems there.

I suspect that one's own behaviour regarding the consumption of resources such as water and energy leads governments to mistakenly believe that their peoples are not particularly interested in improving their energy balances and are in principle unwilling to accept a deterioration in their quality of life.

In any case, I see people walking through their homes in T-shirts in the middle of winter, while outside it is minus ten degrees. When I recently spoke to a family member about whether he would be prepared to give up his car because the damage caused by roads and vehicles would be obvious, I got the answer that he would like to see environmentally friendly vehicles produced and that he would not have to pay more for them than at present.

A sobering answer, and I think we are all more or less - even if we do not want to admit it - of the opinion that we want everything exactly as we are used to from good times, but environmentally friendly. I suspect this will not work.

Have you heard of the cradle-to-cradle concept? It works with this issues and suggests to put everything in technical and biological cycles. For example, you wouldn't buy a washing machine but rent ten thousand times washing. Afterwards it goes back into the technical cycle and will be fully used for other goods. You can google it and you will find some interesting research material. This is still in baby-shoes and much of it is still more public relations than anything significant in producing in this way. But it's a beginning.


WOW! just WOW!

I'm in shock but not.......this is scary, to say the least!! makes me afraid of my sink and that isnot a joke!

Yes, yes it is scary.

Kind of a long read but my intention was to inform those that aren't aware.

I put a few tools for seeing if your local water is fluoridated as well as a tester (under $50) if you'd like to test yourself.

There are options for drinking water like reverse osmosis or distilled. Some filters have also come out that claim to remove fluoride but it is a particularly hard chemical to remove due to its very small particle size.

Obviously, it would be better if fluoride were just removed. This has been incredibly difficult for communities, however. Youtube is full of hearings on the topic - communities fighting to have it removed.

Thank you for stopping by and reading this post.

Wow, you've put a lot of effort into this post! Well done and good luck for the round!

Yes I did....and I thought this would be a shorter topic! It is a long post.

Thank you!

Good luck to you as well :)

I really liked reading about your encounter with the CIA agent and even shared it on my Facebook page. Very interesting stuff indeed! Kinda spooky. I wonder what he knew..

The stuff about Bernays is fascinating. I need to research him more.
And as much as I thought I knew about the whole fluoride story I learned a few new interesting things from your article.

Like the Smith-Mundt Act for example.
However after digging for a lil while it looks like it's propaganda for outside of the US and the recent repeal thingy just makes it so it's okay for them if US citizens manage to see it while overseas. It did look like they made an exception for special cases too.. This line here concerns me.

"Such material may be made available within the United States and disseminated, when appropriate"... That's rather vague and.. Whatever the case. I'm under the impression the are using propaganda either way, whether they admit to it or not, so I don't really wanna make an issue of that.

That sucks you got sick like that, I definitely have a distrust of shots.. But it's awesome that he lady was able to help you so much!

I never bought the excuse that fluoride is for our dental health, since when did the government ever care about our dental health, if they cared about our health at all they would take a lot of other important steps, but they don't.. I definitely don't buy that excuse.

From the evidence I've seen it's messed up a lot of people and I'm glad i stopped using it in my toothpaste many yeas ago. And luckily we have a well here so it's not in our water either! I'm very thankful.. Especially recently as I learn more about the 3rd eye and how some people believe fluoride calcifies it and.. Yeah.. I'd rather have my 3rd eye open if that's true than frozen shut or whatever is happening to it.

That quote by Erin Brockovich at the end is great, I think I may have seen that before, but a great reminder of how serious it is, a whole movie was made about her other discoveries you'd think more people would listen when someone like her speaks on the subject..

It is amazing that the propaganda is still in place and that people think military waste products are somehow good for their health, it was I admit pretty brilliant in a dark sort of way for them to figure out a way to use human bodies as their uhh.. Disposal site so to speak.. Though.. Unspeakably horrible.. These people are.. The worst kinds of people who do stuff like that.

I mean seriously.. Why should we be basically putting rat poison in our mouths to brush with? Something so dangerous it has to have a warning label? It's absurd. I've been doing just fine with natural stuff, no chemicals. No worry of like dying or getting really sick if I swallow some on accident.. It's bizarre what so many people just trust sometimes... sigh..

The mind control is strong.. Bernays knew some deep stuff. Controlling group thought is like a science to these people.

Great entry youhavewings, it was a pretty close decision though I feel like you put a bit more work into yours and I really enjoyed your personal stories and I learned a couple new things! I'm voting for you this round. Thanks for playing and and for the great effort! We should know in the next few days who the winners are when all the judges get their votes in. Good luck.

Wow, @apolymask - You should win an award for just reading this entire piece - And I know you did given that you touched on all the points I had hoped would be brought to light.

And thank you for using your comments to further enlighten.

I went from aliens to suddenly...fluoride. Dang.

One of my middle school teachers "used to" work for the CIA. Maybe that's why our school was pretty chill.

LOL I guess you can summarize it that way, @enforcer48 :)

Interesting middle school teacher I'm sure! :)

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