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RE: IFC Finals - Second Round - Conspiracy Thesis ;)

in #ifc7 years ago

I really liked reading about your encounter with the CIA agent and even shared it on my Facebook page. Very interesting stuff indeed! Kinda spooky. I wonder what he knew..

The stuff about Bernays is fascinating. I need to research him more.
And as much as I thought I knew about the whole fluoride story I learned a few new interesting things from your article.

Like the Smith-Mundt Act for example.
However after digging for a lil while it looks like it's propaganda for outside of the US and the recent repeal thingy just makes it so it's okay for them if US citizens manage to see it while overseas. It did look like they made an exception for special cases too.. This line here concerns me.

"Such material may be made available within the United States and disseminated, when appropriate"... That's rather vague and.. Whatever the case. I'm under the impression the are using propaganda either way, whether they admit to it or not, so I don't really wanna make an issue of that.

That sucks you got sick like that, I definitely have a distrust of shots.. But it's awesome that he lady was able to help you so much!

I never bought the excuse that fluoride is for our dental health, since when did the government ever care about our dental health, if they cared about our health at all they would take a lot of other important steps, but they don't.. I definitely don't buy that excuse.

From the evidence I've seen it's messed up a lot of people and I'm glad i stopped using it in my toothpaste many yeas ago. And luckily we have a well here so it's not in our water either! I'm very thankful.. Especially recently as I learn more about the 3rd eye and how some people believe fluoride calcifies it and.. Yeah.. I'd rather have my 3rd eye open if that's true than frozen shut or whatever is happening to it.

That quote by Erin Brockovich at the end is great, I think I may have seen that before, but a great reminder of how serious it is, a whole movie was made about her other discoveries you'd think more people would listen when someone like her speaks on the subject..

It is amazing that the propaganda is still in place and that people think military waste products are somehow good for their health, it was I admit pretty brilliant in a dark sort of way for them to figure out a way to use human bodies as their uhh.. Disposal site so to speak.. Though.. Unspeakably horrible.. These people are.. The worst kinds of people who do stuff like that.

I mean seriously.. Why should we be basically putting rat poison in our mouths to brush with? Something so dangerous it has to have a warning label? It's absurd. I've been doing just fine with natural stuff, no chemicals. No worry of like dying or getting really sick if I swallow some on accident.. It's bizarre what so many people just trust sometimes... sigh..

The mind control is strong.. Bernays knew some deep stuff. Controlling group thought is like a science to these people.

Great entry youhavewings, it was a pretty close decision though I feel like you put a bit more work into yours and I really enjoyed your personal stories and I learned a couple new things! I'm voting for you this round. Thanks for playing and and for the great effort! We should know in the next few days who the winners are when all the judges get their votes in. Good luck.


Wow, @apolymask - You should win an award for just reading this entire piece - And I know you did given that you touched on all the points I had hoped would be brought to light.

And thank you for using your comments to further enlighten.

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