i have to side with your friend as rent prices are so high its crippling our income and my credit score is so low that a broker would just laugh and show us the door. i know we need to buy (its a must) but the light at the end of tunnel does not exist. So pleased for you though, you have done the right thing. just wish i had started my adult life with home buying being a top 3 priority.
I do sympathise. I mean house prices have completely bludgeoned salary increases from a ratio of maybe 3or 4 * annual salary, houses are now placed at 8 - 10 times at least. So I guess a sense of timing and dumb luck is involved! Also I know (especially young people) really battle even to get a deposit together with crippling rents and for a long while there were really poor mortgages on the market requiring significant deposits. Good luck to you though and I hope you do see some light...
Thanks for your comment.