Cryptocurrencies crash!? Don't worries. Let me tell you what will happen next.

in #hot7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. My name's Paweł Barylski and it's my first private post on steem it.
By the way, it looks for very great service which we have here, with steem website.
I was following bitcoins and all cryptocurrencies since 2012 but in fact since 2014 it's my daily routine.

I tell you, that before I wasn't big.. It was mostly my dream, I tried so many things, that you cannot imagine. I could say that I'm expert in online businesses. The most important was that for last couple years I was opening many, many doors which are changing into huge profits and soon a lot of millions$. Small success of increasing money by around 10.000% this year, changing 5k into 500k, it's just the beginning.
I've decided to share with you my financial advices, because... why not . It's good to be like market, to grow if it's growing, but from time to time it's good to be better than market and have some insider knowledge right? :) I have some connections, which can be useful for all of you to make even more unbelievable gains.

So first of all you don't have to even worry about crash. Cryptocurrencies are not going anywhere.
People made a lot of money from moment when Ethereum was at 10$, Ripple for not even cent and Stratis for free. In fact I was buying Ether at 20$ and I felt late, cuz my very close friend and business partner bought around 50.000 ether's at 9$ . Funny, because he did it because of my recommendation :) . You know, if you could change 450k usd$ into 17millions usd$, game is changing. You look at it in different way and 1) yes you want to make from it 100M$ 2) you need to stay realistic.
That's why people are withdrawing money, to make sure they can book their profits.
Market is very revolutionary and even if Ethereum now come back to 100$ I would put all my savings into this game and I wouldn't be alone. Why? It's discount of 75%! Who is so stupid to sell me stocks at 75% discount! Bottom is same like top, but on different side. It would be same when Ethereum price was 400$. It was like... "WHAT?? 400? Omg , so nice..." . Now it will be "WHAT?? 150$? Omg, people are so crazy, buy it!". I want you to remind Warren Buffet "buy when it's blood is on the market". Even if it go to 50, on long run you can just make more money. You need to stay cool and never, ever let your emotions tell you what to do.. If you bought on the bottom, great! Stay there until you make again 10x, you will.

Well.. It may happen but the most important is that the market cap is only 100B$ .
When it was 20B$ I told everyone, look, it's going to go up to 100B$ and then it will be uncertainty. Why? It's just round number, huge one and already nice gains.. It will be probably pull back, cuz they are always somewhen, just nobody know when.. But you probably remember Elliott Waves? It was just first one .. from at least three (cuz it's not 100% rule).

With my friend Thorsten, who invested in ether at 9$. By the way, he made millions of $ on forex markets and is extremely experienced investor, who studied forex market for last 8years, maniacally 16-20h a day and testing thousands of systems. I would say he has Degree of Associate Professor in Forex. He calculated that market is currently ONLY 100B$, while forex market is sitting on more than 85trillion$. Wall Street wolfs are just waking up, world is looking at us and saying.. "What the hell is happening there" - and thinking "Damn.. I want to make so much returns too. Those solutions are game changers, they are pushing entire world to next level." If market will get only 5% of total forex market cap, it would be fair enough to say cryptocurrencies are future and future is now. 5% would be 4-5trillion$ market cap.. It's the answer for people who ask if it's too late.

Volatility is so high, because people come to the market like storm. They've seen opportunity and don't want to miss it. Look, if we have pool of potential money which is 85trillions$ and 5trillions$ is just thinking to fly into cryptocurrencies, this is a reason why we are gaining so fast.

  1. So at the end, if you are already in the market and you have leveraged positions, have minus and don't want to lose money, just protect them and let them survive until we are on next huge up wave. You can only win. Remember, you must be a winner not a loser. Winners always calculate risk properly.
  2. If you already sold, look for opportunity to buy little lower. You can also diversify by buying every 50$, starting now.
  3. Remember, no crash (right now), need to happen, because more and more people realize this what I wrote above.
  4. Somewhen market will crash and it's guaranteed, no matter what everyone tell you. It will 100%. E.g. if we drive prices of bitcoins to 10 or 20k, it must crash at least for a while. Markets always need fresh money.
  5. Don't worry about current price drop. Even if it crash, look at big picture. What will happen next.. Will we have judgement day? What then, end of the world? No.. people will put money in crypto again and others will take your money - in case if you don't calculate risk properly. Although I can imagine after this post you will do your homework and you will be person who take money of those who don't need them anymore.

Follow me, upvote, share and tell your friends, because I plan to share with you much more in future. I have no time to waste on useless posts, but I feel good to tell everyone how to make more money. That's why I'm going to write only very thought and important news, which can positively impact on your financial situation. You can treat me as "good angel", who is helping to take right action at right moment :)

Have a good day my friends.
Paweł Barylski

// It was my collection of thoughts and I don't bear any responsibility for your financial moves and your financial gains or loses. It's your money and you are doing with it completely this what you want.

By the way, this is what cryptocurrencies might do to current status quo :



Followed. Good points on price allows for new money to enter, and people want to take some profits off the table. I don't plan on converting to fiat anytime soon. I think the crypto market cap has a long way to go. India, Australia, & Japan are all making big advances in introducing cryptos to the people. It's gonna be an interesting ride.

It's a matter of time before it is made legal tender. Bitcoin is and will continue to be a reserve currency. Once the rest of the world gets involved, sky is the limit.

The day it gets legal status, it will crash all the previous price records.

I think, a lot of money from the altcoins will flow back to bitcoin as soon as segwit got activated. Altcoins did have this sharp rise because of the issues of bitcoin! As soon as they are resolved bitcoin dominance will be corrected upwards.

Until bitcoin encounters the same problem again :) that's just the nature of technology, once there
Is more demand, there will be the same performance issues and maybe even higher fees

Good thing with segwit it's backwards compatible, yet I don't think we'd have to move backwards from the lightning network. Anything is better than a 2MB (permanent) hard fork.

BIP 148 is due for activation on the first of August.
If your exchange doesn't support BIP 148 by late July you need to get your BTC out and into your own paper or software wallet where you are the keeper of the private keys.
Failure to do this could mean that your BTC will not be registered and validated with segwit and may be unusable.
No one knows for sure yet how this will go so probably the safest route is to pull your BTC out of exchanges until after BIP 148 is activated.

This might be true. All depend on so many reasons and always current price reflects what people already know. It's all in price - risk for segwit or not, but as soon as it's clear there will be next movements, which is clear.
The main point is to stay with crypto-world and diversify.

I was expecting same until btc dominance fell below 50%, now I'm not sure. Looking like maybe that is happening, but I think litecoin will has a lot of growth to do!

I hear the same. Nothing wrong with having little litecoin, too?

totally agree with you

I agree with you, I'm looking at big picture!

good info, good work! please take part in my new survey!
con affetto -- ilsignore

Welcome to the Steemit community. I joined yesterday. The picture of the nuclear blast caught my attention. I think cryptocurrencies are very intriguing and although some would say they would be worthless after a cataclysmic event where there were power failures and internet disruptions, I believe they are worth a second look and wisely investing into them. I upvoted your post and will follow you to learn more about this revolutionary technology and how it can benefit me, my family, and friends.

Glad to see a prepping user, I will be following!
In a grid-down scenario, digital anything would definitely be a problem.
However, in 2018, in a bank run, being able to digitally zero out your bank account into a digital currency from your laptop might just save it from being lost if the bank closes or confiscated by the government. And would save you from joining other rioters in the street trying to get their cash out of the bank, which will not be possible (banks only have about 10% of all deposits on hand in cash). What do you think?

We must always remember that the grid is quickly become less reliant and will have less vulnerabilities. Always back up your wallets on ext device or cloud. And do not worry about grids.. Coinbase actually insures your currency.. So go with it.

I think you are spot on as it pertains to bank runs and rioters in the streets trying to get their cash out. The key is diversifying your assets so all the eggs aren't in one basket!

Plan for the worst and hope for the best! I agree that we all should be able to take care of ourselves in the event of an emergency. Look at Bitcoin in the same fashion: If there is good 'ole fashion run on the banks to withdrawl their money and the banks freeze all transactions (Greece). Or hyperinflation makes a $20 dollar bill (or $100 Bolivar if you live in Venezuela) worthless..

Your bitcoin is an instant bank account in which you can send your 'value' anywhere or to any currency you deem 'valuable'! I'm still in awe at the possibilities!!!

True that. Some experts are calling for a deflation followed by hyperinflation. Time to diversify the portfolio! Haha.

Remember you can put your bitcoins on paper and put them in your safe. That's even EMP proof.

I have to be honest, I don't know much about cryptos. I'm new to steemit, can you buy steem with U.S. dollars or do you have to use other cryptos to acquire them? bitcoins are to expensive for my blood, just want to get my feet wet. dollars to BTC, then BTC to Steemit; or any other cryptocurrency!

I'm interested in picking up some Steem too. Looks like you have to buy with Bitcoins or something similar. To do this you will need an account with a company such as Coinbase. If you're going to use Coinbase, like most beginners I hear, then when opening your account be sure to photograph your passport or i.d. with your phone.
I tried to upload a saved image a couple of times today which was an error and I now have to wait 24 hours before I can proceed with opening the account.
Good luck.
If this was helpful please up vote, follow and take a look at some of my posts. I'm a newbie too.
T dollars to BTC, then BTC to Steemit; or any other cryptocurrency!

try to open wallet on
and then, once you have btc, go to and buy steem there.

Here you go buddy this will educate you about ALL the crypto currency and how to make money with it all.

I'm new too! Don't ignore the elephant in the room, bitcoin is leading the charge on these coins...

The beauty of bitcoin is its divisible by 100 million units (bits or Satoshis).. You can get your feet wet with a $10 purchase of bitcoin (0.00388143BTC at todays price).

Coinbase makes this an $11 transaction... Make that purchase once a week and you'll have $500 worth of Bitcoin in a year!

The important thing is to start. And don't fall victim to day trading: becomes panic selling and anxious purchasing.. Just get a little piece here and there, put cash aside to make bigger buys on the dips.

We'll all get there together

Another interesting X factor is the US stock market. It is now at all time highs in many cases, and history tells us there will eventually be another correction or recession. Will crypto's be big gainers in this case??

Hey thanks for the post, it was really informative. It really makes sense. I think we are in the midst of a revolution. It is like the bitcom boom at the beginning of the century. They said it was a bubble but it was no bubble gigantic oligarchic technology companies (like google, amazon, apple, samsung) dominate the world since then and now the next disruption with internet 2.0 or industrialization 4.0 as some call it comes, disrupting the oligarchy of the few ultra big companies and replacing it with a plethorra of much smaller and decentralized companies and services and technologies where the producer surplus shrinks and the market corrects itself. It's good for the overall economy it's a step to functioning market based capitalism. Down with the old monopolistic oligarchy of the big players, power to the people. Heil Crypto.

You are absolutely correct. This is like the internet bull market in 1993. It wasn't really a "bubble" until 2000. This is early days.

Is it going to be possible for the current big fiat system to start manipulating these currencies in a major way? That is what I am wondering about. I could see Facebook trying to destroy the Steem ecosystem at some point. Just some of my thoughts.

Well, I think there are two kinds of manipulation. First is manipulating the system itself, which is, not possible. At least it was not possible up to today. For example manipulating the transactions, software being used by the network or database directly. It is the most robust digital system we may ever had, a real open blockchain like bitcoin, so in order to manipulate it, one would need to manipulate every point in the decentralized network or turning of the internet, so to say it may not be feasible anymore. thats where it is not attackable, in contrast to centralized systems.
But for sure you can manipulate on top of that, for example buying and or selling big amounts, and try to hurt it like that. Also the big fiat system and organizations or states and goverments benefiting from it, can try to regulate it or make it simply illegal. Some people wouldnt care (because in the end they can just prohibit it but not prevent a transaction to go trough for example), but the majority would, i think.

What's different here is that before they can manipulate it they must first buy very large amounts of it. That hasn't happened yet.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 63352.53
ETH 2447.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67