Fantastic Free Aviary! The Story Of Building It, To Releasing The Birds. Welcome To Crypto Town.


Because the posts on quail were so loved by steemit, I decided to reward their photogenic faces and charming personalities with an aviary! The building materials came from a ruined deck from a house that burned down and scrapes from a job site, 100% Free!


The wood was still sound it just had a ton of nails in it. My husband and I were quite a busy pulling them out. But whose complaining, I get free building material. I would rather spend a little time and sweat and reuse the wood that would be wasted. My quail are going to be so excided!


Foundation done!







We put the roof on and the small gauge gopher wire we had left from starting a community garden, and the original quail cage because I have plans for Miss Piggy and she needs to be separated. (next post I will catch you all up with her and her rehabilitation, I think its working! There is hope even for aggressive quail)

Welcome to Crypto Town.

Then it was time to release the Birds!!!

The first ones out were the babies, Tweedle and Dee. I was surprised they have always been so timid. They flew out of the kennel and one landed right on the little Hen House.




Then they all started to come out, one by one.




Like a wild wind, celebration took over. They started hopping and doing little flights allover the aviary. It was like they felt freedom for the first time, making loud whistling calls.






Then suddenly a quail call from beyond Crypto Town, a wild quail has come to see what the commotion was about!



He stalked us all day, popping up around us and yelling.


I had to spend a few hours monitoring my work with Miss Piggy, so I spent some time decorating the Hen House.



Eggzilla is thinking about taking up Art.


Gambit admiring the Hen House.




It is hard to get pictures of any of the quail but the white one, Freckle. She comes strait for the camera as soon as I pull it out. She is always right next to me, where ever I am in the aviary.


After an exciting day moving into Crypto Town, the quail are relaxing in their new home.



And my quail can relax, they stretch their legs out like bathing beauties from the 1940's. If you don't believe me here is some proof.




Told you, they give my cat a run for her money in the stretching department.


Thank you so much for reading and looking, and for all the support I have been receiving on steemit. Truly humbling.
If you like this post, lets be friends and follow me!
Big Love.


Very nice introduction to the Quail family. They really seem to like the new pen.

They love it! Very happy in their new home, thank you for checking them out and reading some of my back posts. It is nice to have people read my stuff.

Thank you @gnarip! It was a fun project. I'm glad you stopped to look and read.

This is fantastic! Happy animals are worth all the work. I love the photographic journey. I'm headed up to follow you so I don't miss a thing.

Thank you so much for the kind words! I am looking forward to talking with you in the future, I'm glad you stopped and read my blog.

It seems will be a nice place for the birds. They will breed well in there. Very interesting post. Warm regard from Indonesia, @razack-pulo

Thank you! I think they will do well in there as well, thank you so much for reading! Hope you are having a beautiful day in Indonesia.

Thank you my friend.. Here, in Indonesia is midnight now. Hopefully, you are happy there.. I wanna be friend with you :)

Well good night to you my friend, glad to meet you.

It looks amazing! Nice work :-)

Thank you so much! It was fun building it and watching them react to their new home. Thanks for reading and looking @cake-lady-jen.

Wonderful aviary. Isn't it funny to think that back in the days even those nails would be considered a valuable resource? While today most people would complain about having to take them out even, instead of being grateful, like you, for the free wood.

It is! I try to practice repurposing just to remember the value of resource. Thank you for reading my blog, hope your day is wonderful @frugallady.

My day was wonderful, thank you. I hope yours is too.


I literally lol'd when I saw that hen laying out. Too cute.

Ya'll really are rocking this homestead.

Thanks @mamadini! They make me laugh so much every time they do that, they are so funny.

Hands down this is the longest post so far I have found on Steemit, wonderful pictures with good content and description - and such an amazing thing to do and enjoy for yourself and others. Love it, can't wait for more of your posts.

Thank you so much for the comments. lol I know it was long, I just had so many pictures to share. I am really enjoying the farm projects right now. Thank you for letting me share them, and for continuing to read my stuff. Have an amazing weekend @c0ff33a!

Yay! Another ground giving quail person! I like the ground aviaries. They are ground birds, afterall! It looks nice! Love the "hen house"! Great job here!!

Is gopher wire different than hardware cloth? I wish that stuff wasn't so expensive!

You did a great job on the enclosure! My quail aren't friendly, they're not mean to me or anything lol. But they run away! Hahah they're bobwhites, you think coturnix are more friendly?

Yay for quail ladies! They do love the ground, I feel they would be sad without it. Its the same as hardware cloth, it is expensive. I was really grateful to find some left over, perfect amount for the aviary.

Not sure about bob whites vs coturnix. I think I just got lucky with mine being sweet. Thank you so much for reading! I will have to check out your page my quail sister.

I just posted about my first hatch! :) I think in general bobwhites are more skittish. I guess that's fine by me! I don't want to get too attached! Hehe.

Cool! I'm heading there to check it out now, thanks for letting me know.

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