That looks like a project that will keep you busy for a good bit, but without dreams life would be boring.
What all do you plan on doing with it and what are the long term boating adventures do you have planned?
That looks like a project that will keep you busy for a good bit, but without dreams life would be boring.
What all do you plan on doing with it and what are the long term boating adventures do you have planned?
I figure it'll take a year or so to complete.
First I'll put it in a lake and learn how to operate it...probably have to change a few things.
then my first goal is the Texas 200
depending on how that goes.
I want to do the loop
after that...who knows?
the bahama's? Tahiti?
Are you going to put in a heater?
maybe an AirConditioner..I live in south texas.
It can still get a tad chilly, I saw one stove on a RV channel and thought it was pretty neat for small places, it is called a cubic mini wood stove (takes real small pieces of wood).
When I get thru with that thing it'll have at LEAST an inch of foam insulation everywhere but the windows..and I might make shutters to go over them.
I figure body heat will keep it plenty warm down to about freezing...
(based on my experience in a less well insulated truck sleeper)
if it gets any colder than that...I'll have to consider something else.
Maybe a buddy heater?
You mean LeRoy and Bubba?

done that.
LeRoy HATES the cold...he'd crawl under the covers with me and curl up in my armpit...
he gave off a LOT of heat...kept me warm
Bubba...didn't like to be confined...when it got too cold for his liking...he'd sit on my chest...(or back..depending)
I had a cat in Alaska when I had to sleep in a 1976 Mercury Marquis Brougham (pretty nice digs for a car). He didn't like being confined either, but at 30 below zero, you couldn't have pried him off my belly with a spatula.
Din't have a sleeping bag, so we kept each other alive =p.
I hear that and have several who think I am their personal mattress!
I also have one who knows how to turn on the electric blanket and have woken up thinking I was in hell because he cranked it to max!