UpDate on the SteemDreem

My Bug-Out-Boat
Back in June of 2016..the price of Steem launched.
as luck would have it... the owner of a boat that I'd been following for about a year on Craigslist....cut the price.
it had been sitting on a ranch under a tree for years. He got tired of paying the owner storage fees.
so I cashed out some steem and bought it.
paid a guy to haul it.
to a storage lot near where I live.
bought some tools
and began to remodel it.
All with Steem
I call it the SteemDreem.
the inside was a mess.
the flotation foam..wouldn't...it was water logged.
every piece of wood was rotted or dry rotted.
there were wasp nests everywhere.
first I built some stairs
then...I ripped out it's tiny guts.
Everything on the inside is GONE
top, bottom and sides...all that's left is the FiberGlass hull, front and rear deck and the cabin.
I iz rebuilding it.
I haz the technology.
Today marked a milestone.
I put in some FLOOR.
have you got ANY idea how hard it is to walk in a Vee hull?
anything and EVERYTHING you set down...it rolls.
it's like climbing around on a Jungle Gym.
I'm old..and stiff..and fat..
it hoits..
Now I has a floor.
it'll be much easier from now on.
(more updates to follow...sporadically...with pictures...maybe)
Gave you (your dreams a shout out) this morning.
I hope you got a good deal on this fixer upper! It least you now have a floor. We used to own a Vee hull 20 footer used primarily to take the kids fishing. It will be great when you are finished with the complete over haul...
Yeah...I think I got a pretty good deal.
Let's put it this way...You could say that I got the trailer really really cheap and the boat was free.
That looks like a project that will keep you busy for a good bit, but without dreams life would be boring.
What all do you plan on doing with it and what are the long term boating adventures do you have planned?
I figure it'll take a year or so to complete.
First I'll put it in a lake and learn how to operate it...probably have to change a few things.
then my first goal is the Texas 200
depending on how that goes.
I want to do the loop
after that...who knows?
the bahama's? Tahiti?
Are you going to put in a heater?
maybe an AirConditioner..I live in south texas.
It can still get a tad chilly, I saw one stove on a RV channel and thought it was pretty neat for small places, it is called a cubic mini wood stove (takes real small pieces of wood).
When I get thru with that thing it'll have at LEAST an inch of foam insulation everywhere but the windows..and I might make shutters to go over them.
I figure body heat will keep it plenty warm down to about freezing...
(based on my experience in a less well insulated truck sleeper)
if it gets any colder than that...I'll have to consider something else.
Maybe a buddy heater?
You mean LeRoy and Bubba?

done that.
LeRoy HATES the cold...he'd crawl under the covers with me and curl up in my armpit...
he gave off a LOT of heat...kept me warm
Bubba...didn't like to be confined...when it got too cold for his liking...he'd sit on my chest...(or back..depending)
That is going to be one big project. I don't know if you have been over to @alexbeyman ' s, he is doing an electric car camper. He has found some very useful things for his steemmobile. One is an on demand propane/electric portable hot water heater. Plus he has a lot of other gadget finds that he has found. If you haven't seen his post they are worth it, plus like you he is a good writer.
thanks...I'll check him out.
I'm always looking for good people to follow.
Very cool project, would love to see the follow up posts about it. the boat have a very fun shape !
That is AWESOME! I've had a dream for so long of having my own little sail boat. One small enough I could manage and simply BE the wind. I talked about it so much that even family would walk away but I didn't give up. 3 years ago my sister came to stay with me and we did jigsaw puzzles during the winter months. One was a perfect little sailboat moored in a small bay surrounded by beautiful flowers. I framed it and it hangs on my wall.
This past summer I was on Craig's list and lo and behold some guy had a sailboat (Just like the one in my puzzle) for free but no trailer. 3 friends found a trailer to borrow and got it home for me. It now sits on a stand at the side of my house waiting for some minor repairs, a little coating of paint and a trailer to get me to water. (it is complete with 2 sails and all the rigging).
Dreemz do come true. Now Steemit will help me afford the paint and a trailer and who knows, the way the universe works, I may just find my trailer for free on Craig's list when the time is right.
Sail on my friend, sail on. Or should I say, Steem On my friend, Steem On.
very GOOD
how big iszit?
25ft. nice little galley, just needs some mending here and there.
about the same size ...mine is 24ft.
Man that's one awesome project. Looks like a metric shitton of work but if you get it done you end up with a good sized boat.
eight foot wide and 24 foot long as it sits on the trailer
(that came with the boat)
I may extend the front and rear decks a few feet..
everything below the waterline I'm rebuilding with Two by (2 x 4, 2x 6, etc)...above the waterline and below the gunnels it's one by...above the gunnell it'll be mostly foam and plastic.
oh yeah.
Solar panels on the roof...batteries in the keel...(building that right now)...and 'lectric motors..and a sail.
(still figuring it all out)
Ah this is the fiberglass you were refering to when I told
ya about the glow stones, glow boat :-) it's funny cause
I also had a boat on my mind but didn't know you had a
project boat at the time. Very cool! will be looking forward
to your progress postings of her, she got a name yet? and
if not perhaps a naming contest? :-))
the provisional name is 'steemdreem'...
dunno if I'll keep it...
Congrats on getting a floor in-- that sounds like real progress.
Nice thing about you having stripped it to the bone... you know exactly what the state of affairs is everywhere; no "mystery surprises" hiding in walls.
you right..there are no walls.
only the skin.
I just now got back from finishing the floor...it's done.
Good One!