Five Health benefit of Exercise.

in Steem Ghana2 years ago



I welcome you all to my blog once again. I trust you're all fine. Well, today we will be focusing on health. We will be discussing about exercise and how it can profit us healthwise.

We have not really maximized the benefit of exercise in fact we have underestimate it so much that we don't even engage in it. An average human get so caught up in his daily engagement that he forgets to set out quality time to engage in physically exercise.

But one good thing is that, some of our daily routine are forms of exercise which has benefitted us in no small way even without our knowledge.
Don't you now think that taking out quality time to engage in a conscious and deliberate physical exercise will do the body much more good?

Benefits of physical exercise

Let's check out what we stand to gain when we engage in physical exercise.... Enjoy the ride with me,let's go.

  • Weight Control



Have you been struggling to keep a check on that weight of yours, do you think you're adding unneccesary weight? then your sure bet to fixing that is exercise.

Engaging in this physical exercise has a way of helping you burn calories. These calories are what stores up to give unnecessary weight which are not needed.

A deliberate and conscious effort in carrying out little daily exercise such as walking,jumping,going up and down the stairs will go a long way in helping you check and control your weight because it burns calories. If you can afford a gym that will be very superb.

  • Exercise improves mood

According to research, exercising your body has a way of lightening up your mood or countenance . It make you feel happier than you were before the exercise. Exercise has a way of stimulating the brain such that it releases chemical that lightens you up and improve your mood.

If you had mood swings before visiting a gym or engaging in an exercise,you can be sure that your mood swings will definitely be turned off maybe not completely but you will be better off than you were before starting the exercise.

It can also improve your confidence level. One of the reason why people don't even have confidence in themselves is their appearance. Consistent exercise can improve your physic and build confidence and self worth.

  • Energy Booster.



This write up will be incomplete if this is not added. Energy is supplied when you exercise regularly. You have a stronger muscles and healthy tissues.

When you exercise regularly,you are equally building your energy and endurance level. Your muscle becomes energize and this makes you fit and able to carry out certain tasks. Sickness also steers clear from you because you have giving your body to this activity.

  • Exercise combats health conditions and diseases

According to research,it has been proven that exercise help to fight against invasion of sickness and health challenges such as heart disease, high blood pressure, athritis, depression and many more.

Exercise have been really understinated,we all need to know that regular exercise helps us live healthy. Sickness such as stroke and cancer can also be warded off by exercise. Amazing right? Now you know.

  • Promotes better sleep



Funny but factual. If you have been struggling to sleep,I will like to recommend exercise as one of your sure slepping pill. When you engage in exercise,you work your body.

It is very logical for you to want to rest after every hard and difficult task you subject your body to. The body will naturally call for rest which always result to sleeping most times.

So give this a try and let see how it goes. Research has shown that it works.

So what would you do with this information. Well if I were you I will maximize every bit of opportunity I have to exercise. You don't really need a gym to do your exercise. That staircase in your house can serve as a very good place to start. Running up and down that stairs will go along way.

Walking instead of taking a cab can help out real good, jumping, Skipping and jogging can help keep you keep fit.


Do well to exercise today,there are so many other benefits that were not captured in this post. Maybe you need to do a little more research to find out yourself. There is no harm in find out and giving this a try.

I hope you learnt a whole lot from this write up. I can't wait to see you practice and become fit. Do well to drop your thought about this write up,we can always rub minds and share ideas.Thanks for your time.


 2 years ago 

Wow thank you for this piece.. Seriously I didn't know that exercise helps our mood and helps us sleep well, this is so interesting

Now you know dear. Knowledge is power..smiles. Thanks for interacting with my post. I really do appreciate.

 2 years ago 

You are welcome boss

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Thank you so much @rabilu123, congratulations one again.

 2 years ago 

Exercise is truly good for man kind and it can help us to live long. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for dropping by dear friend,you comment is much appreciated.

Thank you for sharing

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