My knitted Celtic style knitted pullover. Club#100

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago


Hand-knitted Celtic type pullover by @stef1



Hello dear Steemians


Some of you who are following our blogs for long time can remember that I mentioned another hobby of mine that I really enjoy and time to time I decide to create something with knitting or crochet. It was quite a while ago when I have seen this nice pattern in Internet and of course decided to try. First I have to test all the patterns on small pieces and test how it works and if I will be able to do it with specially bought Cashmere Merino Silk that is very soft and feels great on touch, it has 75% Extra Fine Merino Wool, 20% Silk, 5% Cashmere








Here how it looks like the first start of my work and I did not know that it would be another 3 months till the finish day.













This is the beginning of sleeves, that time we were in Germany on Christmas holiday. For me it was working no matter on leave or not





These are now all parts are ready and the only thing I needed to do to join them and to do the neck





I am glad that I finished it today and can start a new project, I do not know what exactly but as always something will come up spontaneously. It is really satisfying to be able to create something hand made and wear. @myskye says if we consider how much time it took me and if I would would be paid for hour then pullover would be too expensive





Hope you like it and I only can say enjoy your hobbies and discover creativity in yourself


@stef1 Power Up




Trenner groß.png



CURATION TRAIL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png




Это очень красивый пуловер! И достаточно сложный в исполнении. Браво!

Спасибо за комплимент. Мне тоже очень понравился из за такого сложного узора. Рада что закончила :)

 2 years ago 

amazing work! I tried knitting a few years back and gave it up. I still have the needles in the bit I started making. I admire your dedication and it looks great!

I know knitting requires a lot of time and to tell the truth myself I have redone some of the parts few times before I was satisfied. But I love to see the end result and that is enjoyable to know that you made it :)

Esta genial!! Me gusta todo, los patrones y el color, me perdí en el cuello jajaja creo que necesitaría ver los tutoriales de YouTube para lograrlo, pero vale la pena el tiempo invertido. Además de que tejer es como una terapia ☺️
Felicidades amiga esta hermoso y se ve calentito.

Thank you @nithku for your feedback and I am pleased to know that you like it. It is always difficult to imagine how the end result will look and also what colour to choose. Actually that was the most difficult part. I think once starting and seeing how the work is progressing that give real feeling of satisfaction as well as when everything is done and you try it on, that is great feeling :)

Es totalmente cierto, una vez decidí comprar un hilo y no hallaba qué color elegir 😆

así como cuando todo está hecho y te lo pruebas, es una gran sensación :)

Es así, ☺️

 2 years ago 

Wow, the pullover looks great <3 It fits perfectly, the model is very cool and the neck looks very nice. I think knitting is a feel-good hobby, like therapy. It is one of my favorite hobbies. Bless your hands. Enjoy it :)

Thank you @serap, I agree knitting is a great hobby but also it is great as a present to anyone, hand-knitted unique stuff, that makes many surprised and happy. Yesterday when I showed it to my mother she immediately asked to do for her a cardigan, so I have an order need to work on planning :)

 2 years ago 

It is pretty great that you receive the first order :) Yes, definitely knitting is a meaningful and precious gift that includes time, effort and love. I usually have orders from my mother when I'm sewing and there are still a lot of things waiting so I know the planning is the other important part :)

You really surprise us dear friend you have a very interesting hobby, a very nice pullover. It reminds me of my childhood because my aunt knitted pullovers like this for me.
Great job, if you like doing it, time and money are irrelevant.


Thank you for nice words and it is true in the past many had this hobby, that is why I have it from my childhood when we also wanted to try different pattern and of course to knit something unique. Luckily I still remember how to it and really enjoy it :)

 2 years ago 

What a fantastic jumper @stef1 I love the Celtic design. It took a long while to complete the project but I bet you enjoyed knitting it. It feels great being able to devote time to our hobbies. I think we could all do with a jumper with the Steem cryptocurrency logo on 😉 I can’t wait to find out what your next project will be.

Thank you @petface for your nice words. Yes, sometimes we want to finish early but we can do only so much what our time allows. At the end it is good to bring the project to the end, as I know many people starting but then loosing their interest. Your idea about knitting with Steem logo sounds interesting, may think about that. My next order for knitting is already there, my mother wants a cardigan, so need to think about what type and style :)

 2 years ago 

This is very true indeed @stef1 and also applicable to Steemit in a way. Once you got noticed here you should carry on and just keep contributing rather than loose interest and disappear. Time goes by even faster here online so we need to do our best and make an appearance as often as possible. We shouldn’t neglect our hopefully never-ending projects here in the WORLD OF XPILAR.

I simply can’t wait to take the jacket off and be comfortable with just having a cardigan handy to put on if needed. I am pretty sure that you will choose the right colours for your mum as you know her well. I recently saw a girl wearing a knee-length fluffy cardigan in neon purple. It looked great on her, very feminine and elegant. I am a bit unsure of the colour for myself but I loved the cardigan itself. Just an idea for you to consider but I guess it will take even longer to knit.

Hola querida amiga, que hermoso te quedó, me encanta!! Saludos :)

Thank you Frany for your nice word, glad you love this work, this is also one of my favorite knitted stuff that I did recently :)

 2 years ago 

Wonderful! I do crochet but I fear that I am terrible at it.

I love crochet too, it is different style but light summer tops and cardigan is something that makes a great look. I am glad we had time in our childhood to learn all this handcraft. I do not think I would start learning if I need to start now :)

 2 years ago 

I started very young. My Grandmother was Norwegian and she taught me to knit and crochet. I never truly got the hang of knitting but I am sort of ok at crochet. I have been trying some new forms of crochet that include mosaic crochet and Tunisian crochet.

The patterns and color are beautiful. The sweater makes you look classy, even with jeans. You have a marvelous skill, @stef1, and exquisite taste. Congrats ❤️

Thank you for your nice comment and I am glad you find it good looking. I think the colour combination of grey and blue jeans match well together :)

Great job! It requires skill and diligence! It's rare now who can do such things manually, which makes them even more valuable. And it's not about money, but about the soul that you put into your creative work

I loved to do knitting since I was a child and till now really enjoy it. I like to create something unique that nobody else can buy of course they maybe can knit the same but nowadays who has time, patience and patience to do that.

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