Influence of Fake news and Information Misuse. #club100

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago


“Peace and no War”




Hello dear Steemians,


I do not know how about you but for me the week is so busy that I have not time for watching news, of course I hear what is happening and shortly catch up some news here and there. But weekend I usually watch the news on different channels: Euronews, CNN, BBC, Skynews but also France 24, TRT World- Turkish news Channels


Fake news or information misuse


While today watching CNN it was a reportage about how much fake news are floating in Media and used in Russian language to distort the reality.

Here is the example of two videos one original video was about Climate demonstration in Vienna, the speaker was speaking in German and the people lie down on ground and covered themselves with black bag, you even can see that the persons under the bags are moving

Another Video that also was manipulated was from movie set of "Planet Earth Invasion" from 2013 in Birmingham, that was used as propaganda in Pro-Russian media falsely presenting footage of actors as footage of fleeing Ukrainians.

Another Video that will leave nobody untouched is the Video from RTL, German News, that captured a little boy who was on his way out of Ukraine, seems to be alone with a chocolate in one hand and a little plastic bag with some stuff in other hand. Seeing that it is difficult to imagine what this boy experienced during this days and how much time it may take for children to get over this and become children again



Looking for the truth

Inform yourself, use different sources of information to learn what is happening and do not trust only one source. Many of us can't imagine what those people have experienced because we have peace, but it could could be spread to our places if such Dictators are not stopped. We all hope that the War will stop that is a reason why today one more time people went to Streets to show their solidarity for Peace and against War.


@stef1 Power Up






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Trenner groß.png




It really is what I have seen without delving much into the media and social networks where people distort information to create fear and hatred among the population.

in particular I see DW in Spanish and some youtuber that is for example in Ukraine where I can draw my own conclusions for example between Russia and Ukraine.

nice painting.

Thank you. I agree it is another type of war of misinformation that is to mislead people. It is unfair and shame, there are still many people who believe that this is everything true, liek it was with Trump and his campaign.

Hola @stef1, sin duda ese video al verlo me conmovió y fue inevitable imaginar cual fue el recorrido vivido por este niño, y cada uno de los malos ratos que su corta edad le acompañaron en los últimos días, y quién sabe si su llanto era de algo más que dolor a mi me pareció llorar de decir por fin llegué pero sufrí todo el camino como nunca jamás lo haré, por cosas cómo estás se crean mentes brillantes o macabras, es difícil no resentirse con un ruso vinculado a Putin y sus deseos, cuando crezcas, muy difícil.

I think children will suffer the most, we all heard about post-traumatic stress and that impact the these young children most. Who knows what kind of future they will be able to have to overcome the stress or maybe not.

 3 years ago 

Hello dear friend @stef1 good afternoon
I casually saw a similar report from various fake news with the intention of causing discomfort and distorting reality.
You are very right that we must advise ourselves of the sources of the news that we inform ourselves, but there are many people who take for granted that the news they see is true, and that is where the real problems begin

Have a happy start of the week

Thank you for viewing and reading my post. The whole situation is very frustrating that such disaster lasts so long and there is daily getting worse too.

@stef1 It is that speculative news and being able to have the first scoops as news do whatever it takes to stay in the first place, we are so complicit in following fake people on social networks, who appear to be someone when they have two faces, what is happening it is serious human egoism overcomes the evil that exists between human beings, the weakest like children will not be the same, when they hear a firework you think they will think it is a beautiful sound, they will not cover their ears with fear that it may be a bomb or a signal of war, peace, peace, what I want is to listen, see freedom in the news, leave the differences and move on. Greetings and blessings.

Yes, I just can't understand some of the news channels how they feel when they know in advance that this what they say is not true, how they feel about it and if they feel ashamed at all? Maybe their parents failed when they were children to educate them not to lie?

May peace prevails every where,,,

Thank you for visiting this post :)

Too bad people fall for fake news. It is important to seek confirmation of the things we see through reliable means.

Yes, there are two categories of people one who lie and know that they are layers and another who just watch and believe and also spread those news to others. Nowadays it became very easy to trick the people.

Fake news or information misuse

Идет информационная война. Мои друзья мне говорят, что "их правда есть, моя правда нет". Но я воспитался во времена советской пропаганды и я знаю как она работает. И я не могу снова верить тому, что льёт мне в уши "советская пропаганда".
Но я не могу полностью верить и тому, что говорит другая пропаганда. Я думаю, что правду люди узнают после смерти человека, пославшего самолеты бомбить города.

Блин, я сейчас вспомнил о мультфильме и книге "Ходячий замок".

 3 years ago 

Любая пропаганда лжет. Любое правительство манипулирует сознанием граждан в своих интересах. Да любой человек, наверное, подсознательно так делает. Просто кто-то неосознанно, а кто-то вполне осознанно.

Я подписана на некоего Геращенко из Украины, читаю Медузу, украинские знакомые щедро делятся новостями. Иногда можно только спросить: «Вы что курите?». Ну явная ложь… При этом и правда тоже есть, в том числе подтвержденная нашей стороной. Так что не буду утверждать, что врут.
Все врут. Все стороны.

Я тоже считаю, что мы все узнаем правду не скоро. Не знаю какая она.
Для себя решила так: читаю «новости» и точку зрения обеих сторон, складываю вместе и делю напополам. Возможно, пополам и не правильно, но пока так…
А дальше жизнь покажет.

Согласно, информацию надо собирать с многих источников, выслушать все стороны.

Честно говоря очень обидно что люди могут врать в лицо, совершенно изменяют правду и таким образом ведут всех за нос. Как страшно что так легко начать конфликт в нашем 21 веке.

Я помню, чот у Райкина была "юморестка" со словами "в наш продвинутый 15 век". Если современная человеческая Цивилизация себя не уничтожит, то через 100-200 лет или того меньге наше время будет таким же как для нас был конец 19-начало 20 веков.

Unfortunately both sides resort to fake news, I find it hard to believe that the Russians are getting beat, when what I see is Ukrainian major cities being destroyed. But I guess anything to make people feel good. A truce has to be reached, each side has to give up something or else this senseless killing will not stop.

The misinformation war is a new type of war and seems to be successful, how many people are mislead, many do not know who to believe. But the important lesson out of it, the killing must stop!

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