How much we need to be Happy?

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)




Hello dear Steemians


Today my post is triggered by a bad news that we heard when woke up:


Maybe many of you, especially those who live in Europe following this conflict and I know that many people whose I know, said that it will not happen and that there are simply threatening but will not turn into real crisis. Maybe because as a human being we always like to hope for better. We want it to be better and good and like children we wish that it never happens.

I remember as a child time to time I made a wish pleaded that to turn true, occasionally it came true and of course, I thought that this was because someone very mighty heard me wishes.


The lessons from our Past or how fragile is Democracy


We all studied the history in school and know that in such conflicts and wars all the parties will lose, in the first instance, we will lose our relatives, friends and maybe our own lives. No matter how much one side will win it does forgive the number of victims and sorrow.

In current families in Europe there were at least one generation who fall during the WW1 or WW2. Until now we hear from our grandparents how bad it was and how happy they are to have peaceful time now.

Russia should know the best what War means and its consequences and should have common sense to try to prevent it with all possible means.

Ukraine is not really far from Western Europe and if the conflict escalates then it can affect many other countries. Unlike in the past modern war will be furious due to all modern weapons.

Living in Western World we are spoiled having the freedom of speech and ability to protest against anything, to go to streets against anything we do not like and call for our Human Right, like those who demonstrate against COVID rules and vaccines.

It is sweet taste of Freedom that gives us Democratic system that we enjoy. But we should not forget how someone who is on ruling role like for example Trump in USA showed his Power and almost overturned the system last year or Putin who just marched into Ukraine claiming that they will free the Russian who live in Ukraine from genocide. What kind of ridiculous reasoning.


How little we need to be Happy?


If anyone will ask you what you need to be happy, what will be your answer?

We, human, do not need much to be happy but we need some essential stuff like:

  • We need PEACE
  • Blue sky and Sun
  • Health

The rest we can create, we can work and plant stuff, collect harvest, build structures.

While writing this post I noticed a post done by Yulia @antorv and that was another reason why I decided to write this post. We wish you to stay safe!


Also a Diary post of @alexmove



CURATION TRAIL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png



 3 years ago 

Aceh (where I live) has experienced a prolonged bloody conflict with the Indonesian government, Aceh wants to be independent and create its own country. Neither side is willing to budge, thousands of civilians have been victims, many women have become widows and children have lost their fathers. The doctrine of vengeance is firmly entrenched in the brains of us Acehnese who are oppressed and is still felt today. And what makes me sad to this day, my father also died in that conflict. My father was a high-ranking official for Aceh's pro-independence. The security situation at that time was tense, the sound of bullets and explosions seemed to have become a song for us every day, the words of PEACE seemed to be impossible because no one wanted to budge. But in the end what happened?. The tsunami 2004 changed everything, more than two hundred thousand Acehnese people died in the Tsunami 2004 tragedy. All the eyes of the world were on us at that time and the two warring parties united to save Aceh. A few years later the MoU for peace in Aceh and Indonesia was agreed which was facilitated by Finland (MoU Helsinki). God knows best for us, the Tsunami 2004 has changed everything, we feel at peace until now. Thanks @stef1 for your conscience, even though I have to cry while writing this comment.

First of all, sorry for late reply, I really appreciate you for your writing and even though it was difficult for you but it was enjoyable to read it. It feels like only the natural disaster can unite people, when we all suffer then people will help each other. The same scenario we can see in Sci-Fi end-of the day movies, Alien invasion and so on. We people can't enjoy our peace and there are always one who want to destroy it. Thank you for sharing your opinion.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

The stories of the WW1 and II still bring shivers to us, god knows what the stories of this and the future wars are going to be like. They may wipe of a lot many lives leaving their dear ones in pain and sorrow. :-(

As children it was like an adventures stories that we heard and of course it was like not really real. While growing up we realize how horrible it was the experience of those people who lived that time and of course, we wish that it never happens again. The reality shows how much stupidity is still in this world.

Amazing historical story post, thank you @stef1 with your story, you have invited all to love peace..🙏🤜🤛

It's horrible,
as a child I remember the war in my country. I was 9 years old when it started in 1991 when Serbia invaded Croatia with the vision of creating a Greater Serbia.
I can still remember the explosion of grenades, the buzzing of bullets, the sirens announcing the attack. When the attack started on my city from the air from the sea and from the land, they shelled day and night for those 9 days.
Croatia did not have weapons for defense then and we were small towards a strong Yugoslav Army which was a powerful force, something like Ukraine is now towards Russia.
I was in a shelter without parents (my father was in various actions around the city and my mother and sister on the other side of town in the shelter) I did not see the sun or the moon for those 9 days.
The war lasted for about 5 years, many people were killed all over the country, genocide was committed, many mass graves were found and people were tortured in camps.
We managed to defend ourselves and liberate our country but it was a bloody war.

So friend, when you ask how much it takes for happiness, once you feel the war, then those little things make you happy and all you need is PEACE! ✌👀

I can't imagine how it is for a child to go through that time, many might have post-traumatic stress disorder. We see how adults suffering and for children it is a great impact on their future. Nobody should witness the disaster of war. The recent events might be very familiar to the people from Balkan countries. I agree peace is the most precious thing in this world. Thank you for taking time and comment.

This is soo true..If we have peace we can do and create anything..Thanks for this post

Thank you for reading and for sharing my opinion.

Very right in your writing. In wars, everyone loses. We lose relatives, friends, neighbors... Everything that is happening is terrible.

Let us pray that all our brothers who are now suffering these consequences, that they find a refuge and that they are healthy. I hope good news comes out soon. 🙏🏼🥺

To be happy, we need peace and freedom! well said.

Thank you Stefany for your comment, there are always people to convinced in that their point of view is correct and will go over the will of thousands of others. It is difficult to believe that nowadays we are still facing such ridiculous reason for just starting a war and we all strive for peace.

Your comment is very true. I wish peace reign soon

Beloved people, family, relatives, friends, all lost in the civil war that occurred in my homeland, Aceh. War is a disaster, Living in harmony full of love and peace is hope.

Absolutely supporting your thought and joining your opinion :)

This war is something that I never expected ... In Europe we were experiencing a period of peace that lasted 70 years ... I write from Italy.

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