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RE: - Coding In The Community

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

The frontend is certainly showing its age.

This has been the case for some time now (even before the split).

This was one of the prompts I believe that led to the creation of SteemPeak as an alternative frontend to

SteemPeak was very popular, and innovated continuously.

At the start at least, it was all built by just two guys, and, as far as I know, without any involvement from Steemit.

I am not a tech but I believe it just ran on the Steem blockchain with the appropriate API calls to provide a different (more developed / user friendly / advanced / feature rich) user experience.

@steemchiller might be able to give more technical insight on this?

I don't believe SteemPeak had any direct financial support or delegation from Steemit, and they started before the SteemDAO came into existence.

I think they were just funded (initially at least) from upvotes from the community on their update posts.

Maybe you, @starlord28, @steemchiller etc could form a team to do something similar to Steempeak?

I am only a nearly Orca but I would happy to pledge my votes to support such an endeavour.

Maybe @xpilar, @stef1, @chriddi and others would be willing to join a 'Support Club' for this sort of new Steem frontend development?

 3 years ago 

My dev / team and I have been thinking about this for a while as making something similar to SteemPeak as an alternative front

We want a better interface and that local communities have a freer place of their own to set up, for example, advertising, competition, so that the training pages are not dominated by competition in local communities
I have previously also mentioned this when there was a competition 10 months ago
"What can be done to improve this platform in Steem Bolckchain"

Our own local community page needs to be upgraded and should be more like a separate website with more features for us moderators
I show some suggestions in the form of the picture below here

World of Xpilar samfunnside FORSLAG.jpg

The entire post can be read here

we can have a chat with my dev in with @ the-gorilla
we have some plans that we can air with you

I like your graphics.
A wish, which I have already mentioned to the Steemit Dev Team (was noticed, but nothing happened): In a prominent place must also be seen in EVERY browser description and rules of the community (which is for me in the top right much more important than a logo). No, on mobile they are not displayed at all. On PC Google Chrome shows them, Brave and Safari don't (and I don't have more comparisons).
So if you are tinkering with the site with your developers, I would be very happy if you think of this request.... :-))

 3 years ago 

Within the code, there are rules which say some functionality does not get displayed on mobile devices or devices below a certain resolution. For example, everything which appears on the left hand side of xpilar's screenshot is removed.

 3 years ago 

It's not just mobile devices. Even on my coding monitor which I set in portrait mode, the items on the side don't show up.

 3 years ago (edited)

That's right.

< start geek >
It's done through media queries within the CSS. By default, some components are set as "display: none" and then once a minimum width is reached, it becomes visible (via "display: block" I think) but I've deleted the code now so I'm not sure). You'll see the "snapping" point by messing about with the width of your browser to know what this minimum width is.
</ end geek >

Yes, I know that the borders are missing in the mobile browser. But also in some desktop browsers.
You could also add a "Description/Rules" button. ABOVE the "Post" button.... ;-)

We look forward to following and supporting this development.

 3 years ago 

These ideas should be straightforward in the existing codebase but unfortunately I don't think they are (I won't go into the details). Similar to you, I've thought about writing a new front-end which would be using steemchiller's APIs (as opposed to Steemit's) and freeing myself from the existing interface and layout entirely (i.e. not moving bits around in the existing interface but a totally new one). It's a mammoth undertaking although there are plenty of existing HTML / CSS templates which are responsive (i.e. adapt to desktop, tablet and mobie resolutions) which would simplify the design element (and make me redundant from this process).

we can have a chat with my dev in with @ the-gorilla
we have some plans that we can air with you

I look forward to hearing more 🙂

 3 years ago 

Good to hear you have some development ideas in the pipeline.

Hopefully a team can come together to work on a 'SteemPeak 2' idea.

 3 years ago 

I've previously spoken to steemchiller and I know that he's working on things in the background which will make this whole process much simpler in the future. The suggestion that @remlaps adds regarding the 5% default beneficiary feels like a good motivator for this to move forward.

I don't know how realistic this dream is. Perhaps if I can speak to steemchiller and get to grips with his API, I can create something fairly quick and sexy to get an idea as to how hard this will be. But I don't want to risk getting anybody excited - it's a big dream.

 3 years ago 

Good luck with the API.

It would be interesting to do some back of the envelope numbers to guestimate what sort of $$$ would come from a 5% beneficiary, but if some of the CRs and others who regularly get good votes used it then it should be good.

 3 years ago 


I think the default 5% beneficiary setting helped SteamPeak with some of their costs, too. I made sure to use it any time I posted through SteamPeak, and I would be happy to do the same for an updated

 3 years ago 

Ah yes, I forgot about that.

The beneficiary could definitely be a good income generator.

It would be good if community developers came forward to develop another frontend like Steempeak.

We would be happy to support developers with votes as we do with @etainclub and others.

Development is very, very important and I am always ready to support it when it comes to my attention or is brought to my attention directly. I would not enter a "club" for this.
At the same time, I think that it is exactly such contributions and plans that the Steemit Team should be interested in, at least to express. If it does not, this is just another criterion for disillusionment of my belief in the Steem and a strong community that could make the world a little better.

 3 years ago 

At the same time, I think that it is exactly such contributions and plans that the Steemit Team should be interested in, at least to express. If it does not, this is just another criterion for disillusionment of my belief in the Steem and a strong community that could make the world a little better.

I totally agree. I feel like we're all passengers on a cruise ship, floating around in the ocean. Every now and again, there's an announcement on a loud speaker but it's gone as quickly as it arrived. Most of the passengers are happily talking to each other, unaware and perhaps uninterested in their plight.

But there are a few living outside of this daydream, wondering where the ship is heading. Wondering who is driving the ship, if indeed there is anybody driving it at all. There might be a mechanic making sure that the ship stays afloat... nobody's seen them. Perhaps they can't get to the mechanics that need fixing. To get the engine running again. Perhaps they're the one making the announcements.

The cruise ship's not docked anywhere for months and few have noticed. Have the crew abandoned us? Will the ship dock again? Can we break into the engine room and get things started? Do a few of us passengers need to build our own ship and continue our journey? Or will the ship slowly and peacefully sink to the bottom of the ocean?

For this now I would like to present you with the literary main prize for the most beautiful metaphor ever!
I cannot add more to these melancholy thoughts.

Do a few of us passengers need to build our own ship and continue our journey?

Well, actually the crew is responsible for the lifeboats, not the passengers...

 3 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately, the crew have already left on the lifeboats.

I've seen plenty of people jump overboard. Another ship has rescued some of them and they're doing well... but many haven't been heard from since. Sometimes, they manage to climb back on board, but not for long. They quickly jump ship again.

Steem and Hive will always have competitions between these two. The Hive team and its developers are much more active than Steemit. Just look at their dapps and ecosystem.

They even have the NFT marketplaces. I hope that Steemit will also have an NFT marketplace including other dapps. If the team and the developers try then everything is possible.

 3 years ago 

I would be down for that. However, I would first want to get a few other things that I am working on out before I take on a task like this.

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