All the Journeys, been in search of Desires, you have Abandoned

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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All the Journeys, been in search of Desires, You have Abandoned

From my previous travel story, The Abandoned town Cisco.
We enjoyed a very good time at the abandoned town Cisco and started from their, carrying the memories on our mind and some in the camera.

Feel free to walk through my previous stories

Travel Story - Day 0 - The Start in Denver Airport
Travel Story - Day 1 - The AirBnb to Rocky Mountains
Travel Story - Day 2 - Grand Junction Flamingo Home to Abandoned Home

The sky started drizzling slightly and the wind was cold outside. Expecting the clouds to get cleared and to see some sunlight. As we the journey to Moab begun back on state route 128, we found the roads were all empty and would rarely find someone crossing us from other side.

The sun behind the clouds made every attempt to make the day bright. The sky was very cloudy and looked like she was brushing her cloud sheets on the mountains in a distance. After we managed to enjoy the view for a little distance, the clouds held on to the water they were pouring. An awesome time to pull the car on curb. Stopped!

Me and my girl stepped out of the car to feel the no man land. Wherever you see, the endless plains and the mountains at the edge hugging the skies. The view that i had only seen in movies, was real in front of me. Neither did she speak, nor I did. But we could see each others face glowing up in happiness. looked like a heaven. All thanks to the route I followed and the Clouds that made the moment a beautiful one.

We clicked many photographs, walked a little distance again leaving our car behind. That was a fantastic time, walking on no man land just not knowing where we are.

Here I share some of the photographs (in a table for first time :) )


The photographs talk a lot about the view I was witnessing. Specially the no man feeling. We use to encounter very few travelers who passed us. I pulled up a lot of places, just to get one more photograph and would end up with many of them :) Our destination was Moan and Arches National park for the day, but we were spending all day here in the State Highway scenic drive.

Some more photographs at some stops in made


Do you see the roads like snake curled up and zigzag, ups and downs. The roads running to the end of the view and disappear. The no rain time was a blessing for me to click the photographs.

The Electric Poles

As I drove further, there is an electric line running along the road, they cross at one point. Till we stop at the intersection, i had not observed that they were placed in a straight line, so straight. The below photograph will show you what im talking about :)


You can see there was no one on those roads for a longer time and the spectacular view is all you have in mind when you stop. The road still swirls like snake and runs through half of the state route 128. Later the route runs parallel to the river Colorado until we reach Moab.

We started from our drive towards Moab and the car was rolling as slow as it can. No one to honk you from behind and no one to worry about crossing. We enjoyed the view and moved ahead. That's when we spotted the wild. They were gazing in the open plains.

The Pronghorns



There was very less space on the Curb to stop the car. Since there were very less or very very less traffic movement, I stopped the two wheels on curb and the other two on road. It was my first wild encounter so close. I don't even know if they are friendly or they are aggressive. How do i judge them ? I took my chance as they are herbivorous (All i knew was they don't eat meat ). I had my 70-300mm lens in place with out a tripod. managed to click few photographs. They were watching me each time I move. I took so much precaution not to scare them and not get scared too :)

Here are erst of the photographs



Only that night I searched and researched on the pronghorns. They are fast and harmless. they can run up to 80 kms/hr. Its faster then lot of the land animals. Like all other species, Male tries to impress the female in mating seasons. There was lot of new things I got to know about Pronghorns. to be frank, I didn't even know they were called pronghorns :)


The Pronghorns were not afraid to encounter a Human so close. they gazed for sometime and they left us enjoy rest of the beauty of Colorado and Utah.

The Rain

Even though it didn't rain heavily till now, it did stop us from getting down the car. The wind blowing through the plains was too cold for our bare skin. When it was too windy and raining, we choose to remain inside our car. I could click some cool photographs when we were locked up in the car.

Here they are


The Beautiful Flowers

The flowers on the end of the plains, and the colors of the petals complementing the background. The red sandstone mountains lay behind the flowers as a perfect bokeh. Enjoy the flowers :)


I start writing about my travel and I can not complete a Day in single post. Clicked so many photographs that one post is too big to accommodate.

Will be back with the continued story of mountains and the arches in coming post. Have a wonderful day :)

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