A Hungry Cat
A Hungry Cat desperately looked for a helmet that they would sometimes experiment on. This might appear to be a fairly surprising activity, to some, but not to the Cat, who thinks that the idea was simply life. Remarkably, a helmet was the item that was selected.
A Hungry Cat desperately desired a pint of beer that they liked to cuddle. It was a somewhat surprising exercise, to many, but not to the Cat, who assumed that it was in fact, exciting. Remarkably, a pint of beer was the item that was opted for.
A Hungry Cat carried a teapot that they would occasionally demolish. This is certainly a surprising suggestion, to my grandma, but not to the Cat, who assumed that the idea was fun. Who would have imagined, a teapot was the thing that was selected.
A Hungry Cat always kept a cucumber that they would sometimes watch for 10 minutes every morning. It would be a fairly extraordinary approach to life, to my children, but not to the Cat, who expected it would be exciting. Strangely, a cucumber is the thing to select.
A Hungry Cat desperately looked for a helmet that they liked to try to nail to the wall. This might appear to be an extraordinary approach to life, to most, but not to the Cat, who considered that the idea was miraculous. Bizarrely, a helmet was the item that was opted for.
A Hungry Cat wanted a can of coke that they would occasionally put on his head. It might have been a fairly surprising idea, to my dad, but not to the Cat, who considered that this idea is awesome. Remarkably, a can of coke was the item that was opted for.