You are still very new, you must build your reputation.
The advice is to publish, and interact.
Currently there is the Steemitblog engagement challenge, in which there are 7 contests in which you can participate, and give comments to the colleagues who participate there.
You can edit your post and add this code to the top 👉
<div class="text-justify">
For the code to take effect you must add this at the end of everything 👉
That way your text will be justified.
Hi) thanks)
Please see if you did everything right.
Oh yeah, it's perfect.😊
Don't you think it looks prettier that way?
I completely agree with you, it's perfect) Thank you) 🤪
Your welcome 🤣
And tell me, please, how else can I make myself noticed and supported? )) Ato somewhere 0
You are still very new, you must build your reputation.
The advice is to publish, and interact.
Currently there is the Steemitblog engagement challenge, in which there are 7 contests in which you can participate, and give comments to the colleagues who participate there.
Maybe the next achievement😊