A way to keep healthy in old age

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Hello friends

In recent years and especially due to the pandemic situation that has been experienced, much has been said in relation to the health of people and the great challenge of maintaining physical and mental well-being.

That is why today it is very important to look for ways to lead a healthy life since there are many causes that can affect it such as economic, family, personal problems, old age, among others, and that can cause diseases.

Image credit:pxhere.com

Many of us may have heard the phrase "healthy mind healthy body" so we must be attentive to the thoughts that are brought to mind as they also affect physical health. Among the recommendations to stay healthy is to keep a positive mind despite adversities, learn to manage emotions, stress, anxiety, anxiety, relationships with other people, and know how to act in the face of various circumstances in life.

It is necessary to maintain physical activity and good eating habits to enjoy health, but to maintain mental health is sometimes not so easy for everyone and we must pay attention to it at all stages of life from youth, adulthood and old age.

Image credit:pxhere.com

And it is in mental health and old age where I want to focus, because many times it is not given due importance, and it is here at this stage where many people suffer from neglect, neglect, abuse and where they are not taken into account and set aside.

There are many habits that can help maintain the mental health of older adults, one of the strategies that I found very interesting and wanted to share is the use of drawing and painting as it is an activity that is generally related to children and who love to paint everywhere and at all times and that with the passage of time is forgotten or is not dedicated enough time or is not given the importance it has.

Image credit:pixabay.com

Studies have shown the benefits of drawing and coloring in adults as it mainly allows to maintain concentration on what is being done, keeping the person away from problems, negative thoughts or forget about some ailments for a moment, improves mood and motivation to make every day better their drawings and paintings, they feel valuable which in turn improves their physical health.

When drawing and painting, both hemispheres of the brain are stimulated, the logical and rational side and the emotional side, the imagination is developed so that the brain is constantly working, which avoids suffering from some diseases.

Image credit:pxhere.com

On the other hand, adults can share this activity with their relatives, with their grandchildren, they have fun and entertain themselves, or belong to certain groups which motivates them and also allows them to relate with other people, learn new techniques every day, share new experiences and express themselves through painting.

As we see drawing and painting is a good option and brings many benefits in adulthood, it is never too late to learn something new and especially when it keeps us healthy.

Well friends, for the moment I say goodbye, thanks for reading!


One needs to cultivate good habits to help them stay healthy even at old age. These include good eating habits, just like you mentioned, exercise, practicing mindfulness, etc.

Nice piece dear friend

Hello friend @samminator!
It is certainly necessary to create habits that help the older person to stay healthy and enjoy all stages of life. Thank you for your comment

 2 years ago 

Dear @yusvelasquez

Another solid piece :) Title definetly attracted my attention, since I'm slowly learning to think of myself as "upcoming old man".

Learning to manage stress and anxiety doesn't seem to be easy. It's like never ending process. I've learned that implementing wim-hof breathing technique to my daily schedull is helping me greatly to achieve ... being calmer.

Enjoy your weekend,

Hello friend Piotr!
Thanks for stopping by to read my post. Good that you are looking for ways to manage stress and anxiety that as you say is not easy and especially in these times, we must live day by day to maintain peace and tranquility for the sake of our mind and body. Happy beginning of the week

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