We must learn to inhale happiness and exhale sadness

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Greetings my dear readers of this prestigious platform, we continue our search for a general analysis of the different actions that in one way or another have an effect on our behavior, and this in all senses.

For nobody is a secret that the human body has the need to breathe, that is, inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, this exchange allows us to stay alive, in this way we can use this action in other aspects such as related to our multiple emotions received, which we can say that we can measure from one extreme to another as happiness on one side and sadness on the other or extreme.

Of course, this makes us relate to a proper balance of our emotions, since to grow as people we must know how to handle various situations that generate emotions that go from one extreme to another, but the truth is that we learn from all of them, so we can say that in our life we inhale happiness, and also exhaling sadness, and thus, establishing from my point of view the necessary balance mentioned above.

I believe that nobody likes to keep inside any feeling that generates sadness, however, sometimes we can not avoid it and it is something that is not entirely bad because there are painful actions that deserve their time to exhale them, and certainly we also learn from them, but we must be careful to expel it little by little naturally from our mind before it can suffocate us completely.

Therefore, there are space-time, where it is difficult for us to breathe due to the altitude because the oxygen molecules are more dispersed in the atmosphere than in other places of low altitude, in this way are the emotions loaded with sadness because there are some that we find it difficult to exhale from our mind or the process for it is very slow, however, the faster we expel these emotions better we will feel emotionally.

Our emotional balance is fundamental for our normal behavior in all aspects of our lives, so we must be attentive to implement the action of inhaling happiness and exhaling sadness that we know come and go at every moment of our existence, in conclusion, receiving emotions from one extreme to another is a natural fact, it is necessary not to interrupt the functioning of inhaling and exhaling to which we have referred.

Understanding human behavior is complex, but at the same time wonderful, since being able to analyze every aspect that can influence us will allow us to have control of our actions in the best possible way.

Until another opportunity my dear readers.


Greetings @rbalzan79.
Very interesting the comparison you make with the variation of emotions and breathing. As you yourself express it our life is intrisically related to joy and sadness, which leave us a beautiful moral that makes us reflect every day.

Greetings friend, you are absolutely right, our emotions go from one extreme to another, however, the important thing is to balance it as much as possible. Thank you for your great comment.

Hello friend, our mental health is very important, many people worry about physical health are know that what is in our mind is much more powerful. If we are in psychological balance we are in balance with our whole being. Greetings!

Hello friend, you are absolutely right, our mental health should be our first concern since our emotional balance depends on it. Thank you for your excellent comment. Greetings.

Greetings @rbalzan79. Very appropriate analogy, really we should all try to keep our emotions in balance, some situations will generate sadness, but it is part of personal growth, we must know how to assimilate them, take the best and move forward, in the end we must ensure that the balance leaves us a peaceful life.

Hello friend, we must always be attentive to establish a proper balance between our emotions. Thank you for such an extraordinary comment. Best regards.

Hello dear friend @rbalzan79, it is important to maintain our emotional balance as mentioned in your article, because we can not let ourselves be dragged by feelings that hurt us, for this, there will always be a person, a place, or habit that allows you to regain peace of mind.

See you later brother, have a great start of the week.

Hello dear friend, I totally share your point of view, since we must be attentive to the proper balance of our emotions so as not to let those that bring us sadness remain for a long time. Greetings and many successes.

Performing conscious breathing can help us a lot in terms of our mental health, visualizing when inhaling that energy enters our body, positive thoughts, happy situations causes our body to effectively react positively to these stimuli, in the same way as if when exhaling We visualize negativity, concerns and even our physical ailments coming out of our body, it will allow us to achieve a feeling of general well-being, which in turn will facilitate the resolution of any discomfort that afflicts us.

Very interesting publication friend @rbalzan79

Hello friend, you are absolutely right in expressing:

Visualizing when inhaling that energy enters our body, positive thoughts, happy situations makes our body effectively react positively to these stimuli.

Inhaling positive actions feeds our mind properly and will make us happy. Thank you for your excellent comment. Best regards.

Excellent title that you placed to your reflection, since the best thing to do is to bring joy to our being and expel all sadness and melancholy that we have.

Greetings and thank you for sharing such an important reflection.

Hello friend, you are absolutely right when you express the following:

Since the best thing to do is to bring joy to our being and expel all the sadness and melancholy we have.

That should be our goal from the moment we wake up, thank you for your excellent words.

Lovely way of thinking and philosophy of life, I loved the reference you made about our space, wonderful.

Hello friend, thank you for your excellent words and for reading my article. Greetings and many successes.

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Hello friend, thank you for your excellent words and for reading my article. Greetings and many successes.

Hello sir I read this article its amazing and boosting me with POWER Of peace

Hello friend, that is the intention to be able to convey that we are able to find our emotional balance, thank you for your words. Greetings and many successes.

You are welcome

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