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RE: My introduction to the Blockchain Steem through the door of the Steem Greet Community

Welcome to steemit @panflor. I read your introduction with much enjoyment. It is nice to meet someone who is senior to me. I am almost 68 years old.

I can identify with what hard work of farming can do to our bodies over the years. I have long left farming, but I still work the land at a smaller scale, although my wife does not always agree that it is small. With the recent rise of food costs and shortages I decided to expand my garden to better feed my household, my daughter's and granddaughters.

I care for disabled people in my home, as well as my wife who's health has been failing over the years. My daughter and granddaughter also care for disabled in their homes.

Because of all the added responsibilities I have not been publishing as much as I used to. You can review my work under the name @r2cornell.

I see @mariita52 told you a little of my community hive-152200, so I do not need to repeat her words. You are more than welcome to publish in Spanish, English, or both. My desire with the community is to help users of all stages get curated and hopeful noticed by their wonderful work.

I have moved most of my steem power to @dsc-r2cornell and @scilwa, which are part of my curation project. I have several people curating for me because of my time constraints. Two are from your beautiful country.

Bienvenido a Steemit @panflor. Leí su introducción con mucho placer. Es un placer conocer a alguien que es mayor que yo. Tengo casi 68 años.

Me identifico con lo que el trabajo duro de la agricultura puede hacer a nuestros cuerpos a lo largo de los años. Hace tiempo que dejé la agricultura, pero sigo trabajando la tierra a menor escala, aunque mi esposa no siempre está de acuerdo en que sea pequeña. Con el reciente aumento del costo de los alimentos y la escasez, decidí expandir mi jardín para alimentar mejor a mi familia, a mi hija y a mis nietas.

Me ocupo de los discapacitados en mi casa, así como de mi esposa, cuya salud ha ido decayendo a lo largo de los años. Mi hija y mi nieta también cuidan a los discapacitados en sus casas.

Debido a todas las responsabilidades añadidas no he estado publicando tanto como antes. Pueden revisar mi trabajo bajo el nombre de @r2cornell.

I see @mariita52 told you a little of my community hive-152200, so I do not need to repeat @mariita52's words. You are more than welcome to publish in Spanish, English, or both. My desire with the community is to help users of all stages get curated and hopefully get noticed for their wonderful work.

He trasladado la mayor parte de mi potencia de steem a @dsc-r2cornell y @scilwa, que son parte de mi proyecto de curación. Tengo varias personas curando para mí debido a mis limitaciones de tiempo. Dos son de su hermoso país, Venezuela.


Hello @r2cornell. The harmonious and energetic tuning of those of us who water the land with the sweat of agricultural work is as magical as it is great. Whenever I have the opportunity to meet and talk to someone who dedicates part of his or her life to generating plant or animal life as part of the production of food for humanity, I am filled with happiness. Agriculture is a strong yet wonderful job. Also, I practice the activity on a smaller scale in my backyard because it is part of my life and I can not ignore the crops.

Your support and position of defense in the face of the unwanted situation where my second publication was silenced, is an act of solidarity that I will always keep in mind; my gratitude for such a courageous position. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

I appreciate very much the invitation you have made me to your beehive community 152200, as you say, @mariita52 made me a cordial invitation and introduction about the curatorial project. You are sowing love and hope in every author who receives your friendly support. My daughter, @flores39, has told me about your work; she wonders how you manage to cure so much content. Soon I will be publishing in your community and integrating myself more to the activities that are carried out in Steemit.

To close, I understand your situation about caring for family members with a disability. My oldest son has a pathological epileptic condition; however, he has led his life with some normality, studied and became a professional, works and develops some activities on his own; although my son @ulisesfl17 has had to be moved urgently to places where he has suffered convulsions and loses consciousness. He is about to receive a special disability pension. He is an active, intelligent and very noble person; he will soon be part of this valuable community.

Greetings, friend.

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