CONTEST! //Psychology// ''Crazy Little Thing''// Week 2 // Results of week 1// 10 % to @steem-bru

in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA)3 years ago

Greetings to everybodyl! A week has passed, which means it's time for the next psychological test-contest.


The tests that I publish belong to the category of associative tests. They help a person to learn a lot about himself and about his attitude to the world, but do not take them too seriously, because it's just a game of fantasy. So, here's today's task:

Write a short story using the words: Gardener, garden, bear, forest, river, flowers, key. Let me remind you that you do not need to think long over the answers, the first association is the most correct and most accurately reflects your ideas.

Why do I call it a contest? Because besides the fact that you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself , you will also have the opportunity to get bonus STEEMs for original and unusual stories.

Just vote under the comment of the participant you like. We will count the number of upvotes and the 3 most interesting comments will receive prize STEEM. This time the prize pool is slightly increased.


I also reserve the right to award 2 more participants with bonuses in the amount of 3 STEEM each, in case the stories of the participants stand out for their originality.

The Rules Of the Contest:

  1. Write your answers in the comments under this post, not in a separate post.

  2. Upvote for some other participant under his comment, so that we have the opportunity to choose the winner together. This is obligatory.

  3. Comment language: English/Russian.

  4. Comments are accepted until 20 October 2021 inclusive. Then psychological explanations and transcripts of your answers will be given.

Well, now I'm ready to announce the transcript and the winners of the 1st part of the psychological test-contest which was held last week. A lot of people responded, and I am grateful to you all. This was the first contest organized by me in my favourite Steem-BRU community.

The transcript will be of a general nature. You need to analyze carefully your answers and place your own accents in order to interpret the explanations of the test correctly. For example, only you know how aggressive the animal which you met was. How fragile was the cup you found. How cozy was the house you entered.

So, explanations:

  1. The person or animal you are walking along the road with is most important to you in life. If you go alone, it means your egocentricity, you are most interested in yourself, or you do not feel the support of other people enough to appreciate it.

  2. The animal that comes your way is your problems and your attitude to them. Evaluate for yourself how big this animal is, how aggressive and dangerous it is for you. If it scares you, then these are your fears that you need to work on. If this is a mythical creature, then these are your fantasies and your desires.

  3. The way you behave when you meet an animal shows how you solve your problems in life. (Ignore them, avoid them, just passively observe or actively fight).

  4. In the question about the house, many people colorfully painted it. But the question was about the size. The size of the house shows your desire to solve your problems. If there are windows and doors in your house, this indicates the search for a solution to the problem.

5.The fence or the lack of it. The absence of a fence indicates your openness towards people. You are always glad to see them. If there is a fence, then it is closeness. You don't like it when people come to you without warning.

  1. If you didn't see flowers, food, people in your house, it means that you are not so happy.

  2. The cup. The material of which the cup is made indicates your perception of the person from point 1. If the material is fragile, then your relationship is fragile. And if it's metal or plastic, then the relationship is strong. An old cup indicates a long-standing habit and attachment to this person. If the cup is cracked, broken, then it symbolizes resentment.

  3. Your actions with the cup show how you behave with this person. Find the keyword in your description about the cup.

  4. The size of the water reservoir is your erotic desires and fantasies.

  5. If you are very wet in the pond, then these erotic desires are very important to you.

And now to the winners!

1ST PLACE and 4 STEEM- @mikebo31

2ND PLACE and 3 STEEM - @susana13

3RD PLACE and 2 STEEM- @lilia737

I also want to mention the stories: @qwerrie (the most elegant), @dulcem05 (very beautiful), @notannov (very funny) @soroka74 (very creative) and reward these participants with 2 STEEM bonuses.

Thank you @mikebo31 @lilia737 @papi.mati @susana13 @jomarlys @galca @minah123 @irvillam10 @benisnice @eternaldreamer @vlad26 @olgasi @magnata @teranha @qwerrie @dulcem05 @notannov @karelis33 @strawberrry @quiaratiby @liutik @veronika1954 @soroka74

We are waiting for your stories in the 2nd part of psychological tests!

Приветствую всех! Прошла неделя, а это значит наступило время следующего психологического теста-конкурса. Тесты, которые я публикую, относятся к категории ассоциативных. Они помогают человеку узнать много нового о себе и о его отношении к миру, но не воспринимайте их слишком серьёзно, ведь это всего лишь игра фантазии. Итак, вот сегодняшнее задание:

Напишите короткую историю, используя слова: Садовник, сад, медведь, лес, река, цветы, ключ. Напомню, что не нужно долго думать над ответами, первая ассоциация-самая верная и наиболее точно отражает ваши представления.

Почему же я называю это конкурсом? Потому что помимо того, что вы узнаете много интересного о себе и о других, у вас будет также возможность получить бонусные STEEM за оригинальные и необычные истории.

Просто проголосуйте под комментарием того участника, который вам понравился. Мы подсчитаем количество голосов и 3 самых интересных комментария получат призовые STEEM. На этот раз призовой фонд немного увеличен.




Я также оставляю за собой право наградить еще 2 участников бонусами в размере 3 STEEM каждый, в случае, если истории участников будут выделяться своей необычностью.

Условия конкурса:

  1. Пишите ваши ответы в комментариях под этим постом , а не отдельным постом.

  2. Проголосуйте за какого-то другого участника под его комментарием, так чтобы у нас была возможность всем вместе выбрать победителя. Это обязательное условие!

  3. Язык комментария: английский/русский.

  4. Комментарии принимаются до 20/10/2021 включительно. Затем будут даны психологические пояснения и расшифровки ваших ответов.

Ну, а теперь я готова огласить расшифровку и победителей 1 части психологического-теста конкурса, проходившего на прошлой неделе. Откликнулось очень много человек, и я благодарна вам всем. Это был Первый конкурс, организованный мной в моём родном сообществе Steem-BRU.

Расшифровка будет общего характера. Вам нужно внимательно проанализировать свои ответы и самостоятельно расставить акценты, для того, чтобы правильно трактовать объяснения теста. Например, только вы знаете, насколько агрессивен был зверь, которого вы встретили. Насколько хрупкой была чашка, которуювы нашли. Насколько уютным был дом, в который вы вошли.

Итак, объяснения:

  1. Человек или животное, с которым вы идёте по дороге, наиболее важен для вас в жизни. Если вы идёте один- то это обозначает вашу эгоцентричность, вас больше всего интересуете вы сами, или вы не чувствуете поддержки других людей настолько, чтобы её оценить.

  2. Зверь, который встречается на вашем пути- это ваши проблемы и ваше отношение к ним. Оцените сами, насколько большой этот зверь, насколько он агрессивен и опасен для вас. Если он пугает вас- то это ваши страхи, над которыми вам нужно работать. Если это мифическое существо- то это ваши фантазии и ваши желания.

    1. То, как вы ведёте себя при встрече со зверем показывает то, как вы решаете ваши проблемы в жизни. (Игнорируете их, избегаете, просто пассивно наблюдаете или активно боретесь).
  3. В вопросе про дом многие красочно его расписали. Но вопрос был именно про размер. Размер дома показывает ваше стремление решить ваши проблемы. Если в вашем доме есть окна и двери –это указывает на поиск решения проблемы.

  4. Забор или его отсутствие. Отсутствие забора говорит о вашей открытости по отношению к людям. Вы всегда им рады. Если есть забор, то это закрытость. Вы не любите, когда люди без предупреждения заходят к вам.

  5. Если в вашем доме вы не увидели цветов, еды, людей, это означает, что вы не так уж и счастливы.

  6. Чашка. Тот материал, из которого сделана чашка, указывает на ваше восприятие человека из пункта 1. Если материал хрупкий, то и ваши отношения хрупкие. А если это металл или пластик- то отношения прочные. Старая чашка указывает на давнюю привычку и привязанность к этому человеку. Если чашка с трещинами, разбитая,-то это символизирует обиды.

  7. Ваши действия с чашкой показывают то, как вы ведёте себя с этим человеком. Найдите ключевой слово в вашем описании про чашку.

  8. Размер водоёма- это ваши эротические желания и фантазии.

  9. Если вы в водоёме сильно замочились, то эти эротические желания очень важны для вас.

Ну, а теперь к победителям!

1 МЕСТО и 4 STEEM- @mikebo31

2 МЕСТО и 3 STEEM – @susana13

3 МЕСТО и 2 STEEM- @lilia737

Я также хочу отметить истории: @qwerrie (самая изящная), @dulcem05 (очень красиво), @notannov (очень забавно) @soroka74 (очень творчески) и наградить этих участников бонусами в 2 STEEM.

Благодарю @mikebo31 @lilia737 @papi.mati @susana13 @jomarlys @galca @minah123 @irvillam10 @benisnice @eternaldreamer @vlad26 @olgasi @magnata @teranha @qwerrie @dulcem05 @notannov @karelis33 @strawberrry @quiaratiby @liutik @veronika1954 @soroka74

Ждём ваших историй во 2 части психологических тестов!


10 % от выплаты с этого поста отчисляю на аккаунт @steem-bru .

Hope to see the support of @steemingcurators, @steemcurator01 и @steemcurator06. Thank you in advance!


The gardener was exhausted from decades of doing the same, wanting to start over without knowing how, on the other side of the garden he observed a small bear hiding in the bushes, following him he moved in the forest mirror, he walked and walked until he reached the small river and he was surprised to see the beautiful flowers that surrounded him. The spectacular sight of him made her realize that if it mattered when he could take back the reins of his life and do what he wanted, the key that would open the door to his happiness was always in his hands.

Very well I loved how you carried the narration.

that was touchy, loved the story and it had an unexpected ending

Hello @pelusa, I really liked your story.
Like the gardener, many of us sometimes in our lives get tired of doing the same. The routine is introduced. But we ourselves have the key, the power to change that situation. And change any negative feelings for what makes us feel good.
Luck in the contest!!

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participation! Nice story.

 3 years ago (edited)

Где-то там, за рекой, за рекой, за холмами и горами, за густым лесом и ротой, построившейся на вечерней проверке, заходило солнце. Вслед уходящему свету и теплу махали рукой садовник, яблони в саду, цветы в горшках, пёс Мефистофель, кот Сцуко, мышь Ерофеевна, муха Сюзанна и медведь Анастасия в цветастом переднике с гаечным ключом наперевес. И так это было мило, уютно и по домашнему, что садовник даже пустил скупую мужскую слюну.

  • О-хо-хо-нюшки, горе ты моё. И где и когда ты успел так нажраться? - сказа медведь Анастасия голосам жены. - Ведь всего-то в гараж сходил, пока я детей спать укладывала...
    Садовник хотел сказать, что это не он, что жизнь его печальна и полна скорби, что никаких отношений с медведЯми он никогда не имел, даже если и собирался, что колибри в этом году восхитительны с кетчупом и сметаной, и что свет заходящего солнца над рядами бритых солдатских затылков - это самое прекрасное, что он видел за последнюю неделю, и, собравшись с силами, помня, что краткость - сестра таланта, он вложил все это в одну ёмкую фразу:
  • Ыыыаааэээээ...
  • Восхитительно. - Одобрило медведь. - гениально. Пошли спать тебя уложу.
    И садовник подчинился.
    Потому что с медведями лучше не спорить. Особенно когда их гаечный ключ снят с предохранителя и смотрит на тебя в упор сиреневыми глазами.
 3 years ago 

Прям "Яблонька Гремучая" Зеленского...

 3 years ago 

Судя по расшифровке партнер Анастасия с гаечным ключом таки существует))). Вы и в самом деле никогда не спорите со своим партнёром?

Не до конца понятно , ключ на сколько ?

 3 years ago (edited)

Ключ калибра 7.62 под патрон НАТО. :Р
Когда у неё такой ключ, спорить нельзя. Надо соглашаться.

 3 years ago 

Ничего не понятно , но очень интересно...

 3 years ago 

Прикольно. Прям художественное произведение!

 3 years ago 

это ваш еще один страшный сон из соседнего конкурса?)))

 3 years ago 

скорее, он что-то себе в энергетики подсыпает.
что-то экстремистское.

 3 years ago 

Садовник, сад, медведь, лес, река, цветы, ключ

Посадил Садовник растения в Саду, были они там самые разнообразные и плодовые деревья и кустарник. В том числе росла спелая малина. И вот на ту зрелую малину пришел в этот Сад Медведь, попробовал он ее, но по вкусу она отличалась от той, что росла в Лесу, красивая, но не такая ароматная. Решил он вернуться в Лес. Пришлось ему пройти через Реку. Рядом с ней росли Цветы – такие простые, но красивые полевые цветы – васильки да ромашки, а неподалеку журчала вода, это из под земли бил родниковый Ключ…, он и питал вокруг все цветы и растения, оттого они были необычно свежи, а лесная малина – ароматна.

 3 years ago 

Как гармонично написано! Спасибо за участие!)

Excellent friend who well interpreted the narration and how the raspberries were lucky.

Ого, я выиграл, ничего себе, всем проголосовавшим респект и уважуха)))

Получается в моей жизни самый главный человек это повернутый ко мне спиной неизвестный велосипедист в коричневой футболке... мдааа)))

Садовник, сад, медведь, лес, река, цветы, ключ.

Садовник вышел в сад достал свои гигантские ножницы и начал подстригать кусты с розами.

В другой параллельной вселенной медведь из первой истории, которого я встретил, продолжает стоять на месте, рычать на всех, но его игнорируют. Находится он в хвойном лесу, а ключа нигде нет.

  • Где же этот золотой ключ, Буратино? - спросил медведь
  • Бро, я не знаю, поищи в кустах с розами, в цветах он где-то будет, мне некогда, мне нужно искать реку, я же полено. Я туда должен прыгнуть и бревнышком поплыть к горам, - закнчил свою речь Буратино.

Никто из них не обратил внимание, что солнце превратилось в гигантский ключ.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Прямо Ричард Бах, параллельные вселенные), спасибо, класс!)

There was a beautiful garden that was tended by a gardener whose family gave him the keys to their house so that he could work there and he gained the trust of that family and they allowed him to settle there.
As every day the gardener watered his beautiful flowers with water from the river where he made an irrigation system and one day he noticed that some of his flowers were all destroyed and he remained vigilant to see what or who it was that destroyed his flowers.
The other day he went to the forest in the afternoon to see what he could see and he found a bear and he was scared but he got brave and faced the bear and got closer to it and he saw that the bear did not come over him and did not act, and when he was closer to him the bear jumped on him and started playing or inviting him to play with him and the bear hugged him and so did the gardener and it turned out that it was a playful bear and that is why he destroyed the flowers.
Then he takes him to the yard of the house and the gardener starts talking to the bear as if he understood and told him to take care of the flowers in his beautiful garden.

Greetings and blessings.

loved this, it could be the start for a series of kids stories, for real

Thank you I'm glad you liked it have a happy evening.

Hi @quiaratiby

I liked your story a lot because it tells us that in life we ​​cannot allow ourselves to be paralyzed or overcome by fear. Sometimes we do not dare to do something because we assume that it can be dangerous without realizing that it could also be something that can bring us benefits or make us happy, like the bear that made the gardener happy. This one got a friend, sympathy and the solution to the problem of his flowers.


Thank you my friend, I am glad you liked it, and that is how you express what I mean, you have to overcome fears and obstacles and you have to face them. Blessings.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participation!Wonderful and unusual relations with a bear!)

Blessed day thank you. Greetings success.


I've never been a Gardener in my whole life, but there she was, my best friend, Natalia, who saw me treating her flowers last time and somehow she liked it and offered me to take care of her garden. I'm not going to lie: she has a big garden in her backyard and in the front yard and it really needs some good care, and somehow she thinks i'm the right person to do it.

"Just trust yourself" she kept saying to me "You'll do it right". One of the things i like the most from her is that she trusts me far much more than i trust myself, well, she's lovely, beautiful and she knows how to use her sweet charming on me. Lets say she has the key to my heart, and all i hope is someday she realizes that i already belong to her.

So that's how i started working with her on that huge garden. She has flowers: roses, lillies, chrysantemuns and even tulips. In her backyard she had some fruits, mostly berries. She had so many that i used to make funny jokes about a bunch of funny bears making lines just to grab a few.

Her grass needed to be cut and after a couple of days everything was tidy and clean. That evening i sat with her in the porch while we were sharing some tea and cookies she made. The cups were decorated with some forest scenary or at least that was my impression. She looked so gorgeous on that white dress she had, and while we were talking, i asked her if she would go next weekend to visit that restaurant by the river we saw a few days back and she said yes, that she's glad that i asked. Oh yeah, that's what i was expecting, i'm going to take my chances and tell her about my feelings when we get there. Oh yes Natalia, this is going to be my opportunity.

Woow, I loved your entry. A story where you praise the importance of trust in the other. the support of the loved one, knowing that the other appreciates our worth above our own perception. Sometimes we have no idea how valuable we are to others and how much trust we can generate in them.
A lovely love story

Thanks Irvillam, glad you liked it

An interesting story. I love it. The impression is like a story in a romantic film about the love story of two humans who crave the presence of their true love. They both understand and support each other. They try to make their lover happy, treat her gently and with love. Hopefully we all get the same thing in real life...

yeah brother, i've been into a romantic streak lately

I think a romantic atmosphere makes life more beautiful and gives full energy to live this life...

Muy linda tu entrada, una historia de amor y de confianza

Gracias Susana

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participation! That is a great story!

Thanks Alena, greetings from Venezuela

 3 years ago 

You are welcome!)

There was a gardener who needs to upgrade his garden. He needs something new and better for his garden . The first thing that came up into his mind is to make his garden be like a beautiful forest with lots of trees and birds. So he took out his car key to go to the nearby forest to collect wild flowers and seedlings of trees .
On his way to the middle of the forest he had to pass by a river . He doubt he can make it to the other side because the current was so strong. But as he look upon the river , there are big stones with roots of some trees on it. Maybe he can hold to those roots. He uttered a short prayer phrase before he continue his journey. While he was in the middle of the river, a bear is waiting for him to reach the edge. The gardener now is more tensed and do not know what to do. He wanted to go back his way. But before he could decide, he slipped his hands from holding on to the rocks and he was carried by the strung current of the river. From a distance the gardener could see that he will fall into a deeper part of the river if he would be carried into the river's end, and for sure he will break into pieces. As he was struggling not to reach the rivers end a strong force of hand pulled him to the edge of the river , it was the bear ,now his life will be more dangerous. The nature really left him with no choices at all but to receive his death. Then he fainted.
After almost an hour the gardener woke from someone licking his face and it was the bear. Would this bear eat him now? No , the bear just stare at him like a friendly big dog. He wanted to get up and run but his knees seemed injured.
Until he heard a sound of a car that seemed familiar. Then people talking, When he glanced at some corner where there was the bear, there is no one in there.
The gardener was taken to the hospital . He waited for any news about the bear who saved his life but there was no sign at all.
This ends my story about the Gardener. Thank you for your kindness and God bless.

Believe it or not, sometimes bears behave like the one you just wrote in your tale. I loved your story and just in the middle i was hoping it would have a happy ending for the gardener. I wasn't wrong.

Great story!

I love happy endings sir,😊

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participation! That is a lovely story!

You're welcome sir

I was one spring morning in my country house, I went for a walk in the forest that is around my house and like every morning I walked to the river to enjoy the cold water and the beautiful landscape that there is in that place.
After spending a while in that place I got ready to go home, in the distance I saw a mother bear playing with hers, two of her cubs, running around, growling and jumping happily. I loved being able to enjoy the miracles of nature. When I got home I noticed that the gardener was planting some new colorful flowers in my garden. Not only did they give joy for their beautiful colors but they impregnated the environment with a delicious aroma.
I was happy to see how my garden was looking and when I wanted to go home to make my coffee, what was my surprise? I left the keys in the river.

Muy linda la historia, siempre es bueno disfrutar las maravillas que nos ofrece la naturaleza y más aún poder observar a una madre jugueteando con sus cachorros.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participation! You told a nice story!

Nice Tuesday everyone, here I present my entry

Ulysses was the most beloved gardener in town because his garden was one of the most beautiful in the region. All the children ran alongside him when he walked towards the river with his jar to collect pure water to water his beautiful flowers: gladiolas, roses, orchids and lilies.
One day they were going through the forest that they were crossing to reach the river very happy, laughing, singing and whistling and suddenly they heard a moan from an animal. At first the children were very scared but Ulysses the gardener calmed them down and told them not to worry, he would be in charge of investigating what was happening.
He walked a small path and saw a cub that was trapped in a hole made in the ground and the little bear was crying because he could not get out of there. The gardener called the children to help him remove the bear and together they managed to remove it. Guess what? As expected, the bear ran to meet his mother, but not before looking at his new friends with gratitude.
Ulysses, who always had a phrase to say to the children, told them: ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT HELPING YOUR NEIGHBOR IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS.

I loved your entry, very funny and with a life lesson. On the importance of being empathetic and helping others

Gracias por leerme. me alegra que te haya gustado mi entrada

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participation! A nice story and I like the conclusion of it!

Nice thursday. I really like the contests you organize. Thanks for reading me and for your appreciation

 3 years ago 

Спасибо за приз!

 3 years ago 


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