Contest: Blood tests

Hello my dear Steemians,
Today while trying to issue this post it was by mistake posted in "Steem POD Team" community, because it was place where I did my last post and I did not pay attention to it. That is why I have deleted it there and posting it now in "Healthy Steem" Community.
I would like to invite you to the contest that is running by @khursheedanwar and if you would like to have a look, here is the link:
When we talk about diseases we know that we can get much information from the blood tests, it is like an inner eye that reflects what is happening inside of us. There are few tests that are basic and that are always will be done no matter what the patient has, let’s have a look at those ones and we will start with Full Blood Count or FBC.
Full Blood Count belongs to haematological test and will give us a lot of information about if there is any anaemia, if there is any infection or if there is any clotting problem.
1 Haemoglobin (Hb) is one of the protein of red cells that carries oxygen to the whole body, we know that oxygen is a driving power that our cells need for normal functioning. If there is not enough of Hb then we feel lack of oxygen, the causes:
- bleeding, that is loss of volume of blood red cells and subsequently not enough Haemoglobin. The symptoms will be our heart will start to race to compensate the low volume of blood, we will feel dizzy when upright, have shortness of breath because our lungs have to oxygenate the red cells that will be transported quicker throughout the body that is why lungs have to work faster too. If at this stage bleeding is not stopped then a person can die.
- chronic anaemia, when we do not loose blood quickly but still the amount of blood produced is not enough or that we slowly loosing blood, like in the case of any tumour disease, chronic inflammatory process or parasites
2.White Blood Count (WBC) is an important inflammatory marker, if it is elevated that means that there is an inflammatory process in the body like appendicitis, flu, sepsis but also leukaemia or blood cancer. If WBC is low that also can be a sign of infection, often viral infection or very advanced, after chemotherapy, immunosuppression, blood cancer like lymphoma, other conditions when WBC are destroyed quicker than they are produced.
3.Platelets, are blood cells that help blood to clot when there is bleeding. If the count is low it can be a sign of chronic liver disease, large spleen that destroys platelets quicker, after chemotherapy. If the amount of platelets are high that is also a sign of condition when body produces a large number of platelets the cause is unclear, sometimes it is after removal of spleen. In the case of acute bleeding the body tries to compensate it building cells. Some type of cancers.
4.Kidney function test is very important test that helps us to make sure that our kidneys work normally and removing all the toxins, that keeps us full of energy and happy and we have nice colour of our skin. Once there is a problem with kidneys then our skin turns into grey-pale colour and it is obvious picture of retaining of toxins in our body. Acute kidney injury happens in the case of dehydration, sepsis, obstruction of ureters that could cause mechanical obstruction of kidneys
5.Liver function tests are important tests to know how our other centre for detoxification of blood works, the tests will show if our liver is working well in production of new blood cells and destruction of old cells, how the blood proteins are build and also nutrients. Depending on what test is elevated we can differentiate between:
- liver and bile duct cancer or tumour diseases
- liver cirrhosis
- infection
- mechanical obstruction due to stricture of bile ducts or gallstones
- autoimmune diseases
In my opinion this palette of test will give us a good picture of what is happening inside of us.
I would like to invite following users @dequeen, @memamun, @sitaraindaryas for the contest.

In a situation where you are not bleeding or have chronic anaemia, why do asthmatics patients still suffer shortages in breath?? Is the heart not producing enough red blood cells in the body?
Asthma is a pulmonary disorder it has nothing to do with red blood cells production. The inner lining of lungs is destroyed which causes less oxygen to pass. This occurs due to fluid accumulation in lungs walls which lessens it's capacity and thus shortage of breath occurs.
Thanks for the clarifications..
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